BW Member Blog

New Comment Features Make Life Better

Some Members said they’d like to comment while a video played. Sadly, our comment system would automatically refresh the page upon posting, thus killing the video…and losing your place.

We have a solution to that which is almost perfect. Thanks to the new comment system you see under this blog post, you can actually comment while a video runs. Previous requests for an eternal edit button have also been fulfilled. However, the edit button does require a page refresh to appear, so wait until the end of the video to do that. 

The new comment system still offers several layers of nesting for threaded discussions, opportunity to vote on comments, and even a bit of help if you want to post a link or format your text. 

Now, you can sort the comments by oldest or more recent, and even the post popular. 

There’s more to the new comments than that, and we have more improvements to come. We couldn’t do it without the help of our faithful Members. Thank you.

New comment section at the new Bill Whittle website

2 replies on “New Comment Features Make Life Better”

It’s a little thing, but I love how the screen separates like a curtain when you navigate to a different page.

I found myself hopping from page to page for a minute or two, simply to enjoy the effect!

Nice job. <3

Thank you Thank you Thank you for the eternal edit button!!!! Who said dreams don’t come true?!

Seriously, I really appreciate all of the thought and hard work going into this site. It’s amazing!

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