Hi Everybody!
I am a long time listener of Bill Whittle, and I finally got the nerve to sign up as a member and try to connect with friendly like-minded people! It gets lonely here (politically) in New York State and was hoping to maybe make some friends. It is especially difficult as I am a married gay man, conservative leaning libertarian and the political climate here is hostile to me. I do not quite fit in anywhere around here, although I love the small, patriotic, friendly rural town I live in upstate.
Thanks and I look forward to being a member!
30 replies on “New Member Here”
Welcome, so glad you have joined!
I am a recent convert from being a free-loader for quite some time, but I knew it was time to join and contribute to make sure the content Bill and crew provide is not silenced.
I’ve found more here than I ever expected. Not only great content from Bill and crew but also wonderful people who’s blogs are often inspiring.
Many thanks to Scott Ott for the wonderful job he did in creating this website, it is outstanding!
Welcome aboard!
Joe, just wanted to thank you for unwittingly inspiring the latest episode of Bill Whittle Now.
Awesome! So cool! Can’t wait to check it out!
Welcome to the Site! There are a lot of amazing people here!
(except me LOL)
As someone who has been a subscriber since Declaration Entertainment days, I honestly can’t think of a more important subscription and use for my extra dollars.
And as a Californian, it is very easy to feel adrift and alone. So Welcome and enjoy the best subscriber base on the internet.
Thanks so much! So far everyone here seems nice!
Welcome, we’re glad to have you on board! You won’t regret this decision.
Thanks! It was long overdue!
Welcome from North Jersey, Joe! — Glad to meet you, and hope you’ll find a home you enjoy here @ BW.com!
My brief experience of living in upstate New York was limited to my wife’s graduate study at Bard College. Was there when 9/11 hit, and the hard-left lunacy flowed freely… Glad to hear your town is better than that. Stay strong and know that you are not alone!
Thanks Troy! I am actually grew up in North Jersey, but I really love it here in Orange COunty, NY! You can take the Jersey Boy out of Jersey but you cant take the Jersey out of the Jersey Boy!
Small country! (Not really, but times like this it feels that way.) I grew up in L.A. (can vouch for the accuracy of Bill’s observations from the foot of Mt. Doom), went to college out here, worked in the SF Bay Area for a while, then became an NJ transplant in 2011. I’ve been enjoying the relative friendliness and tranquility here. Nice to see bumper stickers from kids’ schools and sports in place of ones that SCREAM AT ME about the latest outrage! LOL. California, my home, is a beautiful place but the politics have wrecked it. NJ probably isn’t far behind. Bill’s assessment that we’re a frontier culture in need of a new frontier has seemed spot-on to me. Mars, anyone?
New Jersey isn’t quite as radical as California, but NJ is one of the most corrupt states in the union. The Democratic corruption machine is more like a mafia or Tammany hall type of corruption as opposed to the cultural Marxist/commie SJW hysteria in California. New York is heading in the California direction…lucky me. God help us.
Also raised in North Jersey and now live in OC! Welcome!
Welcome Joe! My nephew lives in Syracuse, and I was born and raised in Yonkers, right outside of NYC.
Consider this site your oasis of sanity in the ocean of blue that is New York. We discuss politics in the blog, but anything goes: music, sports, aviation, cooking…any pastime you might enjoy, we’d love to hear about.
So settle in and enjoy!
Thank you my friend! Its aggravating how the five boroughs of NYC controls the entire rest of the state. Look at a electoral map by county of New York State. The city and a few counties around the the city are dotted blue with the rest of the state solidly red with the exception of Albany and Buffalo.
Seriously, Yonkers. My parents both from there. I was born in the Bronx and grew up in ossining. Knew you had style
I am amazed at the rush to join. I also just joined as a member after free-loading for a couple years. Time to get off the pot, I guess. I welcome you.
Welcome, Ross! Glad to have ya.
Thanks so much!
Welcome aboard, Ross.
Glad to have you
Hi Joe! Thanks for joining us, and especially many thanks for the kind words.
I imagine your situation is much like that of other gay conservatives I have gotten to know here in Los Angeles. They universally tell me that it is far, far easier to admit that you’re gay to Republicans than to admit you’re a Republican to gays. I certainly hope and expect that is your experience here.
Everything we believe in is based on the idea that individual character should be what matters. You certainly seem to be a sterling fellow in that regard.
Thanks again for joining us, and welcome home.
Bill Whittle
PS: Invite your friends!
Thanks Bill! It is actually easy coming out to conservative and/or republicans that I’ve known. They don’t judge me and they treat me with respect and kindness. I am 38 years old now, and I suppose back in the 90’s it was a little more taboo coming out then than it is now, but all in all it was not so bad. However, some of my gay friends make little nasty comments and poke at me for voting Trump and/or try to annoy me with pro-Obama comments (Their lack of historical knowledge is unbelievable). It takes about three swipes at me before I swipe back, but otherwise I just shake my head in disbelief and change the subject.
I don’t have the best organized rhetorical skills, but I study your videos as so I can frame and phrase my arguments similar to yours.
Welcome to the site! I finally logged in and checked out the site this morning after signing up a few months back.
I wish you all the luck in finding some good locals that you can find agreeable and forge friendships with. I was stationed up by Saratoga springs for training back in 2012 and I can say that you definitely live in a beautiful area of the country at the very least.
Thanks for the warm welcome! Yes I love where I live. Upstate just enough to escape the madness of the city, but close enough to be convenient to everything I’d need.
My son was up in Saratoga a couple years ago for training as well. 😊 Now he’s down at Norfolk.
Welcome, Joe. Thanks for your Membership, and for immediately engaging the Member Blog. Hope you enjoy getting to know your fellow Members. Have fun.
I felt it was about time I finally became a member, I think it was BW’s last firewall that finally convinced me to get up off my butt and contribute to the conversation.