Hi Everyone…I’ve been working on this for awhile and finally finished. I believe these new amendments to our constitution would restore our republic, diminish the power of the Federal Government, Strengthen the power of the States, and maximize individual freedom as intended by our founders. Please review and comment and make changes or suggestions or additions. This needs to be a effort by all of us who want to save this country. First we need to elect representatives and Senators that understand the constitution that would support these measures, and then let’s petition the government to get these through. I won’t be easy but I know I am up to the task! Please see below.
Amendment 28
Section 1. The sixteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.
Section 2. The direct taxation of any corporation, small business, farming operation or private enterprise is hereby prohibited.
Section 3. The direct taxation of any private citizen’s wages, earnings, estate or inheritance by Congress is hereby prohibited.
Secion 3B. The Internal Revenue Service can no longer, by any means possible, levy or collect any direct taxes on persons residing in the United States and is hereby permanently abolished.
Section 3C. Congress shall not have the authority to regulate commerce among the citizens of the Unites States or of the several States.
Section 4. A Federal flat retail sales tax shall be instituted on the consumption of goods and services, not exceeding 3-percent, and excluding those that are essential to the life, health and well-being of individual citizens in the United States, without exception; and applied to all persons residing within the United States without prejudice; Federal sales tax funds shall be collected by State governments through appropriate processes, and distributed to the federal government twice yearly and apportioned from the states.
Section 4B. Any tax, direct, indirect or otherwise not delegated by this Amendment, nor prohibited by it shall not exceed six-percent.
Section 5. The ability of Congress to print and circulate money without being backed up by the gold or silver standard is hereby prohibited and the Federal Reserve is hereby abolished; and Congress shall make no law instituting the operation of any central banking system within the jurisdictional boundaries of the United States.
Section 5B. Congress shall pass no budget exceeding eighty-five percent of the total annual tax revenues collected as stipulated in Section 4 above.
Section 6. Individual citizens of the United States shall never be taxed by any state or federal government or government entity, whether directly or indirectly, on land or residence for which they hold title or deed to, without prejudice of individual debt or agreed-upon contracts, and shall have complete unlimited sovereignty within the boundaries thereof, and shall be granted allodial title in the form of a land patent, which may be passed on through to their heirs indefinitely, and without limitation.
Section 7. Congress shall have power to enforce this article through appropriate legislation. This Amendment will take effect within ninety (90) days after passage of Fair Tax legislation by Congress.
Amendment 29
Section 1. Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to all individuals employed by or partnered with the Federal Government.
Section 2. Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.
Section 3. Congress shall have power to enforce this article through appropriate action, effective immediately upon ratification of three-quarters of the States.
Amendment 30
Section 1. Neither Congress nor the legislators of the several states shall pass any law, regulation or statute restricting the citizens of the United States’ right to keep and bear arms; as standing armies during times of peace and overreach of government power over the people are dangerous to liberty.
Section 2. All firearm control measures implemented by States restricting the ownership and lawful use of certain types of firearms or firearms accessories by law-abiding United States Citizens are hereby repealed.
Section 3. The right of the people to keep and bear arms as stipulated in Amendment 2 shall remain in violet, irrespective of a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State.
Section 4. Congress shall have power to enforce this article through appropriate action, effective immediately upon ratification of three-quarters of the States.
Amendment 31
Section 1. The seventeenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.
Section 2. Senators of the several States shall be appointed by each State legislator for a term not to exceed six years, and not exceeding two terms.
Section 3. Congress shall have power to enforce this article through appropriate action, effective immediately upon ratification of three-quarters of the States.
2 replies on “New Amendments to the Constitution”
I like this. Even as I despair like Steve W. that it’s unlikely such amendments would ever be passed by our cowardly legislators.
The constraints you put on taxation may already solve this problem indirectly, but I’ve long pondered an idea for restricting the out-of-control growth of government programs and agencies: Require every proposal for a new program to specify quantifiable criteria for success, that would have to be met in periodic evaluations for the program to continue to be funded. Lawmakers would have an incentive not to overstate the expected results, since that would make termination of the program more likely, but likewise they would need to be able to claim/predict enough expected benefit for the program to seem worthwhile and thus get the needed votes. I suspect a scientific approach of this sort would have prevented a lot of the mess we are in. And I suspect for that same reason many Congresscreatures and others who feed at the trough of state largesse would be dead set against it.
Sounds good. Never happen. Typo Amend. 30, Sect. 3: “inviolate”. We don’t need no steenkin’ purple rights walking around…