BW Member Blog

New Member

Hi Everybody,

I’m a long time fan of Bill’s genius for analysis and storytelling. I joined soon after Bill’s subtle and gentle entreaty that we ought to support his endeavors if we think the American experiment is a good idea. 

I was born in the US to parents who were Swedish citizens.  I left Sweden after high school and chose to stay after graduating from Georgetown.  It wasn’t until I started listening to Rush that I came to understand the genius and uniqueness of our political system. 
I look forward to joining future conversations. 

6 replies on “New Member”

I also viewed Bill’s subtle support supplication.
It was effective and motivated me and hundreds of others to become members.
Good job Bill, Scott, and Steve. I love the format you have developed. Informative, entertaining, and great theater.

Yay, another “normal” citizen of our great country willing to put money where their mouth is. We need every person who had to work to get through life and don’t expect some thing for nothing to make it known that the “left” have gone too far this time. USA!!!

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