Hillary Clinton’s catty remarks about Tulsi Gabbard being a Russian agent lead Powerlineblog’s John Hinderaker to question whether she’s drunk podcasting. Bill Whittle considers a more troubling diagnosis — she’s literally a psychopath.
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28 replies on “Hillary’s Tulsi Tussle: Is Clinton Off Her Meds or Just Drunk Podcasting?”
Given the choice between a narcissistic asshole and a psychopathic megalomaniac I would chose the asshole over the psychopath every time. In the current case the asshole has proven to be a much better President than I expected. With the clown show that is the field of Democrat hopefuls I don’t expect to change my vote in 2020.
‘She has to be on drugs’
She has always been crazy with a ridiculously high regard for herself along with a lust for power. At her college graduation publicly berating a U.S Senator , in her 20’s trying to personally take over the Watergate hearings and deny the President any representation, putting together a ‘health care’ bill in secret. Fortunately whenever she comes so close to her ‘Precious’ she goes too far and it maddeningly eludes her grasp.
Semi-serious question. Do you think she would have handled the loss better if she’d gone into the election as the underdog? On the wrong side of a 45/47 RCP average? And against a guy more like Reagan or even W.
As opposed to going into the election w/ a 99% chance of beating the Orange carnival barker. Right up until about 3a EST, when she didn’t.
Going into it with a “99% chance” of winning made it all the sweeter for me when she suffered a crushing defeat
Oh, yeah. After all she put up w/ Bill. And then loosing her first gimme election to Obama. Then finally loosing to Orange Man Bad at the very last min. when the gold ring was at her very fingertips…
I’m surprised she’s still alive
Imma thinkin’, right now, Warren and Biden campaigns are TICKED that Hillary just pumped a lot of life into Tulsi’s near dead campaign.
Rankles cankles?
A good balance of facts, insight and levity gentlemen.
He’s married to her? Depends on your definition of marriage
Bill, your laugh had me howling and falling off my chair! Great show
The Tom Brady analogy was perfect. I could understand what she is feeling, and how awful it is for her, and, oh, I love it! Bill, I’ll save you a seat by the fire….
We’re gonna need a bigger fire.
The NYT now says that Hillary did not accuse Tulsi of being groomed by the Russians, but by the *Republicans*. They don’t explain Hillary’s reference to nesting (Russian) dolls and Tulsi. Whatever. That would be deranged, too, because you three nailed it.
I’m forwarding a link to this now that you’ve made that possible, Scott. I hope at least one person who sees what’s available here will sign up.
Thank you, Linda.
I’m reminded of one of the old horoscopes that I read in The Onion back in the day:
“Contrary to what your t-shirt says, while Heaven doesn’t want you, Hell actually has no fear whatsoever of you taking over.”
Good one
Great close, Steve! (I won’t post the spoiler for anyone who hasn’t gotten to the end)
Election night was when I lost any respect for Hillary. Here was the Javits center, full of her Acolytes, in tears, completely distraught (which still brings a smile to my face), and instead of conceding and giving them the encouragement they needed, she was drunk off her a** & sent one of her flunkies to give some garbled words. She is a total female dog in heat.
I kept something that got posted that night but has since disappeared. This account of the aftermath of that night would not surprise me in the least.
The most notable damage was located deep in the VIP room of the Clinton camp. A custom 150 inch ultra HD TV, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government, was found with a broken screen. The damage was caused by a $950,000 bottle of champagne that was believed to have been thrown at the screen by the former presidential candidate some time during the election.
Early in the morning, the custodial staff were greeted by flipped-over tables as the floors were covered with expensive food, drinks, and appetizers. Broken champagne flutes and gilded silverware were also seen scattered around the would-be party room.
The most telling sign of a massive meltdown was the cake. The pastry that had once proudly displayed the presidential seal, was violently flung against the walls in chunks. A broken topper from the cake in the shape of the white house was discovered lodged firmly into the drywall near the dessert table.
John, this is amazing – do you have a link?
I actually took Sister Babe to see the Bill & Hil show when it came to town. Once you get past the content, they were pretty good. While Hil was moving a bit slow, she didn’t need to Secret Service agents to carry her in & out. And while they threw out plenty of their usual Leftism, I was impressed that Hillary managed to keep the mask on and did not say aloud how much she despises half of the country.
I think you’re on to something, Bill.
Clinton will never recover. Instead, her voice will grow fainter and fainter until it finally disappears completely. Her cloak of power has mostly disappeared, leaving only the psychopathic core. No one in the Democratic Party wants her around anymore. Defending her corruption without getting the advantages her power confers is a losing bet and the Democrats all know it. For Hillary, her punishment will be that she is ignored by everyone. To paraphrase a character in the movie Dune, “Her words are unimportant and we do not hear her.”
John, thats a great line. Who was the character?
I found a Star Trek reference (Friday’s Child): “What the Klingon has said is unimportant, and we do not hear his words.” -Leonard McCoy http://www.chakoteya.net/StarTrek/32.htm
Good catch. Probably where the guy who wrote the screenplay for Dune got it.
Every time I think of Hillary, I paraphrase that line from Princess Leia to Darth Vader in Star Wars. “The more you tighten your grip, the more voters will slip through your fingers.”
Emma, it was a quote from the movie version of Dune starring Sting and Patrick Stewart, but I couldn’t find the character.
Good movie