Recorded on 2/6/14
0:00:00 Opening remarks
0:03:05 LA Premiere of ‘The Arroyo’
0:09:56 C.S.R. (Common Sense Resistance film)
0:23:48 Nanotechnology (and Big Bat Problems)
0:35:53 Wrenches (cut back to CSR)
0:42:39 Impeachment ?
0:47:39 Anglosphere ?
0:59:39 Hyperinflation ?
1:11:10 EMP ? (Nuclear blasts, Fukishima)
1:30:27 Ceres ? (as in the asteroid + Aurora plot lines)
1:40:53 Color ?
1:42:55 Barbarella ? (Jane Fonda is a stupid person)
1:45:56 ‘The Professor’ Russell Johnson died at 89
1:46:33 Jingoism ? (rampant, out of control nationalism)
1:51:46 Bernoulli ? (Airplane lift, Wright Bros, Charlie Taylor)
2:22:31 Bill thanks his viewers and supporters