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Sweating, Pacing, Shouting Trump: Vision of a President in an Age of Video

Profusely sweating, pacing, pointing, bragging and shouting to reporters over the motors of Marine One, Donald Trump presents a vision of a president unlike any in recent memory. In an age of video, President Trump’s appearance and approach convey messages beyond words. Bill Whittle analyzes the showmanship and stagecraft of this unique president.

Profusely sweating, pacing, pointing, bragging and shouting to reporters over the motors of Marine One, Donald Trump presents a vision of a president unlike any in recent memory. In an age of video, President Trump’s appearance and approach convey messages beyond words. Bill Whittle analyzes the showmanship and stagecraft of this unique president.

11 replies on “Sweating, Pacing, Shouting Trump: Vision of a President in an Age of Video”

I always think about the jet fuel burning away while the President responds to question after question. Fuel is for flying, not for background. 34 minutes is a looong time. I love the way he owns the scene, making the press struggle just to be heard.

The “media” should not try to pose questions take the POTUS off his game or show him disrespect. Their job, no matter what party they personally favor, is supposed to not play a factor in their watchdog status and to get at the truth. The must be neutral if they call themselves journalists. Because they will not, or cannot and clearly lean Left, they have destroyed their own credibility. I have little respect for the news media either because of that open bias. I doubt Trump does either, so he talks at them like a barker speaking to the sideshow freaks at the carnival. He talks real, not genteel, and it drives the press insane…which is a good reason to keep doing it. He survives because he is a tough businessman, and far tougher than the politicians the press is used to dealing with.

One of the things I like best about President Trump’s is his positive view of what America can be. Every thing that he talks about is how it not only can be better but will be better. Military? Greatest military on Earth and it’s getting better. Immigration? We’re going to make it better. Taxes? We’re going to let you keep more of your own money. Healthcare? We’re going to make it better. Jobs? We’re going to bring them back and we’re not going to stop. Protecting American interests abroad? We’re going to stop letting other countries screw us over. And on and on. Trump is pro America and wants the best for every American!

Oh, I think Trump is far more generous with the press than Obambi ever was. I believe Obama went months, at one point, without a press conference, and when he did speak he was seldom spontaneous. In fact, I believe Obama was somewhat contemptuous of the press and kicked folks off his plane.

I pretty much agree with what Bill has said. I don’t blame “The Don” for his treatment of the press. They have worked very hard and said many stupid and untrue things about him that justifies his treatment of them. Having said that, I am just a little impressed with him when he handles them with kid gloves… I’m sure it really pisses them off because, how do you attack someone for being nice to you ??

Didn’t Spock say something like that? “It’s was easier for you as a civilized man to act like a barbarian than for him, a barbarian, to act like a civilized man.”

Interesting take on how Trump handles the press and how a small, truly mean person can never let it go. Trump may be an a-hole, but he’s a bigger man than Barry O will ever be

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