Right Angle

Putin Strikes Kyiv

Was this a sound military operation, or just throwing rocks?

Monday’s missile attacks on the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv was one of the most intense strikes in the fifteen month long war. The Russians claimed they were striking anti-aircraft installations, which seems highly suspect. So was there an overall strategic objective to be gained, or is Vladimir Putin merely making things explode for the benefit of his domestic audience?

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13 replies on “Putin Strikes Kyiv”

I do get a bit tired of hearing about Putin just waking up one day and thinking invading a country would be a good idea. Now before dismissing me as a total crack pot, I don’t agree with any of his actions but I get why he did it.
First read an exceptionally good article written by Christopher Caldwell covering a speech he gave during a conference at Hillsdale College. It’s titled Complication With the Ukraine War.
Then read a much drier document the Ukraine U.S. Strategic Pact.
In short the issue revolves around Russian access to the naval bases in Crimea that support the Black Sea fleet. This is where our Pact with Ukraine kicks in.
On the 10th of November 2021, about 4 months before the invasion this Pact was sighed. You can read just section 2 to get the important parts.
1). Crimea belongs to the Ukraine and we’ll assist them in recovering it.
2). The U.S. will take a broader interest and be more active in the region.
3). We’ll support the Ukraine in joining NATO. Ok this is mired in diplomatic speak.
These were the main points I thought were the most relevant.
I also don’t think it’s a accident that while Biden was Vice President and now as President Russia attacked Crimea and the Ukraine. When you keep poking a bear pretty soon is growls.

Finland became the 31st member of NATO on the 4th April this year. The late Peter Ustinov once said in an interview that Russia/Soviet Union doesn’t invade other countries, they just lean really hard hard on the border fence until it breaks, and then help to rebuild the fence…a bit further away from Moscow.

As I understand it Ukraine was supposed to remain out of Nato but with the US – imposed Zelinsky regime (via Victoria Nuland and the CIA) there was a shift by the new Ukraine government to become a member. This then motivated Putin to take action particularly with Biden’s strange public comments along with Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.
For me, the same alignment of Leftists who used the so-called Pandemic-that-wasn’t along with the vaccine-that-wasn’t, (which was/is the most disastrous financial cost to the West since WWII), are the same bunch that have pushed Putin to act and are more than willing to propagate an expensive proxy war rather than negotiate a settlement.

Putin has encouraged Christianity, the West is not. Putin has criticized the sexual depravity of Western trans and homosexual Woke culture while our leaders embrace it. So again, conservatives in the West would seem to be more aligned with Russia than the Leftist West in almost all of the above. We’re supposed to be defending democracy but Zelinsky has shut down certain Christian churches and taken over the media.

Please tell me why conservatives who I very much like (the Bill Whittle trio) have seemingly ignored the above observations and sided essentially with the Leftist West.

i know I don’t have all the answers and regardless will continue to contribute to this great site since I became addicted to Eject! Eject! Eject! and was a fan all thru the Pajama days.

