BW Member Blog

I cancelled my cable account.

I’ll make this short and sweet. I’ve dumped the main stream media and am going with Bill. 

I feel good about this and should have done it a long time ago. 

5 replies on “I cancelled my cable account.”

Great news!
I haven’t had cable for years, ever since I realized I could get addicted to watching endless MTV (that shows my age! is it still on the air?)
Watching election night news on Blaze (Glenn Beck) and then Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro and crew), Ben made a plug/pitch to sign up for DW, that when you pay for cable, you are paying for every lousy MSM company, whether you watch them or not.
Nowadays, I watch a lot of YouTube… also cancelled Netflix a couple years ago as my town just doesn’t have the infrastructure for pleasant streaming.
BTW, I did sign up for DW, they had a special, and I bit. Major reason why, Bill’s upcoming Unsung Heroes (is that what it’s called) series…

My cable account is internet only. Haven’t watched a news program in nearly 20 years. If I ever want to watch one, all the networks stream theirs. I only ever watch live sports any more (go Packers!) and I can stream that. Though I dropped Netflix over their hosting the child porn Cuties film, if I want to watch a movie or TV show there are other streaming services and DVDs are still available.

There’s no service for my house besides cable that meets my particular needs, so it’s what works for me. But I don’t have to pay for the stuff I won’t use, so I don’t.

Cable now cancelled!!! I refuse to Pay for traitors!! Won’t listen to Fox news after they threw in with Biden in their shoddy and disgusting behavior by calling states for Biden and holding back the call for states won by Trump. Cold Anger here. I won’t forget!!!

I agree. I have a belly full of righteous indignation. It is time to put my money where my mouth is and actually support this platform with more than just “likes” on YouTube. Let the red wave commence.

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