BW Member Blog

These Are the Times, Again

I’m done being polite Goddamnit.

Hey! Uniparty! And all the psychologically-ill sycophants who are too broken and full of pride, those who would rather defenestrate their neighbors than admit that they have been duped. Duped at a colossal level. You are worse than useless, you are destruction.

When you find you can’t survive America’s success because your enemy told you so, you tear everything good down. Your destructive temper tantrums and projections have cracked the foundation of truth. Way to go, assholes.

And the rest of us, playing fair, always taking the higher ground. What has that wrought? Political imprisonment of peaceful protesters, J6, the Fedsurrection, censorship, closing bank accounts, perverts with access to our children. Our children. Our. Children.

I understand, when the Left’s demons are unleashed it is scary.  Living under the yoke of the perverts in DC, the salt of this nation have been grind down so much we suffer these fools to our detriment. 

People have DIED, our 18 year old boys have DIED to protect the right to vote.

The Left is lost, that is the nature of the Left. Destruction for destruction’s sake. It’s meant to keep us one our toes.

It is time for traitors to die for spitting on our veteran’s graves, for destroying America, for destroying lives of 100 million citizens and their families. It is time to die because the government has called for war against its citizens. Not the illegals, the citizens.

Our enemies live in hypocrisy. They are not Americans, they tell us all the time that they are not Americans, they hate America. That means they hate us. How can that be? Love Trumps Hate and all that. Again, we are living under the tyranny of hypocrites. There is no reasoning with evil.

These are the baddies, the racists, the Nazis and their silent supporters, the Communists, the money changers in the Temple. And even Jesus had a breaking point with the nonsense of these lost souls.

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