Since I can’t hear the content, I decided to cancel my subscription. But, gee whiz. Apparently that isn’t possible.
Clicking the button results in this:
Right here would be the screen record I captured of the errors I get when trying to cancel my subscription and uploaded to youtube and then tried to insert via the instert media button… But apparently that isn’t a functional feature.
So to recap:
- Can’t hear the content because of changes made for folks who thought the content was too loud.
- Can’t cancel subscription because who knows why? Feature broken.
- Can’t “send us a note” from error page that won’t let me cancel subscription because that results in 404 page not found
- Maybe the “contact us” link sent a message to Scott maybe it didn’t. Haven’t gotten any sort of reply, but I think it might be safe to assume since nothing else I tried worked, that probably didn’t either.
- Can’t insert video in blog post to show the problem
10 replies on “Canceling subscription”
Sorry to see you go. I do have sound issues on one of my devices. I have two phones, a Motorola and an LG. The sound, using chrome on both, is fine on the Motorola but not on the LG (it’s somewhat muted), so I’m thinking it’s a problem with my one phone, not the site. I also have a Kindle in which the sound is fine as well.
I support this site for 2 reasons – 1) the community, I love reading the blog posts from everyone and learn much from everyone who posts. I also have the ability to communicate with other folks of like mind here, that I might not find elsewhere and 2) to support Bill, Scott and Steve so they can continue to get the message out, as it is so very important to do so. Right now this is the only site I support.
I’ve never had an issue with contacting anyone (usually Scott) and always have received a personal response within hours.
I wonder if he could resolve some of those issues by using a different browser? I’ve not had any issues with volume sliders or inserting videos into a post. It’s difficult to ensure everything works flawlessly with the number of browsers and devices that are out there.
Scott, if you ever need any help with testing, just let us know!
Robert, I will be glad to cancel your subscription, though sorry to see you go. I don’t understand why the volume adjustment slider on the lower left of each video window doesn’t work for you, but I’m sorry about that. A contractor is working right now to fix some problems created by other contractors that may affect the ability to alter your Membership through the website, but I get many emails through the contact form every day and respond to them…almost always within 24 hours. I’m sorry if I missed yours.
I work a full-time job in addition to my work with program production and the website. I’m writing you now during my lunch break. My employer’s network blocks me from cancelling your subscription from here, but I’ll do it when I’m home this evening. If you later decide you’d like to re-instate your Membership, just let me know. Again, I’m sorry for the difficulty, and any role I may have played in it.
Scott Ott
Yep. Cancel my subscription. I’m sorry to go too. When you three came to the end of PJ Media and launched this enterprise, I was more than happy to kick in a few bucks and I’ve been a loyal viewer of your content. Now, however, I have discovered my willingness to spend money is actually contingent on my ability to consume the content.
Your contractor should watch this video I posted to my youtube channel regarding the impossibility of canceling my own membership. And you should feel free to read the video description. I’ll delete the video in a few days when I think they’ve had enough time to have watched it.
Whenever you get your issue sorted out and you think I might be able to hear the content from my very normal and very widely used devices, send me an email and I’ll re-join.
Until then,
I wish you well.
p.s. there is no volume slider available in chrome on android pi watching videos on your website. the speaker icon only mutes or unmutes and there is absolutely no volume slider in the webplayer. … Some other websites produce a volume slider watching videos elsewhere. Watching your videos on youtube with the youtube app, there is a volume slider. But I’ll repeat: There is no volume slider to manipulate. You might chat with your contractor about that. I could guess what the deal is, but my guess might have less than a 50/50 of being right.
I have cancelled your Membership recurring payment agreement and issued a full refund for the most recent month.
I have also embedded the video that you tried to embed in your blog post above.
As I mentioned, we’re working on fixing the Account page features which were, essentially, sabotaged by incompetent contractors. We’re working with a new contractor who we hired through a different service that screens them, and offers a guarantee of performance.
I have previously increased the default video volume to 75 percent of maximum at your request. Now, I have boosted that to 100 percent which will take effect with the next video we post.
Using this site on a mobile device (like a phone), you can control volume using the hardware volume buttons on the phone itself, rather than with a slider on the video. I have tested that on my phone and it works. I have also tested the volume slider on the desktop interface, and that works as well.
I have also asked our video editors to review their procedures for setting and balancing audio levels on future videos.
I’ll email all of this to you, since your Membership has ended, and therefore you can’t access this website. We look forward to welcoming you back with open arms when you believe the site can pass muster. I apologize for the inconvenience, and can only say I’m doing all I can within the constraints of budget and time to make this the best site it can possibly be.
Thank you for all of your support.
Scott Ott
I have submitted a lot of bugs through this link.
I don’t think I have ever waited more than 24 hours for a response from Scott. That surprises me about all of those issues. They sound like critical issues.
Please don’t give up on the site yet!
Talk to Scott. Start a conversation. Then see what happens.
Me either. Scott is very responsive and I often have a reply within minutes.
Have you sent a note to Scott using the Submit a Bug link?
I have always had success with this link.