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Is you governor, mayor, sheriff…a criminal under US Code 242?

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

Is your governor, mayor, sheriff… a criminal under Code 242?

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law [U.S. Department of Justice]
Is your governor, mayor, sheriff… a criminal under Code 242?

2 replies on “Is you governor, mayor, sheriff…a criminal under US Code 242?”

Is Hillary Clinton guilty of treason? What ever the criminal code violated don’t expect Democrat prosecutors to take interest in pursuing justice against Democrat politicians. The best we can likely hope for is justice at the voting booth, provided the Democrats don’t get away with ballot harvesting again.

There will probably be some litigation seeking to identify where to draw the line between this sort of criminal activity and legitimate use of power during a genuine emergency. AG Barr, for example, is investigating the authorities who went after church services.

But the question is still legitimate even for “ordinary” people who were never addressed by law enforcement for anything they did or didn’t do.

My personal opinion is that every university and social media platform violates the First Amendment, and every jurisdiction that has any restrictions at all (including licensing, background checks, waiting periods, bans on types of weapons, all of it) is in flagrant violation of the plain language of the Second Amendment. I also think this criminal statute could legitimately be applied against the EPA and probably dozens of other federal departments and agencies which have aggregated power unto themselves that is constitutionally reserved to the states or to the people.

Although I don’t live in a little house in the woods off the grid, I wish I did.

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