Right Angle

COVID-19 is a Picky Eater: Non-Scientific Lockdown Failed, Don’t Do It Again

Governors, mayors and others talk about retreating to COVID-19 lockdowns in states, cities and counties nationwide, even though the data shows that mass lockdown was the wrong approach to stem the pandemic. COVID-19 is a picky eater, so instead of building a fence around everyone, we should isolate only the most vulnerable — the elderly and those who have certain conditions.

Governors, mayors and others talk about retreating to COVID-19 lockdowns in states, cities and counties nationwide, even though the data shows that mass lockdown was the wrong approach to stem the pandemic. COVID-19 is a picky eater, so instead of building a fence around everyone, we should isolate only the most vulnerable — the elderly and those who have certain conditions. With the average age of patients now trending 20 years younger, and the consequences far from dire, should we really bend the knee again to our power-hungry government overlords?

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Bill Whittle Network · COVID-19 is a Picky Eater: Non-Scientific Lockdown Failed, Don't Do It Again

27 replies on “COVID-19 is a Picky Eater: Non-Scientific Lockdown Failed, Don’t Do It Again”

Last year I read an article in the North County section of the San Diego Union explaining how speed limits were derived by clocking the average speed of 1000 drivers and making that the posted limit. Neighborhoods could then petition for lower speeds on particular streets. This would explain the 55 mph speed on El Camino Real–right past driveways, not just fences.

I would contend nearly with 100% finality with room for Error that the driving force behind the ineptitude of so many Mayors and Governors, especially those from Blue States and Cities is for the “fundamental transformation of America.”

Speeding! Used to be, I would drive Hwy 5 between Bakersfield and the Bay area… Speed limit 65. The prevailing speed of drivers trying to play leap frog with other drivers around the trucks (held to a speed limit of 55, go figure, on a 2 lane divided highway) was about 90 mph. Crazy! Of course, I was one of them…

Well said! Thank you for doing this episode. From the start of the Covid19 crisis I have felt this is another coup attempt from the left and a way to ensure President Trump does not get reelected. Currently, many people are not thinking for themselves, instead people are being brainwashed by the liberal media, social media, and politicians. I am extremely disappointed in the red states with Republican Governors that are caving to societal peer pressure and shutting down again. I hope this episode is heard by the masses and, because of this episode, people will start taking action against this Government overreach.

Also just did a little sleuthing for AZ, for our state in 2017 3779 people died of respiratory illnesses, all year. So far this year, with a major pandemic, 1757 have died! By my,granted public school education, that’s 46%!. Am I the only person who can look this up?

The only data points that should really matter from a “lockdown” standpoint is available ICU beds. And it is almost never reported. Cases and deaths lead because that gets clicks. But there is no context to those numbers. Without the large numbers of elderly in long term care facilities, this would be a particularly bad flu season.
I will concede that there was much we didn’t know at the onset. But as Elon Musk pointed out, data is more valuable than models.

My little town in the state of Az is now required to wear masks. I have decided I have a medical condition that prohibits the wearing of one. You can’t ask me about it . HIPPA prohibits that. Also our ever so compliant Governor has made exceptions to mask wearing when you are sleeping (!) Swimming, in your car alone or with people who live with you and other totally ridiculous times. Come on people, read some unapproved medical professionals!

I was in Walmart the other day, ‘wearing’ my mask hanging from 1 ear. Sometimes I put it totally on, but held open by my hand from the bottom so that I could breathe. One lady, passing by me in an aisle (not 6′ apart) mentioned she wasn’t wearing a mask because her condition is claustrophobia, and I replied ‘Yeah, I can’t breathe in these masks!’
FYI, to me, w/ mild claustrophobia, the issue is not being able to breathe in close spaces, the fear of running out of oxygen.

I read the article this morning. Evidently, many many people in this country are tuned out, or worse tuned in to MSM. Either way, they will never hear the truth. And a fair number of those who might be accidentally exposed to the truth will never believe it – no reason or evidence will ever convince them. Another problem is the lack of reasoning capability too many of the citizens of America possess.

I may be a cynic and conspiracy theorist, however,is it possible that the blue state mayors and governors are infecting the nursing homes on purpose to reduce their budget expenditure on seniors/retirees? It frees up those funds for other (socialist/illegal immigrant) programs. I hope I’m wrong, but it seems that following the money would suggest that might be the case. What do you think?

I certainly think the PTB (powers that be)behind the puppets of the Democrat Party would dream up such a plan – after all, they have left no stone unturned in their single minded goal of destroying this country, first and foremost by using any means necessary to prevent DJT from being re-elected. They really do think we are stupid. Unfortunately, about one half of the country is that stupid, and have become incapable of knowing the truth, regardless of the proof of reason and evidence laid before them. One tiny glimmer of hope was in this video from Conservative Resurgence

Thank you! I watched the video; I hadn’t heard about it. Astonishing!

It’s occurred to me, as well. Realistically, though, simply not caring explains everything.

The supposedly republican governor of Vermont in early June extended the state’s “State of Emergency” through July 15th. At the time he declared this, there were 2 people in a state of 630K hospitalized with the Wu-flu. Vermont has had a total of 56 deaths, all in people over 60. But the governor likes his power and doesn’t want to have to work with the legislature to get things done.

The governor of Tennessee has extended the state of emergency through the end of August.

Every state would have a similar distribution. Context would put regular flu strain data next to this to see how different it would be.

Like Bill, I’ve been saying since mid April that it’s over and also that they will never , ever say that it actually is over and we can go back to normal, the day will never come when we get a definitive okay for ‘ masks off’. In the movie ‘The Hunt For Red October’ Sam Neill asks Sean Connery if he’ll be able to travel to Montana, he asks in wonder ‘No internal passports?’ Connery assures him ‘No, internal passports’ , a humorous exchange at the time. Since March I’ve had three trips cancelled due to quarantines, so we now have internal passports for state to state travel. Due to this giant game of Calvinball with rules changing daily it is now impossible to make any plans and there seems to be no end in sight as we gear up for things that haven’t happened yet like round two, which if they have their way will take us right into next year’s lockdowns. I can almost feel myself being killed , not by the virus but by the sheer frustration of it all.

Sheer torture – my state, only mildly affected by the virus, has a Ninny-Nanny Feminist Governor who, as of yesterday, implemented a mandate that EVERYONE must wear a mask in public. Well, I won’t do it – I haven’t worn one yet and I won’t start now, especially since the danger has been minimal from day one unless you are practically at death’s door anyway. The contradictory messaging about masks leaves one with no alternative but to recognize that this is nothing more than psychological torture perpetrated by our fear-mongering MSM, the mouthpiece of the Democrat/Socialist party. Speaking of, here is a video that gives a thorough description of just what the plan is:

2020 has turned our states into Laboratories for Oppression. Now that our various governors have gotten a taste for having their crocs on the throats of their citizens, they’ve found that they like it and will do everything in their power to keep that sweet, sweet tyranny flowing.

The solution to that is the voters throwing the bums out. But at a local level, the voters would vote for Hitler if he ran as a Democrat.

To paraphrase Churchill, If Hitler came out against Trump Democrats would make at least a favourable reference to him in the House of Commons.

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