Right Angle


Have we fallen to a point where we find chopping off healthy body parts acceptable?

As segments of society spiral ever deeper into madness, a new movement is slowly gathering momentum. It’s called ‘Transablism,’ and it consists of people who ‘identify with’ being disabled in some manner, including amputation of perfectly healthy limbs and blinding oneself with drain cleaner… under the supervision and encouragement f supposedly trained medical health professionals. Have we fallen to a point where we find chopping off healthy body parts acceptable?

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32 replies on “Transablism”

Some of the counter-trans questions I’ve read / seen in memes posit the “would you take your 5 year old into the hospital when he wanted to be a pirate and have them remove his leg for a peg and replace his eye with a patch” type. It seems this is just the same thing, but grown ups that still have the minds of children.

To Bill’s last question why we don’t feel quite the same about “top” surgeries… I think it might be because they are somewhat similar to treatments for breast cancer? It is a surgery that does remove living tissue, but it is not quite the same. Removing a leg, an arm, eyes or etc is not something done except in extreme cases, where the removed tissue is already damaged.

While I may be misinterpreting the intent of your comment, as a surgeon who performed mastectomy for cancer, the emotional cost remained large, later leading to an emphasis on reconstructive surgery. I don’t believe you mean mastectomy is of no emotional import, but I recall great hesitancy for many women to choose mastectomy even if it meant the spread of cancer. Fortunately we made great progress in breast preservation since those earlier days, but for a young woman to choose mastectomy to improve one’s sense of gender identity is very costly emotionally. Personally I was fortunate never to confront the option, but I believe I would have refused to perform the operation.

While the surgery has emotional import for the patient, I wasn’t commenting on that. I have forgotten what Bill said exactly but I was posting mostly on what he asked about us, the general public, reacting to people having various surgeries.
My thought was we might not react to some surgeries as much as others, as he posited, because some might seem similar to surgeries people have normally. Some of the other more disagreed with surgeries don’t seem to have any other use.
Thinking on this a second time, I would disagree with Bill’s sentiment, and that we do feel the same about “top” surgeries as I recall several stories about people posing after surgery and the general revulsion that was the commented reaction.

I recall 20+ years ago working as a social worker for the VA we had a veteran who had numerous attempts to get the VA to amputate his leg with no success. He eventually returned to his home area on the east coast. We learned about a year later that he was successful in finding a doctor who was able to amputate nis leg. One of the reasons he verbalized was that he would get disability money for the rest of his life.

Sorry, Bill! Medical Students no longer recite the Hippocratic Oath. People think that this is still done but the fact is, they don’t.
Each year, thousands of graduating medical students across the country don caps and gowns and vow to uphold the highest ideals of their new profession. The uninitiated might assume they recite the Hippocratic Oath, a venerable document enumerating ideals for physicians that dates back more than two millennia. In reality, though, that’s hardly the case.,and%20growing%20%E2%80%94%20range%20of%20oaths.

I was born in the mid-70s with a highly complex congenital heart defect. I have four heart surgeries to keep me alive and I still haven’t had the final surgery for my condition. I have spend my whole life NOT being the victim.

Oaths in general have gone the way of the Dodo, the Hippocratic oath isn’t even required to attend or graduate many medical schools and many have “modified” it to reflect “modern” ideas. Do you wonder why Hippocrates had to come up with the oath in the first place? No one is inventing anything new; we are the same old fallen mankind and there is nothing new under the sun.

Larry Niven said it best in ‘Oath of Fealty’.
“Think of it as Evolution in Action.”
I’ve adopted that as one of my go-to phrases to respond to stories I read about fatally stupid behavior.

I read about this mental illness several years ago, but I didn’t come to the same conclusion that Bill has that this is a virtue signal for victimhood. I think these people are truly convinced that the body part they want removed is somehow evil or does not belong on their body.

When the transgender nonsense started and people were having healthy body parts removed, the first thing I thought was that it was no different than having body identity integrity disorder. The only difference is one is celebrated and the other is considered sick.

