NYC doesn’t need to “brace” for anything. Drop the act lefties. Stop your phony pearl-clutching. Tired of your projection, lies and false accusations of violence, racism, etc.
Trump supporters aren’t violent. Worry about BLM and Antifa who a) rioted at President Trump’s inauguration in 2016, b) were literally in the streets ready to riot in coordinated fashion (aren’t riots supposed to be spontaneous?) if President Trump had won in 2020 and c) will riot again in 2024 when he wins due to backlash against their tyranny and the stolen 2020 election which installed the fraudulent Biden regime.
Oh and let’s not forget the $1B+ in damage and over 30 deaths including David Dorn resulting from the “summer of love.” I remember one young girl being killed simply for saying “All Lives Matter.”
Trump 2024
Fight like hell America. Your freedom hangs in the balance.
One reply on “NYC Doesn’t Need To “Brace” for Anything…Drop the Act Lefties”
It is kind of understandable that the left is terrified of protests, given that theirs START with disruption and violence and usually rapidly descend into lethal destruction. They’re not used to people being able to have a mostly peaceful protest that doesn’t include burning cities. PS: It was over $2B when they quit counting. Consider, however: if Trump wins in 2024 (do NOT count your chickens) he’ll be the first one since Roosevelt to be elected President three times…