Our week-long celebration of the Iowa Democratic presidential caucuses strays into consideration of Joe Biden’s “No Malarkey” wagon train, an MSNBC personality blaming low-turnout on children in cages, and a Buttigieg supporter’s surprise and alarm at learning that her favorite candidate is homosexual.
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23 replies on “More Fun Than a Barrel of Democrats: Raucus Iowa Caucus Roundup”
Sundance was right again.
About that calculator… are Democrats in Iowa notably blue-footed?
Thank you, Mr. Audubon.
Guess what the Dem candidates can ride around Milwaukee when they come here for the Convention.
The Obamacare website rollout was worse. We taxpayers paid the bill.
I find it curious that Buttigieg says he is a Christian, which I define as doing your best to follow Christ and accepting him as Lord and saviour.
Leviticus 18:15-24 says among other things that homosexuality is wrong. Matthews 5:17-18 Jesus says that the law is still valid. And Jesus in Matthew 19:5 Jesus refers to Genesis saying marriage is one man to one woman. I wonder how he reconcile that.
Pay no attention to that Hungarian Nazi behind the curtain.
A guy whose initials are GS put 2.5 million bucks into Shadow, Inc., the company that created the app. The Iowa caucus wasn’t “bungled”. It worked out exactly as planned.
And Bill, I think I once heard Andy Clyde use the term malarkey. If you haven’t, Google the definition. It’s hilarious. Especially in the context of Biden and other democrats.
“91% of the voters in Iowa are white”. Well 100% of the voters in Iowa (and everywhere else in this country) are Americans. It’s hard to understand why they don’t get that but I guess it’s good for us that they don’t. Republican candidates should hammer that message home.
You sure 100% of voters are Americans?
Children in cages. Like at Jeffrey Epstein’s house.
And the children didn’t cage themselves
The last time I saw children in cages was during the Super Bowl halftime show.
It was a product reveal of both the app and the democrat candidates, and, like the Tesla Cybertruck reveal (https://youtu.be/3-YwKOeG7SA), it was a failure for the democrat candidates.
The No Mularkey bus should have just been called “The Straight Talk Express 2.0”.
And is going to get similar results
Thing is, I don’t trust the electorate. I can see them putting the old commie muppet into the White House
Its a damn shame, people throwin’ away a perfectly good white boy, like that.
Should have paid the paper boy his two dollars
Would it be OK if I dated Beth?
Your turn, BB. Keep it going.
Biden kept trying to wrap his testicles around me!
I think the lines at the kids in cages are about what they were in 2014.
If the true results of the Iowa caucus were ever known the universe would suffer a divide by zero error and end.