Right Angle

Read It and Weep

Can the Bureau be saved? Or more to the point, SHOULD it be saved?

MSNBC calls it a ‘dud.’ The FBI calls it ‘old news.’ And while the Durham Report outlines long-standing and widespread corruption in the FBI, it recommends no criminal prosecution — which is getting to be the norm for Federal-level law-breaking. Can the Bureau be saved? Or more to the point, SHOULD it be saved? 

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31 replies on “Read It and Weep”

Oddly, we also need a Post Office that doesn’t have a single gun.
Some have recommended that they be disbanded, and whatever rises from the ashes be moved to Kansas. Anywhere but DC is fine.

ANYBODY who doesn’t understand that the federal sewer rats & Demonrat Party didn’t collude against America, please contact me! I’ve got a GREAT real estate deal in the Everglades for you, and I’ll even throw in a bridge in Brooklyn at no extra charge. (Yes, I’m saying you’re a moron.)

Just knowing the fbi(note the purposeful use of lower case)… has already implemented “fixes&tweaks” to administrative procedures & processes is so very comforting. But wait… the fbi is targeting as Domestic Extremists … parents at school board meetings… and the staged Mar-a-Lago “raid”… and the Whitmer kidnapping… and their operational involvement in the J6 dust up… plus several issues regarding the BidenCrimeSyndicate… so phooey on that ….
AS FOR Special Agent Joseph Blow in the Kokomo field office… wake up son… you’re working for the Amerikan Stasi…

You were probably just ” spit balling ” on the military taking on domestic counterintelligence responsibility… so now we take the frog outa the boiling pot and toss him in the oven.?

Old news, eh? So then what they’re saying is EVERYONE knows all of this. I mean, right? That’s the implication of “old news”.

So ask 100 democrat voters if Trump colluded with Russia and if the Obama and Biden administrations weaponized government agencies against its political opponents, especially a sitting president? What would the result of that poll be?

Everybody “knows” this? Or, by “old news” do they mean “don’t report on this because we don’t WANT everybody to know this”?

I know what I think the answer is.

At any rate, you’re right. Nobody’s going to jail. Nobody is even going to trial.

The problem with the idea that FBI agents should be unarmed is that they do a lot more than just investigate.

There’s also the problem that a good percentage of FBI cases, the ones you never hear about because they’re not all that sexy, is investigation of actual abuses in the local law enforcement arena. It would be awfully easy for a crooked cop to set up an ambush of unarmed agents just to get rid of them. It doesn’t even have to be anything that drastic, like it or not, believe it or not, there are a lot of crooked cops in local spheres of legal power.

People seem to think, or don’t know any better than to think, that the FBI exists wholly to apprehend bank robbers, white collar criminals and other domestic crimes like that. That’s not really the case. The FBI is also a mirror counterpart to the CIA. The CIA charter forbids it to operate inside the U.S. borders. They’re supposed to hand anything domestic off to the FBI.

The FBI isn’t only a law enforcement agency, it’s an intelligence agency too. Before you gasp and clutch at your pearls in a dead faint remember that the FBI caught one hell of a lot of Nazi spies during WWII. This has been going on longer than the CIA has even existed.

Of course that is the way things are supposed to work. The problem is that there are too many agents in government agencies that are no longer doing things the way they’re supposed to.

Because there’s this thing called “accountability” that has gone missing.

Much of this can be laid at the feet of Congress. When the House and Senate started giving agencies regulatory powers instead of just using them to enforce statutory laws passed by the Congress and signed by the POTUS, the slide down this particular slippery slope began.

Because now agencies can make ‘laws’ that aren’t laws and can throw you in jail for violating them. That makes Federal Agents, including but not exclusively limited to the FBI, our masters not our servants. It’s no surprise at all that they would start acting like the masters the generic “we” have made them into.

That needs to STOP right now. That is a practice which wholly circumvents the Will of the People, is way too much temptation and is practically begging for things to go sideways.

WE NEED Agencies like the FBI. We don’t need the FBI and if it no longer fits in the box it came in then we need to abolish it and replace it with the right sort of organization whose personnel are accountable for their actions.

But we don’t want to just defang the FBI by removing their weaponry and leave them to do as they please. NONE of the stuff that is covered in the Durham Report had anything to do with agents being armed and there were no shootouts involved in the entire fakery or investigation.

That agents are armed or not is not the problem. The problem is that they are not being held to account for their actions.

