Right Angle

More Fun Than a Barrel of Democrats: Raucus Iowa Caucus Roundup

Our week-long celebration of the Iowa Democratic presidential caucuses strays into consideration of Joe Biden’s “No Malarkey” wagon train, an MSNBC personality blaming low-turnout on children in cages, and a Buttigieg supporter’s surprise and alarm at learning that her favorite candidate is homosexual.

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23 replies on “More Fun Than a Barrel of Democrats: Raucus Iowa Caucus Roundup”

And Bill, I think I once heard Andy Clyde use the term malarkey. If you haven’t, Google the definition. It’s hilarious. Especially in the context of Biden and other democrats.

“91% of the voters in Iowa are white”. Well 100% of the voters in Iowa (and everywhere else in this country) are Americans. It’s hard to understand why they don’t get that but I guess it’s good for us that they don’t. Republican candidates should hammer that message home.

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