Nothing says “I live alone” like a self-inflicted haircut. I purchased a hair trimmer a few years ago and am finally putting it to good use–or not.
Fear is a low flame these days; hot, but cooks slower. I’ve been listening to YouTube pundits talking about the economy: Glen Beck, Joe Rogan, Tim Pool, etc. When prophesying the future, inflation and deflation are spoken of in equal measure. Sometimes, hyper-inflation is mentioned, like the Germans between the big wars, dragging wheelbarrows of German marks to the store and going home with one loaf of bread.
With deflation, real estate goes down in value. With inflation, retirement savings will have less spending power. If those are the only two choices, I guess I’m rooting for deflation since I’m not selling my condo anytime soon, and it’s paid for.
The lockdown (Don’t you hate that word? Sounds like we’re all in prison.) will surely end but the long term damage to the economy may last the rest of my life. I’ve never wanted so badly to be wrong about a prediction.
2 replies on “Inflation or deflation?”
I have been saying that the long term economic damage will be worse for most of us. Not trying to downplay the loss of life, but when areas of the country are barely affected keeping us all in home jail makes little sense.
as to the hair issue – I am pretty ready to let my wife give it a try with my trimmers. Or just go full John Candy from Stripes.
Yes, this is why we have states rights, one size does not fit all. Old people and those with compromised immune systems should avoid crowded areas, but the rest of America needs to get back to work.