According to a report today in the Daily Caller, Biden’s National Science Foundation had already laid out a grant in the amount of $749,222 of our tax dollars to George Washingtoon University to create a program that would “provide psychological care to journalists who believe they are the targets of “misinformation-driven harassment campaigns.” That was in 2021
I am not joking.
Now today, an additional Five Million Dollars (chump change, I know, I know) for the project as the initial grant just wasn’t enough to fund this critical program, which is still in development. Cost plus comes to the National Science Foundation. Because. Science.
Steve Green, please put your spin on this ridiculousness…..would love to see it in this weeks Right Angle.
By the way, can we stop kidding ourselves that the National Science Foundation and the National Academy of the Arts, as well as V.O.A. Voice of America are still usefull?
Thanks Steve, and go get-em Vodkapundit!
7 replies on “Steve Green – Take this one on in Right Angle, Puhleeze!”
How can this be anything but a way to funnel funds to Leftist friendly reporteres? So much for hard-bitten newsman types, huh?
Anything else I have to say I’ll hold off on to see if Steve picks this up and runs with it. I hope he does, it would be fun to hear his take and comment on the topic.
I know Green sometimes reads the BW site, he’s commented back on occasion over the years. And Steve, if you’re reading this too, no fair putting the article on PJ Media. The H/T came from here, the story goes here!
But hey, at least Steve Green sometimes reads the content on the site…..
Namesake must look here and exclaim “I’ve got a site????”
Kidding, Kidding….no panties in a bunch sensitive members. Channeling my inner Don Rickles.
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
And if they think conservative reporters don’t get trolled, they are not paying attention.
“Snowflake” seems to be a good description.
I prefer a shorter, colloquial form of pusillanimous.
That one struck like a high speed boomerang. Went around at least 4 times smacking me in the back of the head each time….. Well played, well played!
Excellent! I exceeded my hope for a hat trick.
Vocabulary is a wonderful thing. You can say what you mean even when the word you’d really like to use isn’t suitable for one reason or another.