Putin has always been playing to a domestic audience. His only real strategic goal is holding onto power, as it has ever been. Brit (ex-Russian) political philosopher Vlad Vexler says that Russia had a latent civil war brewing and Putin’s invasion was intended to keep it latent. So having sent over 200,000 sons of Russia to their deaths is merely Putin’s most crass, cynical, self-serving political ploy ever.
I should remind you the Vladimir Vladimirovich doesn’t have any problem killing Russians. He launched his political career as FSB head in 1999 by bombing Russian apartment buildings in Buynaksk, Volgоdonsk, and Moscow in 1999, killing over 200 Russian civilians in a false flag “attack” he blamed on Chechnya in order to justify his war against the breakaway Caucasus region – all to build his political brand.
FSB Agent Alexander Litvinenko fled Russia to Britain and published a book about Putin’s false-flag attacks called Blowing Up Russia (Russian title – ФСБ Взрывает Россию). In return Putin sent two FSB operatives to murder Litvenenko in Britain in 2006, using radioactive polonium only obtainable by Russia’s government, a flashing neon sign saying “Putin was here”, to make an example of Litvenenko for anyone else thinking about exposing the level of Putin’s self-serving evil.
Sadly there are Americans who view the Ukraine war through the lens of the domestic partisan divide here at home. They know little about Ukraine and nothing at all about Putin, and some notable media personalities and politicians have convinced them that somehow the war in Ukraine is a project launched by US Democrats and the military industrial complex here in the US, supported by devastatingly false reporting on the war by “experts” like Douglas Macgregor and convicted pedophile Scott Ritter, both regularly featured on Russia’s propaganda channels. These Americans seem to think that Putin is somehow a defender of traditional moral values, and Ukraine as an utterly corrupt country involved in a Leftist globo-homo-woko cabal, a conspiracy theory as implausible as the Moon Landing Hoax story believed by a few fringe crackpots.
Ukraine is an imperfect country, but they are making progress against their corruption problems. They were a free and prospering country turning toward Europe and embracing democratic values and were brutally invaded. Now they are defending their homes, families, and liberties against an invasion by a brutal dictator who would seek to enslave them and erase their national identity and language. Ukrainians are natural allies of US, embracing our same values of freedom and self-determination. And they are doing so against a foe who, if he won in Ukraine, would be emboldened to invade the Baltics and Poland, NATO countries the US would be obligated by treaty to defend with US troops on the ground. By supporting Ukraine, we prevent that direct conflict between NATO and Putin’s Russia. Five percent of our defense budget has gone to Ukraine, which has already reduced Russia’s military capability by more than half. Much of Russia’s much-vaunted “World’s Second Army” is now scrap metal, and Russia is sending 70 year old equipment to the field because their stores of Soviet-built equipment are running out.
The missile raid on Kyiv two nights ago failed to hit any of its targets because Ukraine had air defense superior to Putin’s most advanced missile, the Khinzhal (Dagger) “hypersonic” weapon that he bragged could penetrate any and all Western air defense systems, a boast now rendered moot after seven Khinzhals were intercepted by US-built Patriot air defense missiles.
Ukraine is poised for a counter-offensive to liberate their territory including Crimea, and has recently received longer-range Storm Shadow and Scalp cruise missiles from the UK and France. If Ukraine drives Russia out of their country and hands Putin a humiliating defeat (which Putin’s invasion already has become) it may be the impetus for freedom not only in Ukraine, but in Belarus and perhaps even Russia. And all of the former Soviet countries like Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan may be able to breath a sigh of relief as the Russian threat against their liberties is greatly reduced by Putin’s defeat in Ukraine.
The US should stay the course in Ukraine, helping them to finish their war and send War Criminal Putin to the Hague.

We can’t really trust any info coming out about Russia, but I did see something suggesting that they are now producing their tanks and selected armaments at 4 times what they were doing before. Who knows if that is really true.
But it also still takes 9 months and 18 years to produce a “soldier”, and maybe 4 to 8 years after that to convert him/her to a real warrior. However, with your civilian fellow citizens also being targeted, it might only take 2 years. Then again, robot soldiers and drones can be replaced at a much faster rate.

Perhaps it was David P. Goldman (Spengler) who said some nation to nation wars continue until 30% of the grandfathers, fathers, and sons are killed, so the “fight” and desire/ ability for vengeance is taken out of that population. We now have declines in demographics for a few selected populations aiding that situation.

Russia would be better served to build a totally new capital 1000 miles further East than Moscow, if their geopolitical concern is distance to their border and the ability to resist foreign invasion via that distance. Of course missiles and planes make much of that strategy less fruitful.

State run media makes the Russian people feel like this is a battle for their very survival. Meaning the battle against outside, Western influence and armies.
Our media makes the American people feel like this is a battle for our very survival. Meaning the battle against people who believe in Judeo-Christian morality and the American way.

