BW Member Blog

Censorship part two, this very evening…

SO ok, I’d had some wine, watched some Big Bang Theory and Grand Tour. Then my computer showed me a “news” piece about the slime that is FIFA, the international body controlling the embarrassing S*** show that is soccer. They were gonna be real tough on nasty wacism, that is, fans shouting hurtful things at other teams. Back in my young day, shouting hurtful things at the opposition was sort of the POINT, but hey ho…

I thought I’d make a gentle point about an actual member nation with a deeply, demonstrably, racist citizenship law, Liberia, whose 1973 law says ONLY black people can be Liberian. So, I posted this.

Interesting twist. No breaking of “community guidelines”, just “something went wrong”, just a glitch, no doubt the Al-Gore Rhythm had tripped over an invisible hedgehog. I tried again. Still no joy. Frustrating. I vented my frustration by calling the head of FIFA a corrupt slap head (Brit for bald guy) and calling into question the validity of the piece as news. 

THAT got through. Interesting that a thoughtful questioning of what FIFA means by racism was blocked, but what was after all, mild abuse, got through. Still, my posts are clearly not subject to a blanket ban. I tried again.

As you can see, that pesky invisible badger once again prevented the posting of my thoughts. As brevity is the soul of wit, I cut it down to literally one word.  

Those hedgehogs are persistent aren’t they? As is my wont, I commented on the evident censorship, hopefully getting the point through to those who care to google. 

I offer this as a case study. I know there was no bitter, blue haired freak personally censoring my posts, but bitter blue haired freaks have undoubtedly written the programmes doing the censorship. 



One reply on “Censorship part two, this very evening…”

To continue the experiment, try individual posts of the following
FIFA = Corruption
See if any others have something go wrong.

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