Right Angle’s week-in-review merciless-ambush show brings you hot-takes (and sharp humor) on stories you wish you could forget.
This time, Steve Green’s Lightning Round topics include…
00:39 Fifteen percent of Tibet’s population transferred to Chinese forced labor camps.
04:29 Trump’s heavy breathing after return to White House: media mania or unforced error by White House communication team?
06:45 Out at a restaurant? Wear your mask in between bites. That’s the message from California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Twitter. Bill Whittle unboxes Newsom’s high-tech eating mask.
09:23 Virginia department of elections tells voters to contact post office if they dropped off ballots in particular boxes. Every vote counts if you can get it counted.
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Bill Whittle Network ยท Media Heavy Breathing Over Trump Heavy Breathing and Gov. Newsom’s High-Tech Eating Mask
14 replies on “Media Heavy Breathing Over Trump Heavy Breathing and Gov. Newsom’s High-Tech Eating Mask”
Trump had to show he was really sick to counter the conspiracy theory that Trump is faking it. Its also a response to the circus around Boris Johnson’s hospitalization. To some extent it’s also not hiding the Roosevelt wheelchair. Governor Abbott does wheelies in his wheelchair.
My cousin in California said she was going to sew a zipper on her masks.
Thanks Steve for pointing out your worry that the whole election process will be mangled, ie changed, leading to less belief in its veracity!
I never thought of it before, and now IT is going to keep me up at night! (No, there’s already plenty of stuff to worry about, and I usually sleep well, unless I’ve got some personal worries/anxieties)…
They may not be gassing them, but they are performing vivisection on them and selling their body parts.
Yes Scott, but also Bill and Steve … I do think you are all being a bit naive about the potential existence and the potential consequence of election fraud. Please check out one of the latest Project Veritas releases regarding your favorite Muslim brother marrying representative Ilhan Omar and parts of her jurisdictional cohorts. I thing it is going to be a cluster F to the eleventh power nation wide, and all in favor of the Communists and their friends!
Yes however if the margin on the 4th is 400+ to 138 or less then people will refuse to cooperate with voter fraud. It precisely because they are getting caught so publicly and charges follow that prevents it.
In California; I want to where a medieval style helmet where the visor goes up & down. Also, armor (preferably powered) & sword. Might bring the battle-axe as well.
“Might bring the battle-axe as well.”
Do you think she’d want to be seen in public with you dressed for a Renaissance Fair? ๐
Plenty for sale already.
If there is a Trumpslide, we need a new amendment federalizing federal elections. States can let whoever they want vote however they want. It should require new voter registration for everyone. Proof of citizenship is essential. Voting in one election renews your registration. Miss a vote and you must re-register.
States can run state elections the feds should run federal elections.
Uh … no. This proposal is completely contrary to the separation of powers that the US Constitution defines.
Instead, we need to repeal some amendments like 16 and 17.
First, it is apparent that We The People are overtaxed. Eliminate 16.
Second, the individual States should be returned to federal prominence by appointing Senators in each of the 50 legislatures.
Last, we should not attempt to increase the centralization of power in Washington DC by designating the power to control federal elections in that very cesspool of political corruption.
How about a bare minimum of defining citizens eligible to vote. I expect states like California to let anyone living there vote. How many illegal aliens voted for Hildabeast?
Oh yeah. I concur wholeheartedly. Proof of citizenship should be a prerequisite for voting in any government election: city, county, state, federal, …. Anyone who facilitates illegals to vote should be incarcerated and fined.
I have no idea how many illegal aliens voted for the ice queen, but I’m sure there were also many dead people who did so as well.