This week: Travis and Taylor, Football uniforms, The miracle of Color TV, Lost in Space and Star Trek, Worried Intestines, ‘SUITS,’ Formula TV and Young Elon Musk: all this and so much less on this week’s edition of Right Angle: Backstage!
Lots of color commentary about color on this week’s edition of Right Angle: Backstage
This week: Travis and Taylor, Football uniforms, The miracle of Color TV, Lost in Space and Star Trek, Worried Intestines, ‘SUITS,’ Formula TV and Young Elon Musk: all this and so much less on this week’s edition of Right Angle: Backstage!
37 replies on “Right Angle: Backstage 09/26/23”
I think James Cromwell was the almond milk paladin
Hemingway was a war correspondent in WWII, if my recollection is accurate
Aside from T’Pring, Spock had one girlfriend for half an episode. Jill Ireland.
When my brother first saw the movie Gettysburg, he kept saying that the beards were ridiculous. I told them they were accurate, and he didn’t believe me, until they showed the actors and the character they portrayed. Beringer hit Longstreet’s beard dead on. My brother just looked astonished at me.
Learn football from Andy Griffith: What It Was, Was Football.”
That was and is a great bit.
Gosh I enjoy listening to the back and forth and odd tangents over the course of each Right Angle (90 degrees).
Re the over under on Kelce and Swift. What has the greater chance of breaking Kelce’s heart, the Pfizer jab or Taylor Swift?
Scott, name a bad decision he’s made based on ego and desire to not look like a loser, please. Can’t let go of your broad statement at the end of this B/S.
SPOILER: The saving grace of the Justified Detroit show is that the last minutes of the last episode bring back Boyd Crowder. If renewed, season 3 just might redeem the series.
The show is rapidly becoming a four hander, Bill, Steve, Scott, and Scott’s beard. All hail the beard!
Having grown up in Houston in the 70s, I really just have teams I hate, the Cowboys, Steelers… the friggin Titans!
As a physician and a human being, “New Amsterdam” is an affront to everything good about medicine and humanity. The first and only time I was watching it they fired the Cardiothoracic Department because they billed for their services. Turned the channel.
Speaking of sex workers and assault … I was a surgical intern at Grady Hospital in Atlanta when I was tapped to examine a bruised-faced patient. Walking into the exam room I was confronted with one of the most attractive women I’d encountered in my young life. Insane lean figure, beautiful face, and … equipped with a male organ. The “John” was upset about it, too, and hit “her”. Sex work is weird and dangerous besides being immoral and yet will forever be the world’s oldest profession.
Ronald Reagan once said politics was the worlds second oldest profession, and had a remarkable similarity to the first. I’ve always loved that. That and the a scary sentence “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
Why is it that these “two oldest professions” are both so weird, dangerous, and immoral?
Oh yeah, Satan.
I met Steve Jobs twice. I am so fortunate I did not end up on death row. Horrible human being. Nice products.
Star Trek died about 20 minutes into the first episode of Next Gen. Enterprise tried really hard and had a lot of potential. Star Wars died 10 seconds after Jar Jar popped up on the screen.
Right Angle is forever. Thanks boys. Great job for the wonderful perspectives. (I don’t get out much.)
The French captain Jean Luc Picard surrendered the ship 18 minutes into the series…..
Cheese eating surrender monkey
Call him Dis Honest Joe — as opposed to Dat Honest Joe. He’s just another Joe, but he is definitely not a plumber — that guy has way more class.
Don’t forget that this Presidential Administration is trying to put those very same UAW workers out of jobs by imposing the EV boondoggle upon the auto companies. Ford has lost billions as a result of the extremely poor EV market.
President’ish’ Administration….
With any luck the union members will figure out that the leftists are not their friends and never have been.
Yeah … maybe. Unfortunately, relying on “luck” usually results in one screaming into the wind another word with which “luck” rhymes. Needless to say, I will not be holding my breath for the outcome.
Talking about beards, when I finally retired for the last time a couple of years ago, I decided I was going to grow a beard. I was going to try for the Grizzly Adams look, but after about four months, I still looked like Boo Boo Bear, so finally gave up.
