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Power and Accountability, how men and institutions become corrupted and tyrannical

Government, business, corporations, peasants, kings, elites and rubes.

In the end they are all merely different names for the same thing, Man.

Man has and always will be corrupted through the influx of power and the buffering of consequence.

In a sense man is at his worse when he forgets that he is man and that man is animal.

The only buffer to human evil and corruption is the denial of power and the immediacy of consequence.

Often times when man gets power his first instinct is to buffer consequence.
Man builds a house so he doesnt have to trouble himself with the harshness of the elements, in a way this is a buffering of consequence.

But a Politician uses his power whether through business or through unstated connections to more easilly secure his position.

A corrupt business executive will use their connections in government or even his connections amongst activists or other businesses to stomp out competition so that the consequence of his abusive business practices never come to fruition.

Even amongst the most die hard of Anarcho Capitalists what is referred to as “The Invisible hand of the Market” Is nowhere near as mystical as the name seems to be, the greatest downfall of any communist trying to argue against it is that the “Invisible Hand of Market is a very real force”

Anarcho Capitalists have never argued that businesses are not inherently good, nor do they argue that they are “Incorruptible”

Anarcho Capitalists argue that businesses are ultimately regulated by 2 groups, their workers and their consumers.

If a Business were to sell poor quality goods or utilize goods for underhanded purposes, then Consumers sooner or later will recognize that said goods are not in their best interests and will refuse to pay businesses.

If a Business is unreasonable to it’s workers, then another business will eventually open up and offer better salaries, without workers to maintain the business, the Business will be incapable of function.

The Invisible hand of the Market is very visible, it’s only invisible when people are idiots.

That’s not to say businesses can simply be left alone, anybody alive in 2019 and refuse to agree with the forced progressive doctrines can atest to this fact.

Businesses at the end of the day are merely just another form of man, no different from Government, and when given opportunities to gain power and buffer consequence become no-less oppressive than the most totalitarian of states.

Any system regardless of whether it is a business or a government must have accountability and consequence at the forefront of anyone who has power.

Even those who fancy themselves “Community Organizers” and “Revolutionaries” Have a form of power, take a trip to your average college and university will make this reality dangerously presient to you, where you have roving gangs of wannabe “revolutionaries” who hold power and are unaccountable to anyone doing no different than any jackboot of the past.

Those who are insular and untoucheable by consequence and accountability are on a ticking timebomb before they innevitably become a destructive authoritarian state.

It’s therefore no surprise why the Jacobins became authoritarian so quickly, and it is solely the fault of the Girondin.

The Girondin in their desperation to overthrow the Royalists ignored the Jackboots in their own community, they became insular, they covered for the Jacobins and they protected the Jacobins from consequence and therefore did not hold any of them to account.

It is why those Jacobins would use this power to execute the Girondin as traitors to the Revolution.

When you think about it, it becomes really clear why Entertainmentand Education became such an ideological power house and why it so quickly became overrun with authoritarians.

Entertainment and education are capable of shaping the ideals and principles of its citizens, it’s capable of alterring the perception of morality and reality by presenting the audience with lies when they willfully suspend their disbelief.

Because of this, if Entertainment and Education are therefore able to confound the morality of it’s consumers it has therefore been able to damage the means by which it is held accountable.

This has become the most noticeable in education, where the question as to who holds the power can sometimes be confused between the student and educator.

Under all logic Education should be the most safely guarded of all institutions.
It is accountable to the consumers, the consumers being it’s students, it is accountable to its staff, the educators and it is accountable to government.

But this is a perfect example as to how an institution becomes corrupt in it’s entirety and that is in the amount of power the institution has.

Educators formed teachers unions designed to bargain with the government and this is already one of the major missteps, once you have the ability to bargain with that which you are accountable to, their ability to keep you accountable wanes.

The second form of accountability is the consumer which is too easy, all you need are educators who are willing to manipulate students at their most vulnerable, it is in man’s best interest to manipulate circumstances so that they may favor them, and when students listen with open ears and are there with the expressed purpose of listening to you and take whatever you say as gospel, then you are capable of manipulating their minds.

This is how forces of accountability are twisted on their head to form an insular shield that protects an institution from consequence.

The Students that would normally hold the institution to account become the very thing that enforces the establishment’s power and shields it from accountability.

So who holds the power? It’s obvious, it’s the specific internal clique of Educators that are most connected to both the students and the government, activist educators who are most embroiled in the teachers unions and politically connected.

The reason why you see lesser educators be excommunicated and their lives destroyed from progressive universities is because it’s not Educators themselves that hold power, it’s the specific clique of educators and politicians that hold power within the 3 major branches of power within the education system.

Being members of the group that claims to represent the educators, they hold power over the educators, being the group that educates the students they hold power over the consumer, and being the group that bargains with the government they hold some power over government.

This is the state you find many western progressive schools and it is no surprise they have gone maverick.

It sounds almost like it’s own government and it is. The education system is essentially it’s own renegade state fueled by Citizen tax dollars and using the students as their storm troopers.

A direct message to the reader I may give.
If you’re getting angry don’t bother, f you sent your kids to these indoctrination states you’re part of the problem, all of you, every single one of you who has sent your kids to a progressive education you are partially at fault because it turns out students are awful at keeping people accountable, especially when their teachers are also partially responsible for keeping students accountable.

When I’m talking about “Consumers” I’m not just talking about the student I’m talking about the parent, the adult, they’re supposed to be involved with your child’s education, to keep in touch with the teachers and make sure said teachers aren’t indoctrinating their kids.
It’s become apparent that parents have dropped the ball.
Parents in this day and age have forgotten the most important rule of parenting, “don’t leave your child with a stranger unless you have a means to keep them on a tight leash”

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