In 1969, the 5th Dimension declared “the dawning of the age of Aquarius.”
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
Fifty years later (well, 51, but 2 + 2 = 5 now so who’s counting?) we have reached the inevitable apex of that age. How are things going in this golden era of peace guiding the planets and love steering the stars?
We blew right past 1984 with little fanfare, yet today we see that George Orwell’s most famous lines have become our “lived experience.”
Our cities burn, violent attacks are a daily occurrence, our so-called “leaders” encourage uprisings against the country, and we are urged to submit to the demands of foreign forces that want to, and act to, destroy us. Rioting, destruction, and murder are declared by the complicit mainstream media to be “mostly peaceful” and justified as a morally righteous fight against nonexistent “systemic racism.” Politicians threaten civil war if their whims are not granted.
Disagreement, even minor differences of opinion, are used to ruin people’s livelihoods and lives. Those passing that judgment turn on each other since no one can be pure enough for anyone else. Ideological purists face the fate of Highlander’s immortals – their views will culminate in a battle to the death between the last two remaining after all the rest have been eliminated. In the end, there can be only one.
We no longer look for agreement on anything. Politicians call, not for negotiation and compromise, but for elimination of the other side. Chance the Candidate runs for president while dark machinations machinate to use and then discard him to gain power. Every possible action that can remotely be twisted and lied into a potential scandal or crime is hurled at Orange Man Bad in attempts to undo a legitimate election.
The country that was established and has always sought to ensure the most liberty possible to its people, no matter who they are, is declared oppressive by the very people who have lives and freedoms that the rest of the present-day world and all of history could only dream about. Workers are said to endure a contradiction in terms, “wage slavery.” Successful people (meaning “anyone who has even a penny more than you”) are accused by those who say they have nothing of stealing their wealth rather than earning it, then have that wealth stolen from them by law.
The law is declared “racist;” there are calls to abolish it. Criminals are quickly released from prison to enjoy the “freedom” to do as they please in the absence of laws. Theft, vandalism, assault, rape, child abuse, and even murder are excused for all who are not “oppressors.” When violence and destruction escalate in this lawless atmosphere, the criminals and their political enablers cry racism to beat back attempts to restore order.
Despite the ranting that there should be no law at all, autocratic governors and mayors issue diktat after unconstitutional diktat in the name of safety against a lethal, worldwide pandemic, then refuse to repeal those arbitrary, illegal, and immoral orders in the face of mounting evidence that they have done nothing to lessen the blow of the guilty virus and that the pandemic is no longer a serious threat. The people’s liberty is restricted by whims, capriciously and counter to actual scientific facts. Opposing these dictatorial public servants’ edicts is called “dangerous” and “murderous” and defined as political wrongthink.
Education is condemned as racist, lack of education is lauded as righteous “lived experience.” False “knowledge” is granted equal status with true. There are no facts, only opinions. All opinions are equally valid no matter how ill-informed. We are told that there is no objective truth, only subjective experience. Standards are cast aside so that no judgment – not even simple evaluation, not even judgment that anything is good – is possible.
Language itself is declared malleable and words can mean whatever we want them to at any given moment, should we oppressively use oppressive words at all. Definitions are altered or abolished as the situation or mood changes. Words, even thoughts, are said to be “threatening” or “harmful,” making the weak-minded, to whose stunted emotions everything must be reduced, feel “unsafe.” Thus words – nay, thoughts – are outlawed by those in power and by those with no authority to decide.
Politicians destroy education by fostering a self-fulfilling cycle of ignorance and stupidity, feeding disabled minds back into its own system and ensuring that future generations will become worse and worse at the simplest thinking. This has created the present generation of idiotic hordes who know and understand nothing and have no capacity for rational thought even about the detritus that chokes their crippled minds.
The victims of government education (and of the standards imposed on private education) have the self-destructive notion that humans are evil pounded into them from the start. We are considered not to be part of nature, acting according to our unique characteristics like everything else in the universe. Rather, we are called a “plague” in hot pursuit of the planet’s destruction. We must be restrained by our “betters” for our own sake – even more for the sake of everything that isn’t us. Worst of all, we must believe that we deserve restraint or extinction and impose it upon ourselves.
“Big Media” has unanimously taken the side of true oppression and works tirelessly to bring about its implementation. It twists stories, slants opinion, and silences – even mocks – disagreement. The same goes for the social media giants, who delete, sometimes secretly and always using undisclosed policies, the speech of anyone deemed not politically correct.
We face a true war for our very survival. Between evil overlords, petty dictators, and complicit fellow men, we are besieged by those who would, in reality, destroy humanity in the name of abstractions that have no actual reality outside their sick, deluded minds. Our existence has been deemed evil, by its very nature and especially if we want to survive and thrive.
I’m not going down without a fight to the death. Will you join me?