Beep! Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Just can’t grow anything more than gray scruff. I remember that Grizzly Adams show and yep, that guy had a real beard! Speaking of Boo Boo, tell me a cartoon character that actually had a beard. Yosemite Sam had a mustache, but who had a beard in the loony toons days or even Saturday morning cartoons in the 60’s. And don’t even get me started on Shaggy Do and his 3 hair beard…..
Random, yeah , I know, but the Boo Boo triggered something.
Bluto on Popeye, Chef on South Park, Groundskeeper Willie on South Park (and other South Park characters}, Merlin in Disney’s The Sword in the Stone, Captain Caveman, Papa Smurf, most of the Dwarves in Snow White, the Hillbillies in Looney Tunes The Hillbilly Rabbit with Bugs Bunny, Santa, Sam the Snowman and Yukon Cornelius in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer … Are a few I can think of right off hand.
There is an overriding lesson for me in this thread. I truly believed, in my heart of hearts and my head, that when I hit the Post Comment button, there were no cartoon characters with beards. I just knew it. I was positive about it. I thought no one would be able to come up with any bearded carton characters. I was just so sure of myself. Big lesson going forward.
And having grown up watching the well animated Bugs Bunny in Baseball Bugs, Racketeer Rabbit, and the Rabbit of Seville, and the smooth animation in those classics, I honestly can’t consider SouthPark as animation. More like stop action paper cut outs. Lazy, lazy, lazy.
Yes, I said it. Let the hate and doxxing begin…..
In collage in a house where there were about 6 to seven guys we had a beard growing contest. It came about because a guy with a magnificent blond beard (looked like a viking. Last name Stenersen) had to shave it off because of a job, and then quit and wanted to grow it back.
Rules were: 4 weeks. Judged on 3 categories. 1) Percentage of face covered. 2)Fewest gaps on face.3) longest at chin.
I initially didnt want to it. Got convinced to start a week last, so i had three weeks.
Judgement day comes, we meet and one person says “We should have never convinced Harry to enter.”
Category one: obvious to all. My beard went from 1/2 inch above the bottom of my glasses to a little more than an inch above my chest hair. Side to side went all the way to my ears, and on my neck went to where my neck met my head.
Category two. Me and one person had no gaps. Controversy occurs. Blond viking guy called it for me. I had no gaps and no weak spots. Full everywhere. The other guy had week spots.
Category three. I won by a bit under a quarter of an inch. Comment from the peanut gallery: “It figures it would be him.” I said it was only fair, since I had already started the process of going bald.
Now as to Elon being in another world while thinking, and might be on the autism spectrum…
More than once, when I was concentrating, I heard “Earth to Harry. Come in. Come in. We’ve lost you”.
That would normally bring me back. My wife and I are convinced I’m on the spectrum. An online test I don’t totally trust, said I was on the spectrum with high functionality.
Harry – I fully believe that all Engineers are somewhere on the spectrum of autism. Think you almost have to be to focus myopically on one thing while 30 other things are flying around in the belfry waiting for you to focus on them.
Agreed. And I think most programmers are somewhere on the spectrum. I’m am very sure every good programmer I’ve known is.
Last time I was clean shaven was May of1972, the week before my High School graduation. My wife and children have never seen me clean shaven. The first couple of years while working construction I would sport a modified fu man chu mustache but since 1975 it’s been a full beard of varying lengths from touching my chest to 1/2″ long. Gone from dark brown with red highlights to almost totally gray (not quite as white as Scott’s). I had a friend who shaved his and my only response was, “I’ll never shave, afraid I’ll be ugly like you!!”
Star Trek TOS is far better than Next Generation.
as the kids say. . . . well, duh! 😉
Star Trek TNG was trying to be politically correct back in the days when political correctness meant trying to pick up a turd by the clean end. Those days are gone, perhaps for good. Now the turd just tries to shove itself down your throat.
1 down vote for the highly nasty mental image. Bleach please?! Ewww!
Sometimes the truth is kind of unpleasant. Sorry. That’s life.
1 up vote for the apt description of modern, western societies.