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Riots and Double Standards

Results of 2020 Election – More Change is Coming
“Riot declared in Portland as rioters smash windows – Gov. Kate Brown activated the use of the state National Guard to help local law enforcement manage the unrest, according to the sheriff’s office.”
So screams the headlines. What? Not mostly peaceful protests? The political and racial violence from the Left, funded and promoted by Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and DNC mayors and governors has been ongoing, non-stop for months.
Yet on Nov. 4th it immediately becomes a riot and a Democrat governor calls it for what it is – and tries to restore order. Why?
Because months of political-racial terrorism and voter intimidation is no longer needed by our ruling class.
Jews for Trump in New York faced violent attacks from DNC street thugs while the press blames them for the violence. Trump supporters faced political-racial violence and assaults in San Jose and Chicago in 2016. Now they face this across broad swaths of major urban centers – abetted by local DNC politicians.
Destroying thousands of businesses and billions in insurance payouts is a small price to pay for “social justice.” Has any of these mindless sheeple figured out the racial injustice was in Democrat controlled cities? This was never about black lives anything.
The message was clear – you face violence for your race, political views, or anything else the far left DNC feels “oppressed” by. The police will stand by and allow the violence to proceed. Local politicians will approve. Now we know how Jews felt in 1930s Germany.
Orthodox Jews in New York face hundreds of violent attacks every year for being Jews. They know who is behind it because it’s often on video – the attackers are not white. No charges, few attempts to even arrest the perpetrators. The so-called “Jewish controlled” press ignores all of it. They are Progressives not Jews.
Let a white kid paint the wrong graffiti or call a member of a protected class a bad name, certain prison time and front page coverage for months. That is the real violence they claim – thought crimes.
Burn American flags or paint “kill white people” on store fronts, nothing. That is protected free speech. Burn a gay pride flag or criticize Black Lives Matter racists, one faces hate crime charges for inciting violence.
Try to defend your life or property from social justice looters and rioters, excuse me mostly peaceful protesters, face criminal prosecution. The DNC storm troopers seldom face any charges in many American cities – at least until after the election.
A Stacked Deck
Political violence and threats to the public is what we see in Columbia or Egypt – now it is here. Democratic Party surrogates such as BLM and Antifa made it clear more violence would follow the re-election of Trump. They said this openly. That is voter intimidation.
The rampant DNC violence and attacks on Trump supporters such as those on Jews in New York is more voter intimidation and political suppression. Trump or his supporters couldn’t even campaign or safely enter many Democrat controlled areas unless they face violent mob attacks.
It wouldn’t even be possible to monitor drop boxes safely, etc. Oddly those states with drop boxes are heavy Democrat and stopped counting ballots for four hours. Trump was way ahead then four hours later massive numbers of drop box and late ballots – by the tens of thousands – show up nearly 100% Biden.
This was a legal setup. To quote the Gateway Pundit Sep 22, 2020:
“The Democrats cheered another victory on Tuesday after officials in North Carolina agreed to accept late ballots up until November 12 and to establish ballot drop off stations (ballot harvesting). The Democrats in Nevada, Michigan and Pennsylvania have also passed similar measures in order to steal the election.”
I have no proof myself of anything illegal as such, but political violence particularly in large Democrat cities such as Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, etc. prevents proper oversight or the right to even campaign in these communities.
A massive campaign of phony polling and calling states too soon is also voter suppression. At the center of this is the media. They are simply corporate propaganda mills. In 2016 for example the Bristol Herald Courier my local newspaper (owned by Warren Buffett) in the last weeks of October ran 50-60 anti-Trump letters and AP hit pieces – and two pro-Trump letters. Much the same this year.
The press and media in fact are the enemy of normal decent people.
This year it is even worse not only in the press but social media. Conservative blogs, Youtube channels, and tweets have been suppressed and their owners shut down. Any negative news or comments against the DNC hate machine are suppressed.
Even more terrifying is individuals whose views outside their jobs can get them fired. This is following a growing corporate trend of “they own you” even outside the job. This is beyond suppression of free speech it is outright fascism. People now fear for their jobs and even physical safety.
Chinese Covid Hysteria
The press tries to distance communist China from responsibility for causing this crisis. Yet they remain nearly silent as Chinese communists crush democracy in Hong Kong and herd Muslims into concentration camps. We are the fascists and racists according to CNN, New York Times, etc.
Any effort to address Chinese Covid hysteria is met by organized press censorship and retaliation on social media. Be aware I’m not playing down the risks, but the hysteria and lock downs are uncalled for.
The reason for this is simple and communist whore Jane Fonda said it clearly – covid is god’s gift to the left. Like the organized political violence in Democrat cites this is used to terrify the public and attack Trump – and tamper with the election.
In 1968 the Hong Kong Flu killed over 100,000 Americans. This was back at a time when our population was ~195 million
To quote the CDC website:
“The 1968 pandemic was caused by an influenza A (H3N2) … It was first noted in the United States in September 1968. The estimated number of deaths was 1 million worldwide and about 100,000 in the United States. Most excess deaths were in people 65 years and older.”
This was at a time when the US Census stated the median age was 27.8. Today the median age is is around 40-44.
Thus adjusted for age and population Chinese covid 2020 is no worse than the 1968 flu. But there is more to it. The term is “comorbidities”. This is defined as:
“more than one disease or condition is present in the same person at the same time. Conditions described as comorbidities are often chronic or long-term conditions … or ‘multiple chronic conditions.”
The CDC says: “94% of Covid-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions”. They died of non-covid conditions they likely would have died with if catching the flu.
Again to quote the CDC: “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”
For example one CDC chart shows of over 213,000 cases less than 500 under the age of 24 died, likely in concert with other comorbidities. Yet over 8,000 people a year are killed by Black criminals with mostly hand guns. Many of those are under 30.
Locking healthy people in their homes is nonsense. Locking down nursing homes makes sense.
The hysteria generated by the press for their DNC masters is nonsense. This hysteria was used to impact the election. It was used as an excuse to justify hasty and questionable actions to impact the elections. The chaos opened the door to election tampering and last minute rule changes.
Between DNC political violence, Big Tech censorship, media fraud, etc. we have destroyed any faith in our democratic institutions. Welcome to third-world United States.
All is Not Lost
I’m heartened by several issues. While Trump exposed the leftist sickness infecting many of our institutions it also changed the Republican Party.
First we must STOP the global corporatist’ scum of the old Republican Party. The party must be centered on the working class not a corporate class and coastal elites like the DNC and old GOP establishments.
Scores of Hispanics even Mexican Americans in Texas voted against communism, open borders, and DNC race-baiting. Hispanics in Florida prevented the DNC election rigging present among black DNC controlled cesspools like Atlanta, Detroit, etc.
Many Hispanics are not welfare moochers or support illegal immigration. They too are traditional working class Americans and we must work with them.
Believing Jews (the actual ones) in New York came openly out to support conservative traditional values. They too can be valuable allies. I’m sick of silly Jew conspiracy theories. These lefty phony “Jews” are not Jews rejecting the Jewish faith and culture.
They are Progressives and are no different than the closet atheists, illiberal Catholics and Protestants that preach social justice instead of God.
American Indians also came to vote against DNC racism and socialism. Trump wasted too much time trying to convince blacks to leave the DNC plantation.
We need to build a real coalitions of patriots Jewish, Hispanic, American Indians, and working class white people in general. This must be centered on America first, traditional values, and personal liberty.
No socialism and no more damned identity political bigotry peddled by the DNC racists and their corporatist backers.

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