One of the many things described by Bill in his most recent solo act, “Things to Come,” was a prediction of a pending war between the law-abiding and lawless. Well, let’s not be so naive to be fooled that the lawless excludes those tasked with upholding the Law itself. A current commentary by John Stossel highlights the lawlessness that is becoming more and more commonplace in our institutions of law enforcement (–okQ?si=MVRiXGAYa9Mwllbe).
When people’s property is destroyed and financial accountability for such wanton destruction is not required of those responsible, then we have a society that spirals closer to chaos. After the SWAT destroyed his place of business, one of the interviewed victims of such property destruction expressed a depressing and likely a commonly-held sentiment about the criminal being chased by SWAT: “Why didn’t he just shoot me?”