BW Member Blog

Bill Whittle Now: A Review of Scott Ott

Today’s Bill Whittle Now about President Trump received a few comments about Scott Otto’s role in the series. In the videos, Scott plays the adversary, offering questions and perspectives from the liberal/left viewpoint, which Bill counters with his conservative perspective.

Most of the time, the dialogue between the two is quite civil, with both representing their sides with measured delivery. There are times, though, when Bill can get heated, even outright angry, about the points Scott makes. However, Bill has made it clear that there is no ill will between them, even stating in a recent video that Scott is “the finest man I know.”

I have no doubt that Scott’s role as a liberal is difficult for him because he, of course, is not a member of the left. In fact, as an evangelical Christian, Scott embodies what the left hates, possibly above all else. He doesn’t agree with the positions he has to represent and taking a contrary stance not an easy thing for anyone to do. It’s essential for properly addressing issues, though. Known as “steel-manning,” the goal is to fully understand a debate opponent’s views so that one doesn’t engage in the frequently seen logical fallacy called the “straw man,” where one offers up an incorrect interpretation of that opponent’s view and argues against that.

One of the comments on today’s video accused Scott of being part of the “insane left of left.” While that is a sad mischaracterization of Scott’s role, it does raise the question of how well Scott performs that role. The commenter clearly took Scott to agree with and support the left, which suggests that he is too good at his acting. I disagree.

Scott actually does a poor job representing the left. He presents his questions and debate points using the most rational possible reasoning for them. That’s nothing like the left, who abandoned reason long, long ago.

About 15 years ago, philosopher Harry Binswanger said, “Today’s left is nothing but a snarl.” That has certainly been true at least since George W Bush’s election in 2000, and likely since FDR or even the beginning of the Progressive Era in the 1890s. There are no facts, logic, or reason behind today’s left. Unfortunately, Scott is too intelligent and rational to be able to represent that in the videos. I think he does a terrible job being the howling beast that the left has become. And I’m extremely glad to see that.

5 replies on “Bill Whittle Now: A Review of Scott Ott”

Spot on Michael. I have tremendous admiration for what both Scott and Bill do in these videos. It never ceases to amaze me when members mistake Scott’s performance for his actual views.

It can’t be easy for Scott to put forward views he profoundly dissagrees with. If anything, he does it better and more effectively than many of the drooling, snarling creatures of the actual left these days as he is always calm and reasonable.

It clearly gets to Bill, he can be very heated at times, genuinely so. Having these points coming at him from a man he likes and respects greatly must make it all the harder. It’s always hard when we dissagree with those closest to us.

Between them they do us an invaluable service. It’s easy enough to take the p**s out of the Mickey Mouse Marxists (but that’s no reason not to do it!). There is comfort in hearing others espousing views we hold ourselves, and we all need a little comfort, especially these days. It might not be as fun to watch but what Scott does by bowling hard questions at Bill is give us all some useful prep for when we talk with those who are not on the same political wavelength as ourselves, not so much lefties, but well meaning middle ground folk. We hear the left’s arguments, we hear Bill’s rebutals, Scott’s rebutals to Bill’s points and, when Bill loses it, as he sometimes does, we see the need to keep our own composure.

As David Pimental said, it’s sometimes hard to watch, I can’t think how hard it can sometimes be to do, but it’s useful work. There’s no magic bullet, it took decades to get where we are and getting back to a halfway sane politico/cultural scene won’t be quick. We can make political changes quite swiftly but without changing the culture we may as well not bother. We can’t all write books or make movies, but we can all positvely effect those around us by our conversation. By their example Scott and Bill help us do that, they deserve our thanks.

Michael, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. While I often find the shrill tone of many BWN episodes to be extremely uncomfortable, those members who besmirch Scott Ott for performing this detestable leftist role should just learn to accept it or move on.

It is not working. The left of left is still as strong as ever. They need to be attacked specifically for their errors and not just their endless word salads.

Your comments are as empty as the “word salad” you observe of the left. Nothing you’ve said here or elsewhere provide any subtantive solutions to the virus of the leftists. At least Scott Ott provides a sounding board for Bill to beat upon as practice for his fight against the leftist onslaught.
You are correct that “left is still as strong as ever,” but they are a foe that must be fought on all fronts — including the metaphoric “basic training” provided to Bill and his audience by “drill sergeant” Scott Ott.

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