I don’t know why but lately I’ve had this nearly irresistible urge to rush out and buy a jug of Fruit-Juicy Hawaiian Punch. This impulse is particularly strong when Scott’s in the main window for some reason. I can’t figure it out.

Jah, very true. There’s a lot in this episode that is either not a good idea or is somewhat naive because the focus is more political than practical.

Agreed. Former military, and when I was in A-school, one of the things we studied was Posse’ Comitatus, and why having the military involved in civilian law-enforcement leads to juntas and military dictatorships.
For a good example of this, pay attention to the implications of Nicholson’s court-room speech in ‘A Few Good Men’. Following that line of reasoning leads to N. Korea and Cuba.

You mean Uncle Curt? 🙂
The answer is yes. I’m proud to call him a (distant) relative. Got my elder sister a lot of respect when she served in the Air Force, and I had a CO who worked with him when I was in the Navy.

Thank you Steve. I have been saying for a while now that most federal agencies do NOT need armed personnel. We have local LEO for that. Investigation, sure. But the FBI, IRS etc don’t need to be LEO. They should be investigative.

I’m curious, what would be the process for shutting down major departments/bureaucracies within the government such as the FBI, the Department of Education, the EPA, the IRS, etc. There are many more but these were the 1st 4 to come to mind. Would it be as simple as the congress shutting down their funding or a president saying that they no longer exist? While we’re at it let’s get rid of all government unions. Anyone that goes on strike no longer has a job. As the air traffic controllers how well that worked out for them!
On a side note, let’s also change the name of the Department of Defense back to the Department of War, get rid of the rot there and repopulate it with true warriors.

If it were truly the “Department of Defense”, they’d be on our southern border defending against the Invasion of our Country!

I’m no expert, but it seems to me if Congress had the ‘nads (they don’t) to simply cut off funding to any and all of these bureaucracies, that itself would take care of the problem. Let’s also keep in mind that ANY organization, regardless of its purported “mission”, serves ITSELF in time. We’ve seen it over and over and over again and that includes Congress.

My thoughts were, either the President could simply declare that the departments no longer exist since most of the useless ones came into existence by a president simply making the up. My other thought was inline with your statement that the congress could simply cut off all funding and starve them to death. While both of these solutions are simple I’m afraid they won’t be easy.

When Bill began his counter-example with “…absolutely unimpeachable evidence…,” he should have continued with Hillary’s illegal storing, sharing and destroying of classified materials. That was a felony, would have maintained the “timeline” and therefore would have been a better example.

I immediately thought back to when the mainstream media got its formative bonafides, the sinking of Richard Nixon over lying about a break-in at a Dem information stash. First of all, the Watergate debacle was to see what the Dems might do in the upcoming elections. As if Nixon didn’t know. Green-lighting the break-in was dumb. Getting caught was commensurate in it’s stupidity. Lying about the inconsequential deed turned it from an embarrassment into what became an impeachable offense. But it was so very unimportant at it’s core. And it ended up destroying Nixon and hastening the abandonment of South Viet Nam when an acceptable treaty was at hand – something the MSM desperately didn’t want because it would have saved Nixon.
Fast forward and the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens, in league with the FBI and the MSM lie intentionally to throw an election for president.
The grade of difference in the severity of the crime is incalculably larger in the latter. And nothing happens. This is a problem. Like Ben Shapiro says, “heads should be on spikes”.

Gentlemen, this is sooooo much bigger than just the FBI. You must add in the DOJ for starters, and then be willing to acknowledge that there is vast conspiracy and collusion at work here, and not just the rouge behavior of a few higher up, but rather a well-oiled mechanism doing exactly what it intended! Not one of you bothered to mention the Steele Dossier and the fact that it was conjured up, paid for and provided to the FBI by the Clinton campaign and the DNC, and even though the FBI knew from the beginning that it was totally fabricated for political purposes, they were only too happy to run with it! Then throw in the MSM and Big Tech that were knowingly spoon fed with orchestrated leaks, and corrupt judges that were willing to take marching orders rather than uphold their oaths of office. Please do not try to make this sound like a little thing. Not only should there be many, perhaps hundreds, behind bars for a very long time, there should also be some very public executions for outright treason!!!
Oh Yeah & BTW, if you don’t think that there was Major Election Fraud that was part and parcel of the same Conspiracy …. then you quite simply are not thinking at all.

Best comment on here— and there are many good ones! As Sundance at The Conservative Tree House says, we must stop pretending. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never unsee them.

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