BW Member Blog

Time to Buckle Up

I think between now and the 2024 election will be the most chaotic Americans living today have ever seen.  The Left currently has the most power they have had to date and they are desperate to hang on to it.  What is happening to Trump is pretty clear.   He represents a huge setback and loss of power for the Left and their disturbing plans and they are certain he will win in a fair election.  They also suspect they aren’t going to get the same kinds of opportunities to cheat they had in the 2020 election.  To beat Trump will require election fraud on a scale even the Left doubts they can pull off, hence the desperate attempts to disqualify him from running.  If this doesn’t work, expect the Left to foment chaos and violence like they did in 2020 but much worse. Pray they don’t assassinate Trump as I fear civil war will follow.

Buckle up because hell is on our doorstep and our freedom will be preserved or lost before this next year is over.   This is our last chance to save our country.  We must stand up for our country now or expect to live in a Socialist Hell.

2 replies on “Time to Buckle Up”

Yeah … I don’t think things are as drastically dire as all that. I’m not trivializing the current situation one bit, it’s bad and likely to get worse before it gets better. But we’ve seen some pretty bad times before and America has bounced back from those.

Of course, we could throw it all away by just letting the Left have their way but I don’t see that as happening. It’s not that the Right is going to come riding in wearing shining armor on a white horse either. Unless things change drastically the leadership on the Right can’t find it’s ass with both hands, a flashlight and GPS.

The Left will eventually implode, they eat their own offspring and a huge percentage of their agenda is insupportable. As they move closer to their goals becoming more and more absurd and ever more insulated and ignorant of the consequences they’re generating, people’s lives get worse and discontent flourishes more and more.

There’s only so far they can go no matter what the Leftist media would have you believe. Or the Rightist media for that matter too. Drastically dire news and commentary draws eyeballs and lucrative clicks. There is an irresistible economic drive for the sensationally drastic and apocalyptically dire stance in media.

It’s important now more than ever to distinguish between “news” and information as the two increasingly become polar opposites. For some unfathomable reason far, far too many Conservatives are mistaking what amounts to entertainment as information. If you let entertainment do that to you, that’s your own fault and just because you let that happen doesn’t make you correct.

A prime example of this phenomena is a member here that would scour the internet with a fine toothed comb looking for “clues” that supported his own confirmation bias. It didn’t matter how uncredible or inaccurate or unverifiable his discovered “news” was. If it fit his breathless, frantic worldview it just “had” to be a true indication that catastrophe and collapse is just around the corner. Sometimes several times a day he’d post his “discoveries” in the member blog hysterically warning us all that the end is nigh. That any day now we’d all be rounded up and shot or sent to concentration camps. What’s really funny is that’s exactly the same sort of nonsense the other side spewed when Trump was elected and guess what? The other side was wrong too. Those things never happened. It’s the flip side of the same coin.

Richard Nixon was the Donald Trump of the 1970’s and look what happened to him. Unlike Trump, Nixon was a genuine Conservative but like Trump, Nixon thought he was so-all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips that he was could get away with things. Things that didn’t actually help his political position and career and in hindsight were both stupid and useless.

Which just like Trump his political enemies used to destroy him. So like Trump, he did things that got him into hot water. It doesn’t matter if the hot water was justified, fair or even proportionate. It was lighting the match under the pot that allowed political enemies to boil the water. They’re going to do that every single time so don’t light that match.

Donald Trump does that a lot. I’m not talking about Trump’s trash talking the opposition, it’s not that Trump “offends” me. That’s absurd. It’s things like letting Fauci practically take over the nation. Things like endorsing a bunch of virgin political losers in the last election. Which damped down the Red Wave to barely a ripple. Trump keeps his ego in his ass and lets it override his brain when the chips are down and it really counts. I voted for him twice and I’ll vote for him again but not because he’s the Savior of America. Simply because all the alternatives are much worse. If you can’t see that then you’re not really seeing anything.

The Left hated Nixon and Nixon went down. The Left hates Trump and surprise surprise they’re doing their best to take him down too. The details are different but the basic outline is the same.

Nixon was followed by Gerry Ford, who didn’t even want the office, and Jimmy Carter and the dark days got darker. Then when the country had had enough of that kind of crap along comes Ronnie Reagan, and George HW Bush for a total of 12 years of Republican occupancy of the White House. Then eight years of Clinton only because Ross Perot split the Conservative vote, then two more Republican terms with George W Bush in the Oval office.

Between Reagan swearing in and GW leaving the White House was a span of 24 years, only 8 of which, one third, saw a Democrat POTUS. That’s a 2:1 ratio of Republican to Democrat Presidents. So what did the Republicans do? They squandered that advantage by allowing the Left to pull them off Right, off Center and to the Left themselves.

Just like they squandered the first two years of the Trump administration.

So yeah, things are bad, they’re probably going to get worse too. But that doesn’t mean The Republic is finished if Trump doesn’t get elected. Both the rot and the good run a lot deeper than that.

You’re right that the Left probably has more power than at any time in living memory but … Maybe not too. They had a lot of power back in the 60’s and 70’s and screwed the country up badly during that time. You’re right hat Trump or someone like Trump is a serious threat to them. The truth is any right thinking American should be a serious threat to them. I’m not arguing about the things you got right, I’m disagreeing with your conclusions to the effect that doom is upon us and hell is at our doorstep. That’s just not true.

Try not to get the vapors when the ride gets rough. It’s not helpful to do that. As Andrew Klavan says so well, paraphrasing here …

“Anger makes you stupid. Stupid makes you vulnerable. Being vulnerable makes you lose. When you lose you are powerless. When you are powerless the only thing you can do is get more angry. So don’t let anger rule you.”

I believe the Globalists are salivating over a civil war in the US.
All of the military aged men that are here illegally aren’t here to be translators for our military. They’re coming over the border in Arizona from Syria, Nigeria and other parts of the whirled.

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