I see similarities with abortion doctors who remove healthy babies from their mothers, and doctors who assist terminal patients to commit suicide. They both think they’re “helping” their patients. But how long will it be before a patient who is not terminally ill but only severely depressed is allowed to end their life?

A doctor should never end a life, or remove a healthy body part, ever. It’s immoral, unethical and antithetical to the Hippocratic oath.

It almost seems as if the Left is going through the catalog of mental disorders trying to legitimize and promote them as something positive. While being oblivious to the deleterious effect such policies are having on society.

There’s an entry in the psychology manuals for that too. It’s called …


Their minds are depraved but …

I can’t help wondering if this isn’t a strategic move by the Left to not only divide the nation — which it surely is doing exactly according to Frankfort School doctrines — but also because they need to find new votes to buy after the Democrats abandoned their Blue Collar and Black base. They’re bleeding votes from those segments of the voting public.

A sort of a voter replacement scheme to offset those losses?

Do no harm!
Any medical professional who would perform or encourage self mutilation qualifies as a Nazi (re Mengele). I would put abortionists in the same filthy camp.

Kinda makes me wonder how much of this is going on among people who’ve followed the leftist creed that drugs do no harm, make you wiser/smarter/whatever.

Conditioning is when people are taught that their beliefs and thoughts are truth. They are only responding to what they believe is true.

Permanently maiming yourself is sick. Medical professionals like doctors and psychiatrists who aid and encourage such things are evil.

If you’ve ever been to a VA hospital you might have run into a strange phenomenon. There are veterans who having lost the capacity to walk and so are wheelchair bound for the rest of their lives. Some of them have built what I can only describe as “hot rod wheelchairs”.

They’ve built wheelchairs that use multiple car batteries, have powerful DC electric motors and are capable of speeds up to 30-40 MPH. Some of them even look like mini-dragsters and have wheelie wheels to keep them from flipping over backwards from the torque applied to the drive wheels.

These guys will have impromptu races down hallways where they think no one of authority is watching. It’s a little bit dangerous because if someone steps out of a side door in front of them there’s going to be a serious wreck.

I know all this because I was one of those people who stepped out of a doorway on such a hallway. The chairs flashed past and didn’t hit me but ever afterwards I would look both ways down the hall before stepping out.

If you asked any one of those pseudo-landrocket pilots if they’d rather ride their chairs at 35 MPH or walk at 5 MPH they’d choose the latter every time.

I have zero sympathy for intentional, self inflicted wounds. Of any sort. For any reason.

Self mutilation is the ‘logical’, read inevitable progression of the left wing’s ideology or belief system. The left is now completely nihilist. That is, based on their ideology, they reject both facts, reality, and also all values. So to be a true left winger, you do not pursue values and you label the pursuit of any value, competence or superior ability or excellence for example, as ‘racist’. And what better way to demonstrate your total dedication to the left than to destroy a particular value in your life, in this case, your health. The psychologist who helped the woman blind herself undoubtedly felt totally morally justified in doing so because of deeply held left wing beliefs. The left is now completely malevolent, vicious, and totally tyrannical. The only behavior which the left will accept is blind, unthinking, voluntarily ‘brain dead’ obedience to their ideology. Nothing else will do. The woman who blinded herself may at some point be encouraged to cut off a limb and if she does, she will get more ‘compliments’ for doing so from other left wingers.

It’s what people do to themselves when they tattoo their faces. They take themselves out of the requirement of living a responsible life. They now have a permanent excuse to be unsuccessful.

When I first subscribed to BQDC there was a commenter here (LG) who continually emphasized “Reality Is Not Optional”. I have not seen any remarks from LG for some time now, so I hope he is still doing well, but he was in his 80’s and may or may not have had health issues. His adage continues to apply in this and many other cases.

