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Hey, morons of the world! 2 + 2 EQUALS 4: and other musings …

Content Warning: The following musings may seem as disconnected from reality as a Joe Biden interview. You have been warned.

In spite of the recent Twitter-based populist argument to the contrary, 2+2 is always equal to 4 for all integral bases greater than 4.
That means that there are an infinite number of bases that meet that
rubric as opposed to a minimally-finite number that do not. The majority
wins! Suck on that you marxist idiots!

Ben Shapiro is partially-famous for stating that “your feelings don’t matter.” I interpret that to mean that there is an absolute truth outside of all individuals that holds regardless of any individual’s rejection of reality. Without rules, life becomes irrelevant and Friedrich Nietzsche‘s nihilism was optimimistic. Following such thinking, many have concluded that Donald J. Trump is a fascist along with all who favor his presidency. All I have as a response to such nonsense is that Trump is only defined as fascist in the minds of idiots.

Gender studies, women studies, refugee studies … hold the phone!fat studies? What the Fuuuuhhh? All of these sort of pseudosciences aim to cultivate dissension among groups of people. Such silly lines of thought have now evolved to the point where if one promotes the notion that there is a laudable standard of health and well-being, then one is guilty of disability genocide. Regarding disease- or disability-genocide, I say we kill the defect and save the person at all stages of life after conception.
That desire to save the person even applies to the mental disorder called leftism.

The ever-changing language has created, in recent years, a plethora of new definitions of old words. One of the new words to which I have just been enlightened is

(third-person singular simple present responsibilizes, present participle responsibilizing, simple past and past participle responsibilized)
To make responsible; to imbue with a sense of responsibility.To make responsible; to imbue with a sense of responsibility.

The more modern definition declares that “anything the system should not be allowing” supersedes the individual responsibility, which opens the flood gates for claims of victimhood decrying any ownership of bettering one’s lot in life.  I prefer the notion that I am  responsible for my own life, and … Wait! Are you telling me that I have “responsiblized” myself because I’m
willing to shoot anyone who comes and terrorizes me, my family or my
property? What a stupid word.

Such pseudo-intellectual chaos abounds in modernity, and we are all wise to heed its inherent dangers to our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.


9 replies on “Hey, morons of the world! 2 + 2 EQUALS 4: and other musings …”

Thanks for posting that interview! Another great mind I’ve been listening to recently is Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor at one of the Canadian universities. There’s some of his lectures posted on youtube (shocking that the Google editor’s allow his videos to be posted) where he basically dismantles the post-modernism and Neo-Marxist schools of thought as nothing but childish fantasies that unfortunately end up in tyranny and the death of 10’s of millions of people (Soviet Union and Mao’s China). If you ever get the chance, you should look him up. Maybe I’ll post some of his lectures here on BW!

could you post the particular youtube of Jordan Peterson that you mention?
I have watched many of his videos, and totally agree w/ you – he is mesmerizing but also thoughtful and insightful.

Here’s one where he talks about Marxism and identity politics. Warning, it’s 2 and a half hours long if you have the time to listen.

This one is more on how post-modernism morphed from Marxism and has led to the false idea of white privilege and identify politics. This one is a little more than an hour long.

I’ve also been watching his lectures about his book “12 Rules for Life”, thinking about reading that as soon as I finish Atlas Shrugged.

Thanks! I bought the book “12 Rules for Life” a couple years ago, and after reading it, gave it to my nephew upon his college graduation. (He has not read it… sigh) J.P.’s ‘lectures’ on his ‘book tour’ are also worth viewing (as though we have time to watch those now, with everything else political happening now!)
J.P.’s book btw is not not not a ‘how to’ book! How I hate those types of books! It is a set of ‘rules’ to live by, with examples given from his own experience on why those particular rules are important (to him, and consequently, to us). It’s a great read.

There’s a movie on Amazon Prime called “The Rise of Jordan Peterson”, I’m watching it right now. You reminded me that I had put it on my watch list.

I’ve been watching Jordan Peterson for years, since he got started with the incident where he refused to alter his speech to meet a ridiculous legal requirement.

One of the things I like a lot about him is that he is basically apolitical. He doesn’t really take the side of conservatives, of which I’m one, so much as he empowers conservatism as an element of resistance to destructive, devolutionary societal change. He is an adamant advocate of Free Speech and as I share that passion also, we are natural allies even though not exactly politically in lockstep.

Gosh! I thoroughly enjoyed that interview – the subject is fascinating, but frightening and the discussion was extremely interesting. In sum what the Neo-You-Name-Its are about is Satanic, nihilistic and evil. Some are deluded. All of them are lost. They are attempting complete destruction under the auspices of a perverted definition of justice with extreme envy as their motivation. This has been a long, slow, relentless process and they will never give up. My only comfort is that people like James Lindsey, Helen Pluckrose, Glenn, Bill, Scott and Stephen and most of us here recognize the damage they are doing and however large or small, we are working against it. Thanks for the post, David.

What is the meaning of to mean?

There are at least three commonly used meanings:

  1. Meaning is determined by social/collective agreement and reality has no part in it.
  2. That foggy miasma of internal feeing of intent that cannot be communicated but everyone must know it somehow.
  3. The set of explicit facts in external reality that is pointed to by the word or concept. It is independent of ones feelings or intent, known or unknown.

Meaning 1 is Political Correctness. The primary default mode used by most people today. Has nothing to do with what is, what isn’t, what can, or can’t be.

Meaning 2 is you being Politically Incorrect from the perspective of those who use meaning 1. The primary backup attribution by the chronically victim individual that makes whatever your fault rather than their fault.

Meaning 3 is The primary default mode used by those who make things that work and keep things working. They particularly know that wishing, guessing, and begging reality always leads to failure. You actually have to know something and act accordingly.

Without meaning 3, nothing happens except failure and collapse.

In other words reality is not optional.

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