
Right Angle: Backstage 09/19/2

From a trip to the Automat to how church people keep on truckin’

This week: A trip to the Automat; Steve, Mac and Lisa; Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters; Jon Voight, DustinHoffman and Tom Cruise; Scott continues a decades-long tradition; and church people keep on truckin’… all this and so much less on this edition of Right Angle: Backstage!

28 replies on “Right Angle: Backstage 09/19/2”

The NeXT computers were neat (and yes, that was how they spelled the name). The university I went to was a beta site for them, so there were several in one of the computer rooms–a room full of mainframe terminals, some PCs, and may 6 or so NeXT computers. Some students found out one could record music on them–but only if the song was less than 10 minutes; someone tried to rip the live version of Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven”–and since it was over 10 minutes long, the computer crashed. Others found that they could sit at a terminal but could still access the NeXT computers and start the music; this would freak out those who sat down to play around with a NeXT computer. After a couple of weeks, that connection was severed.
From what I remember, the NeXT computers were the first that could run multiple programs at once and have several programs/windows open at once.
When I think of the movie “Deliverance,” I think of the joke, “Paddle faster–I hear banjo music!”

Regarding Deliverance: Two of them died. I think the first one was named Drew. He ended up in the river with his left arm at an impossible angle up and behind his head. That I will never forget.

Bill, I’m curious as to your source on the Hoffman line.

I’ve heard from 2 sources that Schlesinger didn’t have a filming permit so they were shooting with a hidden camera.

Xtree Gold! Ya just gotta love Bill Whittle! Now that I have your attention….Google the story of Alan Kay…we can all thank Kay at Xerox’s PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) for “move a thing called mouse, cursor moves on screen, click a button, something happens ”
Kay’s famous line uttered to Xerox top executives when visiting PARC from the frozen Northeast one winter so long ago…”The best way to predict the future is to invent it….”

Bill said “Joe was ejecting” and Scott said “2 robots oiling each other while smoking hookahs”….exactly why I pay for membership! Yeah Baby, THAT’s Freedom of Speech!

The only question, wrt the mail-in ballot, that should have been asked by the state attorney was this: So ma’am. If someone else had mailed in a ballot with you name and address on it, and also had not provided proof of who they are, as required, which of the two ballots should we count? The first one received? Neither? It can’t be both.

To which she would probably reply …

“As long as they’re both for Democrats, count them both.”

… because that’s how someone who would sue over their own blatant screw-up would look at it.

I couldn’t do what that woman is doing. Not because of some lofty moral values. My reasons are less altruistic than that. I wouldn’t take the risk of looking like a total dipstick when the facts came to light in court.

Clearly this is not an issue for this woman. Which validates my opinion of her thought processes.

Lol, well she was never underrated by ME! I always thought she was gorgeous. And fun. She had a great role and did a great job in Young Frankenstein.

Nor by me. I remember the first time I watched Tootsie. I was thinking Dustin Hoffman gets Teri Garr and then gets Jessica Lange. Talk about suspension of disbelief.
And leaves Teri Garr for Lange?
And yes, she was very funny to boot.

I could be wrong., Steve, but I think the quote you were looking for was “your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries” rather than “your father was a musician … and your mother wasa dancer ….”
Just sayin’ cuz I couldn’t resist.

The mainstream media dancing around the many senior politicians with significant mental decline has been fascinating, like seeing footage of abandoned buildings blown away by a storm on The Weather Channel. Nobody is getting killed, hopefully, but the real consequences are sad. I was thinking how, if Biden was a Republican and his decline was actually covered by the MSM, we’d be seeing even the smallest gaffes on a continuous loop. I think this is why they are not focused on McConnell’s recent TIAs.
I’d never really thought of Tom Cruise as an actor until that silly, fun, politically incorrect “Tropic Thunder”. I know it was just a supporting role, but I couldn’t believe that greasy fat guy was him.
The Texas legal case about not getting to vote without the “proper information” says something about common sense. The trouble that it takes contacting a lawyer and going through court proceedings is significant. She could put in her driver’s license number or ‘last 4’ much, much more easily.

I am not a fan of Steve Jobs or Apple ever since the real inventor of the Apple computer was fired Steve Wozniac was the man who really invented and wrote the first OS for the computer Steve was the one who knew how to sell it.

Woz was never fired. He stepped aside in 1985 to pursue other things but even now retains a ceremonial position at Apple.

And his title at Apple is something like “Tech Wizard Emeritus”!
I’m not positive of the wording, but it’s something cool like that. Gotta love it…

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