BW Member Blog

Dracula and His Minions.

In my opinion we’re dealing with sociopaths. It’s difficult to tell who’s a real sociopath because people become infected by them as if they’re bitten. But, what sociopaths create is very easy to see. Mostly sociopaths create chaos and misery for everyone except themselves and it’s easy to see all over the world. Make no mistake about it, I believe the fictional stories of Dracula and his infected minions are inspired by the behavior of sociopaths. I can make a absolutely convincing argument the stories are based on sociopathic behavior otherwise the fables would be of no interest to anyone. Sociopathic behavior is new to psychology and SERIOUSLY many psychologists are not sure if sociopaths should be described as human. Because they have all the empathy, principles and honor of a animal from the forest. But, that doesn’t mean they are out-of-control lunatic no more then animals in the woods are out of control. It’s quite the opposite.

In my opinion there must be a very lengthy list of crimes a sociopath commits before they get to a coup attempt against The President of The United States. Those crimes have to be irredeemably horrendous there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain. I think the FBI, CIA and Clintons became tied at the hip in Mena, Arkansas. It propelled these vampires into the Presidency and high ranking positions in the respective departments. What better way to cover your ass then to take everything over? Judging from the Clinton’s current behavior? In my opinion I highly suspect those horrendous rumors and conspiracy theory’s involving them are probably, for the most part, true. EVERYONE in government positions must have their power kept separated and authority limited otherwise we will regret it. What sociopaths will bring with unchecked power is as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning.

6 replies on “Dracula and His Minions.”

I’m for staking them through the heart. Solves vampires. It would solve the sociopath problem, too. But that’s hard on the environment since you have to cut down trees to build stakes. So, I’m thinking a rope is more environmentally friendly and can be used again and again. The sad part is, it’ll probably come to that before we can fix the problem.

It’s not a conspiracy theory. It actually happened. They even make movies about it. A movie titled Air America was the first movie. The second movie staring Tom Cruise is titled American Made. It’s right in your face and you know nothing about it. How is that possible?

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