BW Member Blog

Totally offended

I usually try to compose these posts as though I have some semblance of decorum but today I can’t. I’m too pissed off.

Kamala Harris said something that set me off and the sad part is that she was cheered resoundingly for it. She said, “Hey, guys, you know what? America does not want to witness a food fight. They want to know how we’re going to put food on their table.”  How DARE she?!?! I don’t want to know how THEY will put food on MY table. That is MY JOB!!!! I want to know how they will get the hell out of my way so that I can do it MYSELF!!! Then these lemmings in the audience cheered wildly. REALLY?!?! Don’t they realize that a government generous enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take away everything you have?!?!?

I apologize for the language.

2 replies on “Totally offended”

I couldn’t bring myself to watch the debates, but I did see several clips and this one one of them. At first I thought maybe, just maybe, the audience was filled with adults that didn’t want to see children fighting on the stage and that was why they were applauding. Then I came to my senses. Sadly, the lemmings will happily go over the cliff.

I’m tempted to respond with similar language as I observe: One wonders how the Founders found their own keesters with both hands, without the benevolent, all-knowing state to do it for them.

The sad thing is that politicians employ this rhetoric because it works: It is easy to get some part of our population fired up with the idea that they are owed something and someone else had better pony up. It has probably been true of all human populations everywhere throughout time that some substantial share of people are susceptible to this kind of thinking, and not only will tolerate but maybe even craves the subservience that goes with it. We’ve drifted too far from our formative years of self-selecting rugged do-it-yourself types, and now the rust has set in on our westward wagons and decay like this is taking hold. I don’t know if there’s any way to reverse it. Seems like what we need is new places to go that will start that self-selection cycle again.

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