Right Angle

Scientists Uncover the First Socialist

Homo erectus was too lazy to survive, employing only “least effort strategies,” according to archaeologists. Meanwhile, Homo sapiens worked hard to thrive. What does this new discovery tell us about today?

Scott Ott, hosts Bill Whittle and Stephen Green, in this episode of ‘Right Angle’, brought to you by the members at

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Other topics on this week’s Right Angle include a how Omarosa’s new book, ‘Unhinged’, is a tell-all about journalists, a new scientific breakthrough that reverses aging, and a look at “How we’re doing” as a country. Members get an extra episode each week, plus a Backstage video pass to our pre-production meeting.

Bill Whittle, Stephen Green and Scott Ott have produced a three-man news commentary and humor show for about nine years, every week.

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