If the vote counting ever ends, and Joe Biden wins, he’ll face a Republican-controlled Senate, and a stronger G.O.P. caucus in the House. Any dreams related to court packing, fracking, or new green deals will die on Mitch McConnell’s doorstep. But it President Trump wins reelection, he’ll pick up a powerful tailwind.
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Bill Whittle Network · Biden’s Screwed: No Matter the Election Outcome Things are About to Get Worse for Sleepy Joe
28 replies on “Biden’s Screwed: No Matter the Election Outcome Things are About to Get Worse for Sleepy Joe”
“Thinking” pertaining to a Democratic Socialist (OXYMORON) and their Party of INSANITY and ANTI-Americanism is a totally an impossibility, Oh Yeah. 71MILLION Cast their Votes for President Trump, 71,000,000 LEGALLY.
As of November 15, 2020, the NEW Democratic Socialist (OXYMORON) Party is demonstrating to ALL America what the “ fundamental transformation of America” looks like in Real Time as demanded by THE IDEOLOGY.
When Donald Trump is LEGALLY recognized by the Supreme Court as the Constitutionally elected winner of the Election, he will continue toMAKE AMERICA GREAT and even GREATER.
At this point, I disagree w/ Scott’s premise (and agree w/ Bill).
MSM is asking us to visualize a Biden presidency, asking, is this really so bad? Visualizing is but one step along the path to accepting this prediction as reality, and going with the flow, kind of like we did in 2008 with Obama. And Obama did one hell of a lot of damage to our country and government.
So, is this really so bad? Yes!
I just don’t think that a Biden presidency would have ANY problems turning those swamp creatures in the Senate to turn out in favor of the Biden admin. There are republicans who have been greatly disturbed by Trump, such as Romney, and they’ll be all too happy to dive right back into the swamp with the Democrats. There will be massive amounts of money swapping hands, and they’ll revert back to who they were before Trump herded them into the right direction. The Senate isn’t ours. It’s merely possible that Biden would be a lame duck, but I doubt that he’ll have much trouble in that regard.
Two specific men that I think right now will revert to their old ways, are Graham and McConnell. And they are two of the most important voices. I don’t trust them, I never have, and they’ll revert right back to their swamp creature ways. Trump’s gone, so no one can spank their butts anymore, and hold them to a higher standard.
I know.
Yes, and the Biden campaign is already sucking up to Romney, who would love to help them reverse the great changes Trump has made – tax cuts, fewer regulations, higher employment (especially of minorities – which the Left needs to keep on welfare so they remain under their thumb).
Steve, I’m pretty sure that the level of fraud going forward will be insurmountable if the Dems are able to pull this off. Throw in the structural changes they’ll make and only DC approved Rs will ever win again.
My fear as well. If this level of fraud proves successful for the Dems, we may nevber see another free, honest, legal election again – unless there is a War Against Leftist Aggression.
Scott- the hobbles in question are the GOPe in the Senate and SCOTUS.
Are we sure that they won’t decide to return the mean and try to get along as they did pre-Trump.
Without Trump’s fire, will they actually hold the line. It sounds good in theory, in practice . . . see Ryan, Paul.
Boehner (who had a “man-crush” on Obama) and Ryan gave the Dems everything they wanted. They weren’t even RINOs, just Democrats sitting on the wrong side of the aisle. Romney, Collins, and RINOs would shift to the Democrat camp if Trump isn’t re-elected. McConnell and Graham will certainly knuckle under if Trump isn’t there to hold their feet to the fire.
If Biden has problems will he ever know?
If President Trump the 45th President loses this election he will become the 47th President of the United States of America.
Michael, if they get away with the level of fraud they have engaged in this time, what makes you think Trump could prevail in the following general election against their fraud, especially since they may be able to pack the SCOTUS between now and then?
Trump’s no spring chicken, either.
Bill, I’ll watch your six on that hill
Scott I love ya. You’re always so eloquent and no one can wrap a segment with such passion. But I’d like to see a little more fire in you right now. I know your faith gives you a calm. I know Jesus is King. But sometimes I’d like to see you get riled up. If not now then when? Anyway, you 3 are the best.
Agreed. Scott, even Jesus flipped over tables in the temple =8^)
The thumbnail of biden looks like he has devil horns/eye brows.
I never thought I’d even see the day I’d entertain the thought, but if we’ve reached the point where our votes LITERALLY don’t matter, we may very well be at the point where our only recourse is by and through the second amendment. Granted, I am NOT promoting that at this time, but you have to wonder how far we are from the point of the king imposing a tax on us without any actual representation in the parliament. Sound familiar?
One thing I will say, however, is that if this goes to the Supreme Court and the Court invalidates the Biden votes and effectively cements Trump’s victory, there will be riots, but at this point, I don’t care.
As Stalin famously said, “It doesn’t matter who casts the votes, but who counts them.”
There are already riots. Bring em’.
Livid? You should be, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv6GTQUE6nw (I shouldn’t need to say this but I am not fully endorsing everything in this video but it does offer much food for thought)
That lady is bat (guano) crazy, which is a shame becasue those parts overshadowed the good points that she made.
I can’t watch the above video, youtube requires me to ‘sign in’, and I’ve never never signed in to youtube (for subscriptions or any other purpose!)…
Do you have a bit chute version or anything else to offer?
It’s all fine and dandy to stand on ideological grounds and say “I’m not even going to consider a Biden win” but it’s also irresponsible to fail to face the possibility.
If Biden wins … Biden will not be able to keep any of his campaign promises without the help of the Senate. Even so things will get worse under Biden policies. This includes street violence against those the Left views as “obstructionist”:. That would be us who they view as standing between them and their Free Stuff Utopia.
There will be four more years to engineer another voter fraud scheme to put another Democrat (or Biden again, if he still has two brain cells — out of his current four — to rub together by then) into the White House. Without the White House and lacking a super-majority veto override in the Senate no laws can or will be passed to prevent any of this.
In this scenario we are caught in a downward spiral on the horns of a dilemma. Things will perforce get worse before they get better and there is always the looming threat of elections so rigged that no matter what the actual views of flesh-and-blood Americans are … We will not be able to overcome that sort of threat. If Biden wins, that is proof this is so because it will already have happened..
In every fictional future representation I’ve ever read where a totalitarian Elite takes political control of America they still vigorously maintain the illusion of valid elections. There’s a reason why authors use this scenario so regularly. The fiction of free and open elections gives the “proles”, “cogs”, or whatever label used to represent the Common Man hope that things can get better … After the next election. So elections are held with regularity and “better” never quite arrives.
Hope for the best but plan for the worst. Do what you need to do, within the law, to protect yourself and your investments. Time may be a factor and limited. Keep your head down and your powder dry. Good luck to you all and God Bless you.
Scott, I have to go against you on this one. What we have in the left is an external factor that your analogy doesn’t account for: a horse thief who aims to take off the hobbles and run the horse roughshod over our protesting, and then dead, bodies.
Would removal of Big Tech’s Section 30 protection be sufficient to rein them in?
Right now, my thinking is that as long as they retain that protection then they have a government sanction and they’re subject to anti-trust law. (Companies with no government sanction should never be subject to anti-trust law.) That means it’s perfectly fine to break them up. Without that sanction, they face a market where they can be sued and there’s a possibility that they will shrink down to content providers like every other such company with user comments available. (Such as BillWhittle.com.)
I’m not committed to this view because I haven’t looked into it deeply. Ideas?