14 replies on “The Moon Is in the Seventeenth House”
Molon Labe
There’s a T-shirt being sold somewhere (really) that reads:
Make 1984 Fiction Again.
I’m not surprised.
Very well thought out and well written … Except for “diktat”, if that’s some sort of a “thing” and I missed it, please do enlighten me.
Will I join you? In a fight to the death? A real, not figurative lethal struggle with weapons, destruction, suffering and death until one side prevails? When the time is both right and ripe I will join you but we’re not there yet. With luck and the help of the Almighty we might not get there, but we’ll see what we’ll see. I’m not saying we’re not headed there, I’m saying we may be getting close but we’re not there yet and there are many possible milder scenarios than the gravest extreme (to quote Massad Ayoob).
I’ve seen civil war in Lebanon in the early ’80’s and it’s not a good thing for anyone. I will not advocate for armed conflict between Americans until all other choices promise an even worse outcome. If the left wants to push it that far then when that time is ripe there will be no question of the necessity of actual, real war. There will be no doubt of the need to fight to the death as it will be obvious and unavoidable. Until then, all means must be exhausted to revive the Republic short of real, open war.
It’s true that we must jealously guard what liberties remain to us because the left is applying the age-old formula of piecemeal conquest. It’s true that we are on the road to perdition and hell is visible on the far horizon. It’s true that we cannot allow that journey to continue past the point of no return. So we have to discuss and determine what that point of decision looks like. Calls to join you in a “struggle to the death” are all fine and dandy, but at what point does that decision need to be made?
I have a friend, my best friend, who’s a retired USMC Lt. Col from Marine Intelligence (and if you say that’s an oxymoron I’ll sigh at that trite old joke, Semper Fi), he’s still working in an intel shop in mufti. We have been discussing this topic for over two years. “What constitutes the decision point and what does an open war between Americans look like?”
I’ve written enough here, I always run long on my comments so I won’t amplify further. I do have more thoughts on this topic I’d love to share so … I would be very interested in discussing this with you (the author of the article) and others. Let’s have a conversation about this.
Yes, I mean a fight to the death only if it comes to that. But I’m not going to shy away from it if it does come. I think being willing to do that strengthens the resolve to stand firm in all the peaceful (though not necessarily civil) work that precedes and, I hope, eliminates the need for violent self-defense.
It also increases the chances of non-violent success because the other side knows what they’ll get if nothing else works. Right now they think that opposing them, whether intellectually or physically, is an outrage because in their minds it’s blatantly obvious that they’re in the right and somehow, deep inside, we think so, too. Look at the reactions whenever they’re opposed at their demonstrations and riots: weepy and screaming displays of moral indignation that anyone would stand up to them or even disagree. So strive for peace but prepare for war.
And I’m happy to discuss it. I’ll warn you, though: you’ll tire of the discussion before I will. 😉
My decision point for using force in self-defense is when me and mine are directly threatened. I have a pretty broad definition of “directly” for this, too. The threat of force is itself force so a preemptive strike against known, serious, credible threats falls under self-defense.
Responsibility for violence and all its collateral damage and casualties belongs to whoever initiates the violence. That’s because the defender wouldn’t have resorted to violence absent that initiation. That’s a complex issue – defense changes into initiation under the right circumstances – but in nearly all cases the defender cannot be blamed for his defense.
All that is to say that I won’t fire the first shot but I won’t be reluctant to fire the last.
(Sorry, I would have liked to get back to you and continue our conversation sooner but today was a busy one.)
Good, like I said your article was well thought out and well written. I was just wondering when you used the words “fight to the death” what exactly you meant by that.
No offense intended here so please take this in the spirit meant … I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but I see an awful lot of hollow, un-thought out rhetoric on the internet from wannabe warriors about starting some sort of nebulous revolution. Those people, which you are clearly not one of, are living out the hero’s role in the movie playing in their own minds.
This is also the case, regardless of ideology though most are right-leaning or more-so in a political sense, with “survivalists” who have since adopted the moniker “preppers”, apparently to tone down the negative connotations that have become associated, sometimes rightly, with that kind of mentality. I have nothing against being prepared for disaster, I live in a state and location within that state where a hurricane is a possibility any time during hurricane season so … Yeah, I think being prepared is a good, sound, wise attitude.
What I don’t think is that being a prepared person means you should let other people know about your preparations and parade around the internet weapon bedecked in cammies, unless you’re willing to have others constantly trying to take your preparations away from you. The only reason I can see for blabbing about such things is that those people are living out that hero’s role I mentioned. That’s not a serious position so …
Enough about them, you’re not that kind and now I’m aware of the fact.
