Joel Pollak asks an interesting question today at Breitbart News: did Trump force the Democrats to go to the insane left extreme?
From the “Green New Deal” — a socialist policy nearly every Democratic presidential candidate now supports — to “Medicare for All” and even reparations for slavery, Democrats are proposing extremist ideas that enjoy almost no support from the American electorate as a whole.
He postulates that they have gone crazy because Trump grabbed the center of the spectrum for himself.
But the real reason Democrats have become so radical may be that Trump has effectively seized the middle ground of American politics. While governing as the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan — given his judicial appointments, his staunch pro-life policies, and his rollback of the administrative state, among other policies — Trump has made his toughest political stands in favor of common-sense positions that are broadly supported by the public.
I think the idea has merit. Mr. Pollak finishes:
Few Democrats want to be seen supporting Trump. But given Trump’s ostentatious support for middle-of-the-road policies — including preserving Medicare and Social Security — the only way for them to create “clear blue water” between themselves and the incumbent has been to offer the electorate eccentric socialist dogma. Despite their contempt for Trump, he has maneuvered them into a political position from which it will be very difficult to win.
Indeed, the easiest way to defeat an enemy is to encourage them to defeat themselves.
4 replies on “Political genius?”
Defeat themselves indeed! From your keyboard to God’s eyes.
No need for eyes, I suspect He can listen to the electrons directly…
Having grown up in a power and control extended family, I learned a lot about about petty power politics and how to survive it. The power and control types are focused on the exercise of what little power they have to control others and can’t see anything else. They are convinced that if they apply enough power and control they can make anything happen. It is their one solution for all problems. Interestingly, it doesn’t work but they keep doing more of the same thing in hopes that it will.
Manipulating them is easy. All you have to do is present a stream of superficial irrelevant bright shiny objects so their focus is on controlling them rather than you. Then, in the background and without asking permission, do what needs to be done and let the results speak for themselves.
They then experience a state of being out of control which makes them do more of the same. That way, they go even more deeply into their power and control efforts. Which drives them to be more out of control. Finally they go too far (over the hill, over the top, over the edge ….) and can’t come back.
Trump is a master at this and was able to drive the left off the rails. Up ahead, there is very likely a colossal train wreck going to happen. Fortunately, he had the chutzpah, a thick skin, and the courage to make it happen. At least now we have a chance to take back America from those who would destroy her. MAGA!
Very informative comment, thank you! In all the universe of possible political (as opposed to kinetic) salvation of the republic, Trump stood uniquely alone in his skill set. ‘Swhy I voted for him, anyway.
Of course there’s a train wreck coming, we went off the rails awhile ago. Now let’s see if we can keep the engine upright, and avoid going over those cliffs to either side…