Barbenheimer — if you don’t know, don’t ask — gets us to a bombapalooza of a show this week: Atomic Bombs, Neutron Bombs, MacArthur and Korea; plus, should students get a literal free lunch, or should publics schools pay YOU to eat at the cafeteria? All of this and so much less on this edition of Right Angle: Backstage!
29 replies on “Right Ange: Backstage 07/25/23”
I’m always amused that the more our Constitution plunges to being “living,” the more it promotes death.
Steve, I fully expect the USSC to say that Mexico has standing. It’s only the American states that don’t have standing.
Great point about the ‘bomb’ Bill. In the end nuclear is a good thing.
AI…keyword is artificial.
Bill: Ray Bradbury wrote, “We should worship at the altar of the atomic bomb” because it made war unwinnable
We did that. In “Beneath the Planet of the Apes”.
Just one word: TANSTAAFL.
Gentlemen, I hear your kindness in the discussion of free school lunches; however, I have two problems with this program. First, it is redundant. We already provide welfare, food stamps, aid to families with dependent children, etc. Why can’t they buy food and provide for their kid’s lunches? Why are we teaching them that the government will take care of them because their parents are too lazy? Second objection–the stigma. Easily solved–every student gets a lunch card to swipe. The non-poor kids have to add money to their lunch accounts. The poor-kids have their lunches paid for them. Everyone swipes, no one knows who is who.
That plan make huge amounts of sense.
It’ll never make it out of committee…
In our “country” county, our county-seat city Rotary Club pays for the 40% of kids that cannot afford the meals.
I’ve wondered that if the parents can’t feed their children, what are the parents eating? Is there absolutely no food in the house? Peanut butter, jelly and a loaf of bread are relatively inexpensive and can make several lunches. A tube of Quaker oatmeal can make a lot of breakfasts. Why are children showing up to school hungry?
NY Tri-State Area we had Drake’s Cakes. Drake’s >>>Hostess.
Yodels>>Ho-Ho’s; Ring Dings>>Ding Dongs; Devil Dogs and Yankee Doodles have no corresponding sweet. Drake’s Coffee Cake >> Hostess Coffee Cake.
The only Hostess product that was superior is the Cup Cake.
Once again Steve is the “voice crying [out] in the wilderness.”
Mexico doesn’t like the line of river buoys translates to “The human traffickers complained to their cartel bosses who complained to me. And you know what they can do to my family, don’t you? So take out the buoys!”
Putting alligators in the Rio Grande would allow a victimhood story for future generations, much like “the sharks that still roam the shipping lanes where slaves were thrown from the ships transporting them from Africa to the States”.
One thing not mentioned was Tucker Carlson.
Taiking about union absurdities brings to my mind an example I experienced personally.
I was a Chemical engineer at Citgo Petroleum in Lake Charles Louisiana for 3 years. Two plants literally across the road from each other. One the refinery, and the other the “lube Plant”: made oil, waxes etc. They had two different unions.
The refinery union, when I needed to get samples, told me where to go, and I got it myself. They didn’t care. Why? They knew how strong they were. Always got most of what they wanted.
The other….
The incident.
At one unit when i walked in at about nine o’clock, had been shut down since about 7:00 am.
Why? A regular lightbulb, just like you have at home, was out near the control panel for the unit.
It was day. You could see quite well by the light coming from the window. But either union rules or government regs said you had to have a light, period. Not sure which.
Why didn’t they just change it.?
Union rules. They needed a union electrician . Waited to about 11:00.
He came in. Was only 5’3″. Reached for the bulb but couldn’t touch it unless he got on tip toes. Said “Got to get a carpenter” and left.
Union rules. Need a ladder. Only union carpenters could handle ladders. Step stools were not permitted.
Found out next day it took to 5:00 pm have both present and fix. Total man hours lost:30. Just in that unit. Two other units that relied on it were down for 9 hrs. Valuable product was not produced.
I did the math. For that one instance, one person could be paid a bit over $40,000 per year for money lost.
Do watch Sound of Freedom. All explained
PS, I gave friend a birthday present of some 9mm Luger ammo in a metal lunch box. Now that’s saying something
I took my pbj with Twinkies in my Roy Rogers lunch box with a thermos! I didn’t use a paper bag till high school when I would have “outgrown” my lunch box. Now I have a collection of lunch boxes but they don’t come with a thermos!
Just a funny story for the overweight segment. I was 22 years in the Army. I was always considered overweight, 6 ft tall 36 inch waist at 215 lbs. to get the 1st sergeant off my back I went to fat camp. A secure compound, they brought you a plate at meals and said “eat”. If it wasn’t meal time you exercised until you were told to sleep. I left fat camp losing 4 inches on my waist and gained 11 pounds. The first sergeant was furious. Even called the commander of the fat camp to complain.
The Kenyans could have been subjected to ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN the same results.
Am I the only that hears a weird noise on Bill’s mic the last few weeks? It sounds like a respirator in the background.
Steve’s audio is either tinny or too low…he needs to imploy Garrett Morris to provide for the hearing impaired.
The only microphone problem that I hear is Steve’s low recording volume that has continued for the past few weeks.
The a/c in the building where his studio resides is borked. He has a couple of portable a/c units in the studio to keep from overheating the equipment (and hisself).
(you can see one in the b/g of his head shot.)
Dark humor is one of the means to deal with the horrors that are going on just behind our awareness. I’m not saying it’s right to do that, but it’s an option.
In my surgical training at an inner city hospital I was witness to the worst things. One of the milder ones, for example, was one night when it was slow enough for me to get on an ambulance to assist someone trapped. This >400lb. female had her leg go through the bathroom floor getting up from the toilet, couldn’t extricate herself, and rats were having an early breakfast below. We got her out, she was exasperated at how long it took, and we would bring up the experience later only for the dark humor. But the humanity of it is awful to recall. How could I joke? Coping is the only answer I can give.
Steve, you need to increase your volume.
I think it’s more of a post-production editing problem. The sound levels aren’t equalized in the final cut.
That’s what I was thinking too. Steve’s voice is clear, the audio signal is good, it just needs more amplitude.