Very, very good news regarding COVID-19 treatments, all from credible sources.
The CoronaSphere Lounge Episode 3: THE HUMANS COUNTERATTACK!
Very, very good news regarding COVID-19 treatments, all from credible sources.

9 replies on “The CoronaSphere Lounge Episode 3: THE HUMANS COUNTERATTACK!”
Thanks for keeping us informed, Bill. I wish, though, that they would revise the blood donation criteria. Every time I get a physical my bloodwork comes back awesome, yet cannot donate blood (I’m O-) because I was stationed in the UK, Germany & Ireland in the 90s & early 00s. This is just nuts! I used to give all the time, but haven’t been able to in the US in more than 20 years now. Ireland let me donate while I was stationed there. That was doubly great because we got Guinness at the recovery station.
As much as I respect what Harbor Freight is doing, I’d maybe rethink buying all of your tools there from now on. They aren’t the greatest quality.
God bless you, Bill! This is one of the most hopeful things I’ve seen so far — and God knows we need that! Stay healthy!
I was about to post on the member blog about the need for “An American Response to COVID-19” when this came along. Thank you, Bill! You’ve captured exactly the solution-focused attitude we need right now. The thought of a drawn-out, economy-wrecking quarantine with no end in sight has not sat well with me. The characteristically American approach to this kind of thing that I expect to see is an undaunted, head-on attack at rapidly developing and deploying a cure/treatment so we can get back to what we ought to be doing. The discoveries so far regarding cholroquine and plasma transfusion give me reason for hope that we’re on our way to ending this scourge in a way that may yet surprise the world.
This flash immunity thing is fascinating. After we bring the
china virus under control, can this not be used against other viruses?
Yeah, if Wikpedia is to be believed the technique goes back to 1890 and was the primary method of treating respiratory diseases until the 30’s.
I’m lovin’ these daily briefings, Bill. I know things are bad out there, but I arrive at the end of the show feeling much better about my beloved country.
By the way,why are they not reusing the M95 masks after using and ultra violet sanitizing unit. The unit could be outputting mask after mask. I could build that machine easily.
It is so great for you to do this extra work for us. Can’t tell you how much this means to me and us. I’m basically being broken by this, but the one thing I will do is re-up my membership which is due now. Keep up the work, we love you all.