As if the literal unmasking of these “Patriot Front” feds isn’t enough to show us who they really are, traitor/bureauweenie/RINO Adam Kinzinger just told the world just who they are, and who they work for!
The stupid is strong in Kinzinger.
8 replies on ““Patriot Front” (FEDS) Unmasked”
Looks like the twittersphere has already identified a couple of the unmasked feds.
That didn’t take long. I recall how fast the internet found the fake font on the Bush letter which never happened. What I can’t understand is why this is NOT on every site from PJ Media and all the Townhall sites, to Daily caller or Daily wire or on Fox. Everyone afraid of cases of mistaken identity and slander suits? Are they deep fakes and we’re getting led by nefarious twitter trolls?
Roh Roh… this happened: That account has been suspended.
from twitter
Victoria Taft wrote about it on PJ yesterday (6/26) and it was at the top for a good part of the day. It’s where I read it.
Yeah. Its a weird story all around. Victoria wrote about interloper in black block attire, but the video i saw they were in their signature tan khaki pants. Story seemed disjointed. Now I see the original tweet account has been suspended, yet Musk himself tweeted if anyone had identified the unmasked.
Definitely weird. I bet this is Steve’s story for the week. 😉
Hey Steve Green, dig into this please.
You’re better at this than most at PJ, of course I may be biased.
Black Bloc or PF tan khaki’s?
Still shots doctored with mug shots of antifa arrests?
Any response from dark haired college kid named as one of the unmasked?
Feds And Antifa? Fed’s Alone? Antifa on marching orders from the Feds? Antifa acting alone?
Musk chiming in, then twitter poster’s account suspended?
Fake Racists? Real Racists? Did anyone follow them back to their Uhaul rental truck (Patriot Front’s M.O.).
If Patriot Front is real, why no FBI comments about those terrible white supremacy dudes in natty attire?
Too many unanswered questions. Go get ’em, Vodkapundit! For my membership share you receive from both BW and PJM (pennies I’m sure), I WANT RESULTS! Get out there and pound some shoe leather!