When 44 Senate Democrats voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act, they made a statement about you. They believe that, after witnessing a failed late-term abortion, most Americans would stand aside and let the baby die on the table. Will America stand with this Democratic Party in 2020?
You may download the text of the bill just defeated by 44 Democrats below.
13 replies on “Let the Baby Die on the Table: Will America Stand with This Democratic Party in 2020?”
Cut and Paste from previous site (1 Mar)
I’d like you to meet Francesca.
Francesca was born with Down Syndrome, and when her addicted mother gave birth to her, she left her in the hospital. A disabled daughter wasn’t in her plans.
A doctor and his wife adopted Francesca, and for the next 18 yrs, she has had a wonderful life; they travel everywhere, and love each other dearly.
Francesca is now in my classroom; her warmth and childlike joy carves it’s way into the recesses of all our hearts. She literally lights up a room when she enters.
Now, imagine the NY law being in effect when this child was born. She, without a doubt, would have been aborted in the last hour. And if that didn’t take, she would have been murdered outside the womb. What a devastating loss that would have been to all the people she has touched in her life!
I have dedicated my entire career to nurturing those less fortunate than I. To know that future students run the risk of being mutilated and murdered before they even have a chance to live sickens me to my core.
These people have more compassion for their damned animals than they do their own species. How many of those who voted against this bill would kick a puppy?
Exactly. They have black, black hearts.|
BTW, the doctor who adopted Francesca is a conservative. He belongs to a lot of the conservative pages I do.
Thanks for including the link to the bill. That is very helpful.
Wrong, Bill, societies have done worse than this in the past. Read the Book of Exodus, Pharaoh ordered the murder of every newborn Hebrew boy. Herod did the same after the birth of Jesus. Infanticide is a part of human history, not just American history.
And, of course, there are. those Nazi medical experiments on untermenschen subjects
Aktion T4, involuntary of euthanasia for “life unworthy of life”
Unfortunately, with the news media totally in the tank for the liberals, this issue will either be flushed down the memory hole or, as Scott pointed out, twisted so as to make it palatable to people who would rather not look at the horror directly. I hope I’m wrong.
When the New York measure was passed to thunderous applause, I noticed the presence of Sarah Weddington, the former Texas representative and the lawyer who argued for Roe(Norma Leah Nelson McCorvey) v Wade in the Supreme Court. Weddington’s soul was not available for comment.
POTUS is currently evaluating legal options re: EO.
Watch the news.
Safe/Legal/Rare – That has been the mantra/selling point for a long time. I have even seen push back on people getting upset over this vote because of the rarity of a child surviving an abortion, so it’s shouldn’t be an issue. But, is this rare? Is abortion rare?
We now have a federal law that mandates that insurance companies cover, fully, 14 different methods of preventing conception / pregnancy. Why then is abortion not getting more rare?
And if people must have insurance, and insurance must cover contraception / abortifacients then why is tax money going to PP?
And if women must have insurance, and that insurance covers pre-natal care, why are there still late term abortions for “the health of the mother”?
Technology improvements have made it so that babies born earlier in the gestational term can survive. So, why are there late term abortions for the “health of the mother”?
Seems to me if the mother was unable to carry to full term, rather than abort late-term, it would be safer to deliver early and take the chance that medical technology would save both mother and child.
In that way we would be doing what we could to help, rather than hurt.
I would love to see the GOP finally make this an issue for an election, but I don’t think they have the intestinal fortitude.
They should let Scott give his closing at the Convention.
If the democrats get away with this, how long will it be before they take a look at advanced aged seniors and vote to “eliminate” them because they’re costing the SSA, Medicare, Medicaid, whatever, too much?
That’ll be next if the Dems gain any more power. I’d bet money on it.
I am going to need to take a moment or two to process before adding anything useful. All I can think of is WOW. Individually you guys are great. Together, EPIC.
Scott – just like I thought. Your closing was beautiful.
“Heading Them Off at the (Vaginal) Pass!!”
Hey, Democrats had no choice. They know that if these infants are allowed to live after barely escaping the failed abortion, they would become one of the most pissed-off blocs of anti-Democrat future voters in the country… ever! And we, too, should be as pissed off!! We owe it to the memory of past and future innocent victims of abortion; and, now, infanticide.
This is evil, pure and simple, and it is oozing throughout our national Zeitgeist like mustard gas.
If you can exterminate the most helpless, the most innocent, without reservation; you are capable of any atrocity. If the people can be made to accept infanticide, then they can be made to accept anything.
Totally agree and we are seeing it happen.