Right Angle

Move Disney World

Leading left-wing thinkers have come up with a clever suggestion to strike back at Ron DeSantis and the State of Florida.

In a bold move designed to further prove the Party of Science’s Firm Grip on Reality, leading left-wing thinkers have come up with a clever suggestion to strike back at Ron DeSantis and the State of Florida. Their cunning but eminently practical plan? MOVE DISNEY WORLD. To PUERTO RICO. Some things are too tragic to make up.

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13 replies on “Move Disney World”

I loved a couple more recent Disney efforts; “Up”, “WallE”, “Soul”, and “Inside Out” So they still can hit something out of the park. I would like to see if they could do H. Ryder Haggard’s “King Soloman’s Mines”, one of the most politically incorrect tomes ever written. It could be really entertaining and not so insanely racist if given the right treatment.

People who want special tax treatment for organizations Dizzy world aren’t thinking clearly, as THEY end up picking up the tax tab not paid by Dizzy, as well as the over priced everything involved with going to “the Happiest Place in the world.” They’re paying taxes twice.
Pretty much like re-electing AOC after she chased Amazon and thousands of jobs out of her area.

On a slightly less absurd thought, they could use their friendly governor in California to emmint domain all the land in Annehiem. Then expand Disneyland to be be even bigger than Disneyworld.

Puerto Rico, the island of hurricanes and earthquakes! Brilliant choice.
All those families from the Midwest who want to go to Disney Workd can just hop on I-75, cruise on down to Miami by way of Ft Myers, then take the interstate over to… uh, oh. Wait…
There’s no interstate to Puerto Rico. It’s an island way out in the middle of the ocean.

So, what nincompoop thought this up?

Reminded me of the old joke;
A man walking the beaches of (in this case, Florida) comes across a lamp. He rubs it off and a genie pops out. The genie congratulates the man and says he can have any wish he so desires. Thinking for a long time, the man says that he would like exclusive control of a bridge from (in this case Florida to Puerto Rico), with rights to gas/service stations, eating establishments, and hotels along the route. The genie, somewhat taken aback, states that this may be more than he bargained for when granting a wish. Was ther, perhaps, a second choice? The man thinks for quite a while and says ” I’m married with two daughters. I’d really like some insight into how women think.” The genie quickly replied with a question; “Would you like two or four lanes on this bridge?”

So the Dems are off the “make businesses pay their fair share” and “no special exemptions” to now saying that taking away their special exemption is fascist. Truly incredible.

I love(d) Disneyworld, it was a dream ever since Disneyland opened in 1955 and I watched on TV, tongue hanging out, finally got to WDW when my kids were old enough and several times since with my grandchildren, These woke bastids broke my heart. I’m sure I’m not alone. We can’t have anything nice and decent, the left has to dump on and destroy everything. This is like an old time Disney movie, our land has been taken over by evil, I’m hoping for someone or group of someones to take control and free us from the evil wokesters.

Disney’s not what it used to be. As part of a bigger FL trip a few years ago we took Little Bob and weren’t impressed. Me & Sister Babe have fond memories of visits when we were kids, but today’s Disney was overcrowded (in the offseason) and over commercialized. Combine it with other amusement parks stepping up their game and Disney isn’t the unique experience it once was. If Little Bob truly wanted it, we’d plunk down for a week there. But we’ve always taught him value shopping, and for the $3-$4 K a week there would cost, we can get a lot more for our money at other destinations.
Damned shame, but it is what it is. Hopefully Disney will course correct, but I’m past being angry at how they’ve tarnished possibly the most American brand ever created. I’ve just moved on.

“Move Disney World” is a hilarious example of Leftist’ failure to grasp reality. Apparently the people suggesting that are not familiar with the “Got you by the short hairs” concept.

Scott’s audio is doing amazingly well considering the situation. He gets garbled a couple times but all in all that’s amazingly good considering he’s originating from a third world cellular or wifi system.

I wasn’t sure if that was in the episode audio or if I was experiencing latency on my end so I launched my DPC Latency Checker tool and rewound to let that section of the audio play while the tool was running. Nope, not on my end. All bars stayed in the green 500 nanosecond band. I could have saved myself the trouble because a few minutes later Bill and Steve commented on Scott “sounding like a Cylon”.

My point here is that there’s no need for Bill, Steve and Scott to not take vacations or such that takes them out of their studios for a while. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

We can easily live with some very minor audio glitches.

YEs, depending on time zones, this type of video works great. Imagine doing your best imitation of Butch and Sundance and being able to participate in a recorded video chat that then gets broadcast to the world the next morning.
We live in amazing times. The Crazy Years – probably. But also amazing.

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