… Which makes it a cultural clash as much as anything. The Ukrainians want to Westernize and Putin wants a buffer zone to keep all aspects of the West at bay. Both military and social.

What’s weird is that Putin, a sworn and avowed Communist, is appealing to Russian traditional norms … Which makes him the Russian equivalent of a Conservative. He has switched up his own ideology for political convenience and expedience and is now the polar opposite of what he once was ideologically.

As Bill points out, Putin was about as much a generational True Believer in Communism as it is possible to be. He’s abandoned Communism for power because while the real goal of Communism is power that path is not available to him anymore. That’s fine with him, there’s another path. So he moves on to the next most convenient ideology to grab and hold onto power.

There’s a lesson in that. Any ideology can be used as an excuse for tyranny. It’s generally tyranny that is the base enemy with any convenient ideology used as a mask.

We’re seeing that here in the U.S. now is a different ideology with the same agenda and the same goal. The idea that white people are not only universally racist but the only possible racists is being propagated by actual racists. Poor people in America are comparatively so much better off than poor people in the Third World that the Communist ideology of an uprising by the proletariat won’t work here. So this is the same historical divide and conquer strategy that pitted the poor against the wealthy who were in control in Third World nations. SSDD

Here in the U.S. our American Conservatism is an honestly good ideology but … It can be used the same way if we let it. People who are blind to this fact are every bit as much a danger to liberty as any rabidly Leftist fanatic.

Please remind me how American Conservatism is used to divide and conquer. I would imagine you bringing up abortion, but American Conservatism as I know it would either leave things up to the states or vote to not fund it with taxpayer monies. Judges saying that Abortion is a right are just wrong constitutionally. You might bring up school prayer, but our country was founded on the Judeo-Christian idea that all faiths are welcomed here.
I know I’m missing something and I know you are the one to ask.

I never said that in any way American Conservatism had been or is being used to divide and conquer. I must not have made myself as clear as I’d like to be.

I said that American Conservatism can become an evil caricature of itself the same as any ideology. I didn’t say it has become that and after re-reading my post I’m not sure where you would get the idea that was my meaning.

Any ideology is capable of devolution, even American Conservatism can devolve into something terrible. I see people in here who are willing to take Conservatism way too far because they have made a religion of Conservatism. Just like the Left has made a religion of Cultural Marxism.

Strangely enough some of those same people swear allegiance to another Religion at the same time.

Please don’t ask me to name names or provide examples of that happening in this forum. I’m not looking to pick any fights, at least not today. Right now. Just this minute 🙂

But …

If you read the comments by certain people in the voice and with the mental image of a certain short, Chaplinesque mustachioed Austrian of common familiarity … You would see what I’m talking about. It’s definitely something you’d need to look for, it won’t just jump right out at you. Probably.

I’m always looking for that sort of thing and as the saying goes, if you look for something you’ll probably find it.

Be that as it may, I don’t look all that hard and I still find it more often than makes me comfortable.

American Conservatism, in its proper form, is Right and not just Right Wing but Right as in righteous. If people abandon or redefine righteousness it can easily become something much, much worse. Then it would not be American Conservatism anymore but there’s not a scintilla of doubt in my mind that it would retain the name while forsaking the substance.

There’s a cliff on both sides of Left vs. Right ideology.

As long as we advocate for and stick to Constitutional Conservatism we’ll be fine. What’s scary as hell to me is when someone ignores the U.S. Constitution or even worse advocates for a ‘temporary’ suspension of the Constitution.

The Left is doing its best to suborn and ignore the Constitution. That is a main reason why we’re in all the trouble we’re in today. I never thought that in my lifetime we would hear that sort of thing bandied about on the Right but …

We did, didn’t we?

Funny, I also noticed the shirt. So crisp and clean, not a wrincle in it.

Maybe it’s a “False Flag Scott”, with the feds using a Scott lookalike to infiltrate Right Angle

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