The lede spells out just why so many conservatives overlooked their concerns, and voted for Donald Trump, and why many more will do so in November 2020.
"After three years in office President Donald has remade the federal judiciary, ensuring a conservative tilt for decades, and cementing his legacy no matter the outcome of November's election."
-- Colby Itkowitz, reporter, Washington Post, 12/21/2019
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5 replies on “Conservative Judicial Legacy Will Last for Decades, Even if Trump Loses in 2020”
Wow! Thanks, guys. So encouraging!
the punishment they deserve will be the first woman president, Nikki Haley.
The apparent change in the behavior of the Republicans in the Senate may have it’s genesis in the shear massive size of the crowds that attend when Trump comes to town.
The so called Republican party has been nothing but a collection of spelunkers (caving to the Democrat whims is what they do best) for all of my political life. There are faint signs of hope it is coming to an end. The only chance we have is that the freedom loving voters come out, in mass, and reject all spelunkers and those whom they follow to vote for people who want to live in the light of day and who hold that We the People have a RIGHT to their own lives.
Hope is not a strategy and wishing is not a tactic. It takes real action based upon what is, can be, and should be that makes things happen. ANYTHING else is a corruption and a path to abject failure. Are we up to the challenge? I don’t know. We do have a real choice facing us. Choose wisely.
I don’t trust any judge as far as I can throw them. Just because they wear the GOP brand doesn’t make them conservative. And just because some hack journalist labels a judge conservative, doesn’t make it so. There is only one sure-fire way to expose a wolf when Jesus said, “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” And there is only ONE bellwether fruit to judge the content of a conservative’s character and that is their stance on abortion. Unfortunately, John Q Public has forgotten this simple test by being ridiculed for raising this “nonissue.”
You wait; Ginsberg will continue to sit on the bench long after her body gives out since new technology is emerging that will enable people to upload their consciences to a machine. Of course, that self-ruling dullard, John Q Public hasn’t been bred to believe this fiction yet, but it’s coming. Not sure if RBG can hold out that long though.
Bill, do you realize the “the rest of the people in the Democratic Party” outnumber the GOP? If the goal of the deep state globalists is to achieve Rule #1 on the Georgia Guidestones: “MAINTAIN HUMANITY UNDER 500,000,000 IN PERPETUAL BALANCE WITH NATURE”, then this country, let alone the world, is ripening to harvest a hot civil war without regard to who are the zombies and who are the undead and will surely achieve the desired culling of the herd.