Backstage Right Angle

Right Angle: BACKSTAGE [04-16-2019]

Stephen Green, Scott Ott and Bill Whittle demonstrate — once again — that meetings, even of Internet celebrities, are some of the most tedious interludes in an otherwise interesting life. Scott establishes insincere empathy with the audience, and they all pitch this week’s topics for Right Angle.

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14 replies on “Right Angle: BACKSTAGE [04-16-2019]”

It’s so obvious that a majority of people are for “Medicare for all” simply because they believe they will be getting something for nothing. Other people will be paying the majority of the cost, and that’s what they want. Remember, more than half the people in this country are living off other people’s money already.

Brits are pretty cowed and seem to take having relatives starved to death or their children euthanized by NHS w/ typical Brit stiff upper lip. But, if Single Payer happens here, how do you think Florida Man is gonna respond to that?

If I had to guess, something involving drugs, public nudity, and chewing off parts of his own face.

The NHS is beyond criticism in the UK. You tell people that it’s the fifth biggest employer ON THE PLANET and they are sometimes shocked, but they re-set quickly. Often they think that the health service of a country of 66 million people being bigger than the Russian armed forces is actually a good thing. It’s also a big engine/excuse for the extension of Government power. If the state provides your health care, the state assumes that it can tell you how to live, and trust me, the British state in 2019 is very comfortable telling you how to live.

Couple of things, first the Bernie town hall was in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and was a Bernie audience not a Fox audience.

Also, in case you don’t know or remember, the Empire State Building was built in just over 11 months!

1) Congratulations Scott on the marriage of your son! May God bless him and his new bride, and your whole family. It’s a good feeling to see your children joined with someone to journey through life, and make this investment in the future.

2) “In a republic, every day is tax day.” Well said. My Dad used to say, “The only thing worse than taxation without representation, is taxation with representation!”

3) As for Notre Dame de Paris, my hope would be for them to stabilize what is there, and leave it as a monument. The faith that permeated the civilization that built it, is no longer there. Despite our superior technology, it just wouldn’t be done right. And Macron’s declaration that, “We” (the French government?) “will rebuild,” just means that it will be rebuilt with post-modern, post-Christian sensibilities. If they can’t actually turn it into a mosque, it will be made into some tribute to an all encompassing, world religion, which will not glorify God, as was the original inspiration for all gothic architecture, but will glorify man.

Congratulations Scott! I pray your son has a long and happy marriage with his wife, and that they keep their relationship grounded in the Lord. You will make a great grandfather.

I can’t imagine that many people, on Fox News, wanting single payer healthcare.

I receive healthcare through my employer, and it’s a pretty sweet deal. I wouldn’t want to give up that private insurance for a government run option.

I call shenanigans.

It’s a Bernie How was the audience stocked, was it random or from ‘interested parties ‘

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