The New York Times — the Grey Lady, the Paper of Record –went with the story of an intentional Israeli airstrike on a hospital in Gaza. Was there independent verification for a story of this magnitude?There was. It was confirmed by HAMAS, the people that concocted the story in the first place. With this single act of criminal negligence this fake atrocity has entered the history books, and much worse, it has entered the hearts and minds of Israel’s enemies as indisputable fact. Who knows how much more hatred and bloodshed this stunning irresponsibility will lead to?
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17 replies on “Blood on their Hands”
Think you know all of the damage the NY Times has caused?
ANY belief that the U.S. Leftist main-swine media has ANY interest in honesty is utterly delusional, at best.
That’s true but also obvious. The major problem isn’t that right thinking moral people are being deluded by the MSM, though they are they are also susceptible to the persuasive action of truth. When the truth is undeniable and if/when they discover it. In the case of that sort of people the crime of the MSM is deception in the hope that that discovery never occurs. In the information age that “never” thing is an impossibility and those people when deceived will discover the deception eventually. we see this reflected in the plummeting ratings of organizations like CNN.
The problem is that the MSM has discovered a profitable audience in those who want to be deluded. Not very profitable but enough to stay operational and still propagate the lies they favor.
Those who actually desire to know the truth are collateral damage. Lies have the issue of eventually reaching a limit on the number of people who want to be lied to.
This could be called a redux of the US bombings in Afghanistan/Iraq where the man was running around, seeming to show up at numerous bombing sites carrying the same baby body with the same pacifier hanging from the same neck cord. The body was bloating, and still he was shown screaming and shaking his fist at the skies. Far left hate mongering racist anti-good media. Their day will come.
The last time Jews had to hide in attics the world went to war.
Inflection point – maybe. Just not in the direction one would hope.
In this case the world wide reaction was as desired.
Even now, many, if not most, people still think 1 – that Israel had a bomb hit a hospital and 2 – that hundreds of people died. There is an old saw about lies and truth and pants. It holds here. The facts came later but were either ignored or not heard at all.
Recall that if one is on a descending slope, and the slope turns markedly steeper, that change in slope in also an inflection point.
So in a race to the bottom. the NYT is increasing their rate of descent.
Here’s an example of the caliber of sources the NYT uses.
And here is an uncomfortable question that I hate asking – knowing full well what the consequences of their “reporting” would accomplish, at what point do we consider this yellow journalism a weapon of war? Like I said, tough question and would have an insanely slippery slope, but how do we hold them accountable?
Don’t assume any sort of ignorance by the NY Slimes or any other Legacy media. This is where Brother Bob’s Razor applies perfectly:
“Never assume stupidity or political incompetence where pure malevolence is a perfectly good explanation.”
The NYT reporter who is inside Gaza is probably only secondarily a lover of A. Hitler, but almost certainly is primarily a hater of Jews!!!
I’m reminded how, early in our country’s existence, newspapers were paid shills for opposing politicians. Adams and Jefferson, Jackson and Adams, everyone knew, or at least suspected, they were reading claptrap. Today, with the over-arching power of the government, the media is PRAVDA, only the Russians know their media is lying, so I suspect it’s worse.
Did you mean “Palestine”, Bill? That’s what the Romans called Israel after they destroyed the second Temple.
This reminded me of the time Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney not paying his taxes. When confronted about his lie, Harry Reid said “He didn’t win, did he?”. To these kinds of unrepentant losers, the ends justify the means. It doesn’t matter that they lie, as long as they sway personal opinion.
Don’t get me started on Christine Blowsey Ford libeling Brett Kavanaugh
Oh, you’re right, I completely forgot about her. I see she’s now releasing a memoir in March 2024 with “riveting new details about the lead up” to her testimony in 2018. The timing is suspicious, why did she wait until the election year to release it? And do you think it will be categorized as “fiction”? 🙂
Wow. a memoir? I thought she had been exposed as a fraud. Can’t Kavanaugh sue?
to the lamestream, lying med i
An inflection point? No. They aren’t that clever.
Or self-aware.