There is a corollary or conditional to “Do No Harm” and that is “… within the scope of your current knowledge”. Our medical science has advanced a very great deal over the last 150 or so years, but our level of ignorance and potentially wrong ideas is still pretty high. [Think of bleeding to remove “humors”, not washing hands between delivering babies, etc. — things even the smartest people thought were justified at that time and place. And now we have changed the definition of “vaccine” to protect the hubris of selected governmental officials. ] That appears to be especially so among the mental health “professionals”, who seem to often be flying blind on just what might work and why. A great deal of trial and error with psychotropic drugs, etc. But I am also very glad there are people interested in pursuing these fields, and the associated neuroscience, and also those who are oriented to helping the homeless and less advantaged — a desire for direct people orientation and interaction that I do not have personally. But as with many things in life, even that desire can become misdirected and misguided and misfocused in some minds.

Bill made it clear. The people who aid these mentally disturbed individuals in following this demented path must, not should, be removed from the profession and prosecuted with long jail time. To Scott: isn’t it that our physical condition, as expressed in Genesis, an image of God? Then self-mutilation, and especially aiding in it, is Evil? When we no longer distinguish between Evil and perverse hedonism, there are no boundaries. Everything is permitted, even ultimately repeating the evils of Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

I happened to re-find this on my computer the other day, from David P. Goldman (aka Spengler):
“… Among all the ancient peoples only the ancient Hebrews prohibited the public display of executed corpses (Deuteronomy. 21:23), because an atrocity inflicted on the living image of God is an offense to God
That is what holds the West together. The Christian West summoned the pagans out of pre-history on the authority of a God whose love extends to every individual, so that as individuals they might abandon the collective identity of tribe and instead embrace an individual identity as Christian converts. The bright line that separates pre-modern collective identity from the covenantal identity of the Western individual is nowhere clearer than in the matter of atrocity. Pagan tribes feel no compunction about torturing and desecrating the cadavers of members of another collectivity; Western societies cannot abide such acts without going mad. We cannot even observe them from afar without feeling a touch of madness. [Emphasis added].

This is also in line with the themes in Larry Siedentop: Inventing the Individual; and Tom Holland: Dominion; two books emphasizing the role of Christianity on our current modern Western culture, even as scientific advances make some claims about divine influences more difficult for many to accept. Other cultures from around the globe are now influenced and impacted by Western culture due to our economic, technological, and military successes, but they still do not truly understand us.

You made some critical points, and even as I do not regard myself as especially religious, I constantly come back to the matter of free will. This can exist only if we have the ability to choose, rather than all actions, emotions, thoughts, driven by an infinitely complex set of physical interactions. I “choose” to believe I have free will, and in accepting that foundation, also “choose” to accept responsibility for my actions with specific reference to a higher moral authority than myself or my government, even, in a sense, of my religion through which this higher moral code is delivered to me. A “formal” religion is an institution and subject to human error. (There is a great joke in this matter.) But the link to a higher authority, be it in a Christian, Jewish, Islamic, or other similarly based entity, is the essential feature. I have used the “myth” of the Garden of Eden to express this concept. Adam and Eve had free will, else their existence in the Garden ultimately was pointless. Once they chose to eat the apple, they were cast out but now understood the differences between Good and Evil and had the will to choose. If they, and now we, chose well, we would return to the Garden. Ultimately, in this interpretation, we all must make choices, freely, with our understanding that Good stems not from our opinions but from the knowledge given to us by God. To do what these people did as revealed in Bill’s narrative, reflects choosing evil.

I just finished reading Jonathan Cahn’s latest The Return of the Gods in which he details how the old practices of paganism are re-surfacing throughout the West. When we took Bible reading and prayer out of the schools and religion out of the public square a huge vacuum resulted. The old gods rushed in to reclaim old territory. It seems almost every day a new horror is revealed.
1Corinthians 3:16-17 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Satan was thrown out of Heaven due to pride and wanting to be like the Most High. Ever since he has done all he can to drive a wedge between God’s creation: Man in His own image and to bring mankind down to the level of the animals.

What kind of doctor would perform such an operation? Mengele.

Why isn’t against the law for a “doctor” to aid, or abet a person in the deliberate disfiguring of himself? Why aren’t these people being prosecuted to the full extent of the law?

The “full extent of the law” doesn’t mean what it used to…

It sounds like something an abortion doctor would be capable of, too.

Mengele was the first “Doctor” that jumped into my mind.
Those that aid in this should be prosecuted.

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