The road to a real civil war has quite a few decision points along the way. Each a harbinger of the next. For instance, right now the odds of real combat seem pretty remote to me But what if we don’t really know who won the Presidential Office on the night of the election, or at least within a couple days at most afterwards? The possibility of a real fight nudges a little closer if that happens. What if that gets drawn out to Inauguration Day on Wednesday, 20 January, 2020? What if neither side is very confident in the validity of the election and there’s dispute, not just silly crap like happened with Al Gore and GW but real dispute all the way up to inauguration day? What if we can’t come to any agreement at all, who stands on the podium with his hand on a Holy Bible? What if that’s Joe Biden and it seems pretty clear to us that the election was stolen through a fraudulent mail-in voting scheme? How close are we to a fight then?
We know there’s going to be civil disorder if Trump wins, no matter if the other side has confidence in the voting process or not. They’ve already said the equivalent of “Nice country you have here, be a shame if something happened to it”. How much of that civil disorder translates to a real fight?. Is there a point where American citizens are being victimized by mobs on the left and the State and Local authorities refuse to protect them, a point that other people start to become involved? People who come to their aid and the laws be damned? The other side is already doing that by moving people around the country to the latest riot, will our side pick up that tactic? Right now that’s happening asymmetrically and I don’t see a lot of people picking up rifles and heading to the riot zones.
As far as the other side knowing what’s coming to them in a real fight, I don’t think they care. They want to tear down this nation, at least a significant fraction of them knows that means a fight with someone. They’re posing in Riot Chic Gear for pictures now, if that’s OK with their peer group how far past dressing silly and posing with leaf blowers will they go?.
There comes a point with all such groups where they back themselves into a corner. They have to either take a dump or get off the can … Figuratively and pardon my crudity here but … If they don’t back up their words and attitudes, how many of them are really going to abandon their very identity, the thing that makes them feel so good about who they are, if things get even nastier? I know from personal experience that this sort of group, already sufficiently disconnected from reality, will eventually choose to act in a big way. They’ve been telling themselves for years that “it’s coming” and though they’re pansies and wimps that doesn’t mean they’re not dangerous.
If an uneducated skinny, wormshot little Vietnamese or Arabic boy from a village without modern conveniences can be indoctrinated and a rifle shoved in his hands — that he will then use with great enthusiasm and most willingly — how much more so do supposedly “educated” people who have willingly and rigorously adopted the same ideology become dangerous? That Vietnamese or Arab kid didn’t know any better, these people today do know better but refuse to act on that knowledge. It doesn’t take them where they think they want to go.
How do we know it’s those idiots screaming in self-righteous indignation that are really behind all of this and that there is no deeper, quieter, more potent body of organization behind the current trend? Rand Paul is beginning to suspect there’s more to this and his suspicions are founded if not proven. They’re already acting like mindless cattle, how many of them can be talked into becoming fodder for a revolution by the actual revolutionaries that are likely behind this? The people we’re seeing on TV are not the movers and shakers, they’re not the actual revolutionaries, they’re the tools of people like that. Why would they stop being tools and can they even do that?
Bill Whittle once did a video titled “You Really Ought to Go Home” and it was brilliant. It was a “peace through superior firepower” argument and Bill got it exactly right. (He makes a habit of that and it’s why I’m here talking to you.) But — What would happen if the other guy is too stupid and too indoctrinated to know he was about to get his distal alimentary orifice shot off and fought anyway? Sure, he’d lose but the fight would be on even so.
I agree with you completely that we won’t be the ones who fire the first shot but even then there can be accidents (Kent State?) and that those resisting aggression are not culpable for the evil that is attempted on them. If a man comes in my house armed in the wee hours of the morning it’s his own fault when he ends up an inert pile of organic material oozing his sticky mess onto my carpet. If someone tries to overthrow our country the blame is on them for making the attempt. In the first instance the situation is very clear cut, in the latter if done well and properly not so much, at least in the initial stages.
The way things stand right now there’s a possibility, not a probability yet but for the first time in living memory it’s possible we won’t have a peaceful transition of power. I have no doubt that the ultimate power America has to avail herself of, the United States Military Services, will stand with the Right against a clear takeover by the Left … if the situation is clear. The left is doing a lot right now to obfuscate and muddle that clarity, which is the way you go about overthrowing a nation like ours. So …
My decision point comes when the people I know and respect, good, high caliber people I am absolutely certain of in matters of lawful intent, patriotism and genuine wisdom, reach a consensus that I agree with — To fight. Because what I asked of you on this topic could be considered a trick question in that asked “When do you make the decision to stand and fight to the death?” has a simple answer aside from the “what ifs” I posed … I think that the point where that decision needs to be made will be obvious.
I’m not a hothead internet Call of Duty gamer that thinks he’s a warrior calling for a civil war. I don’t think you are either. I’m counseling against war if it’s possible to avoid. So it always perks up my ears when I hear someone use words like “fight to the death” and it’s someone who should be taken seriously.
When it is not possible to avoid it will be obvious and sitting here, right now, it’s impossible to predict exactly what conditions that entails. This could all blow over, the pendulum of politics swings with a steady rhythm and it is always the prerogative of the most recent generation to rebel against those who raised them. I’m hopeful that’s the situation but it may not be. Things are getting very dirty and dirty means the stops are being pulled out. Dirty enough and it means a real war.
In that case you really are fighting to the death because you had best be ready to lay down your life or else stay home. If you die in the struggle you’re going to have a lot of company. If you lose, you’re going to die anyway because the other side will brand you an outlaw and rid themselves of you as an example to others who would resist. You’re in good company there too, that was exactly the situation faced by the Founding Fathers.
This is no trivial thing, fighting to the death. It’s easy to say but not so easy to do. If you see the wisdom in what I’m saying, and again I don’t know you, then you are my brother and I will join you. When and if the time comes. I’m a bit old and beat up for the rigors of combat and having experienced those at a much younger age I’m well aware of them. I may have lost my stamina but I still have the spirit and certainly have not lost my nerve. I just pray to God Almighty that I won’t need any of that ever again
“Semper Fidelis” is not just a cool motto and I’ve never broken an oath yet. For all the things I’m not ever going to brag about that I’ve done, when I face my Maker “oathbreaker” will not be on the list of things I need to be forgiven for..Neither will He see any innocent blood on my hands, I won’t shoot a college kid for being a nincompoop. If that same college kid picks up a weapon against the United States of America he’s no longer innocent. I’m concerned he’s not bright enough to realize that until it’s too late for him to change his mind and slink back to his mommy’s basement but — At that point it’s not my problem and my conscience is clear.
Thus I also agree with you that we need to let those types know what they’re spoiling for so they can’t say they weren’t warned.
Working on a reply. The gist is “yes.”
No worries. It’s not like you’re sitting silently right in front of me. I’ve been there with people and <em>that </em>is annoying. Nobody* expects instant replies in e-discussions.
I can’t speak for anyone besides myself but I will fight when someone brings a fight to me. Now, that doesn’t mean waiting until they’re right at my front door but it also doesn’t mean starting the shooting if things like the election don’t go my way. The decision will depend on the situation, as any major decision should. Assess the threat and act accordingly.
(I was never in the military. Before I knew better, I was young and ignorant and teenage me bought into the post-Vietnam rants about how evil the military was to be killing babies for no reason in an innocent faraway land, as the B.S. went at the time. I even turned down a full ride at West Point because of it. One of my biggest regrets. I admire your military service.)
That can’t be predicted, although I won’t be surprised if it happens. On the other hand, each of us has our own people and possessions to protect and leaving them undefended won’t be a good idea, especially since, IMNHO, uprisings can and almost certainly will break out anywhere. No town or township will be immune. There won’t be Blue and Gray armies fighting in specific war zones, there will be Bob and Grady individuals fighting in neighborhoods. Groups may form but not immediately. Outside of some militia-style groups and BLAntifa, as far as I know no one is organizing at this point.
I don’t think they know better. The devolution of the education system and the abandonment of behavioral standards tell me that they have no idea. They act on whims with zero knowledge or comprehension of what kind of history or thinking underlies the slogans they spout. Language has no meaning – or, more accurately perhaps, no fixed meaning – to them and they have no capacity for any kind of thought, let alone reasoning. They really are at an infantile level of knowledge, which is why they throw their mass tantrums whenever their every wish us not immediately granted.
That doesn’t make them less dangerous. They’re adults or near-adults, at least physically, so they can perform adult acts despite not grasping the first thing about them. Look at that incident with the kid who set himself on fire with his own Molotov cocktail – he had no idea that liquids spread from a bottle when it breaks, no idea that he might catch fire being that close to one, what to do once he was on fire, and no ability to think on his feet about how that fire was different so “stop, drop, and roll” – which someone ignorantly shouted at him – wouldn’t work so he would have to do something different like smother the fire with a jacket or something. (You or I would have known how to avoid the fire at about age 7.) But he could make and throw that Molotov cocktail. Dangerous.
I’ve seen reports that recent investigations have discovered organization behind the rioting. Something like 90% of riots where sufficient evidence has been found to make a determination are tied to BLM. So now we do know.
They can’t. They have no idea that they’re being manipulated now nor that they have been indoctrinated and manipulated all their lives. They’re incapable of figuring it out.
*Except a crazy woman I met in a bar once who ranted constantly about how my non-immediate replies to her texts must have meant that I was cheating on her with some other woman. The day after we met.
I’m kinda proud of “Chance the Candidate.” 🙂
Yeah, I liked that too.
As in Chance Gardner of “Being There” ?
You’re killin it! Well played Michael!