As an experiment, please post your questions here for Bill Whittle’s Thursday night (5/2/19) livecast of The Stratosphere Lounge.
All things being equal, Member questions will, of course, merit priority in the elaborate, and somewhat mystical, selection algorithm employed by Bill to ensure the highest quality questions, if not answers.
You can actually watch the show from this website when it goes live at 9 p.m. Eastern. You may have to do a Twitch login to participate in the chatroom.
44 replies on “TSL Questions: Post Yours Here for 5/2/19 Show”
When is Vigilantism an acceptable moral course of action? There was recent news about an armed American militia performing Citizens Arrests to detain illegal aliens near the border until Border Patrol could come by to legally remove them. Do you think this is appropriate given the immigration crisis, and if not, at what point would you deem it appropriate?
Is the current political climate our new reality? Will we ever regain a bipartisan approach to governing this country, or are we doomed to retreat further into our extreme corners? Is Trump the new archtype for modern presidents, given the overtly hostile opposition any candidates now face?
What do you think of Simulation Hypothesis, as put forward by the likes of Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and Scott Adams? Is this the “higher power” you believe in when the evidence of intelligent design becomes overwhelming, but you are “too smart” to believe in God?
Bill, what did you think about yesterdays attacks on AJ Baar and also his not being there today? I loved it when he now and again would either smile at some inquiries or just an outright chuckle. Amazing as he was being bombarded with so many underhanded attacks and even defamation of his character.
How about being honest about the fact that money is expected to buy government favors and rather than one person one vote have one dollar paid in taxes be one vote? If you don’t pay taxes, you don’t have a vote because you don’t have skin in the game. At least then the people who are forced to pay will have a say what is done with their wealth that is taken by force from them.
I’m a new subscriber but have followed you about 7 months now.
2 questions a bit similar
As a 100% disabled vet I heavily rely on the government for most of my monthly income. As a conservative I do not like relying on others. Some months I can work, other months I hit a wall and it takes everything I have to get stabilized again.
Will I always be able to count on these benefits or do you think there will be some events that will see them go away and disappear in the future?
If so what would you suspect those those to be?
What are some early warning signs 3-7 days out of a government collapse?
These may be a bit simple but I’d just like to hear your opinion and take on them.
Thanks in advance Bill.
Joseph, I admire your independent spirit profoundly, but I also believe we owe it to those who risk all for us to have their backs. Amid a generally small-government, fiscally conservative outlook, that is sacred ground to me. It’s worth every bit to take care of our vets better than we have. My sincere thanks for your service and presence here.
Seal Team is addressing this. In a realistic way, so far.
1) Why is the mainstream media comprised of something like 98% Democrats? And why do they no longer even try to hide their glee on election nights when a Dem is elected, or hide their disappointment when a Republican is elected? And why don’t people SEE that bias?
2) It seems Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. etc. are doing a lot of censoring of conservative views. Why are most of the big tech companies owned & run by liberals? Seriously – don’t we have any good tech guys on the Right? For a while, I thought MeWe would replace FB, but it’s a different format and doesn’t work as well, IMO. So… how do we even the playing field and get our voices heard?
3) Ilhan Omar… recall election? I’d like to see it. Did people understand who they were voting for? Or were they just proving their “virtue” by voting for a Muslim? Does her base still support her even after all her blatantly anti-Semitic remarks?
Oh, and…for some reason I was a little late to the party, but in the beginning of this year Major League Baseball changed the name of the DL (disabled list) to the IL (injured list) out of extreme sensitivity to disabled persons. PC once again messing with America’s special game? Or simply a nice common sense re look at a very old baseball term?
Things are going pretty well. Economy up, inflation in check, 2020 prospects looking better. You 3, and most of all you, Bill, physically look better and happier in your videos. IF you 3 make it to 2020 and its a landslide in the conservative dkrectionn will you hang it all up and live happy lives not so full of worry, tense days and I’m sure a lot of sleepless nights lake over the last 10 years?
……or ….does rust (progressive socialism) never sleep?
I must admit I enjoy our barking mad lefties. Dumping our asylum seeking problems on sanctuary cities has them properly foaming at the mouth.
What one thing could our provoker in chief do to top that? Any ideas?
AG Barr testified today that he had investigations into both the illegal leaks and that he was going to investigate where the whole process started.
Do you think there is a real chance that these investigations happen? B) If they do and they are honest, how many people do you see getting indicted?
Have you had any further thoughts about decentralization, or building “parallel institutions” as alternatives to Progressive-dominated strongholds? It’s hard to know where to start with this, but it seems like an important idea that I’d like to be involved in and contribute to.
This might tie in with the civil war 2 question…
Here’s a question sparked by JustAnother StraightShooter’s recent post on the theory that as a society we’re due for another civil war: how does one prepare for this sort of thing without becoming a “prepper”? Especially since unlike with the Civil War there’s no apparent geographical border to provide some amount of physical separation. (Well, aside from the west coast, I suppose…)
Follow-on: Do you think a second Civil War is likely, given the Left’s aversion to firearms and the success they’ve had with forcing cultural and political changes incrementally over many decades?* Might an uncontested “parting of the ways” be a more likely scenario?
* (Granted, they seem fine with firearms in the government’s hands, particularly if said government is under their leadership, but I just don’t see U.S. soldiers firing on fellow Americans or attempting to disarm them, regardless of who’s in the White House or Congress. Is this a failure of imagination on my part, given the Civil War that already happened?)
Did the Civil War literally kill off (most of) the fighting spirit in Americans? That rebellious instinct to fight for things worth fighting for that got us the American Revolution? My logic is this: all the young men with fighting spirit went off to war and died, never having a chance to pass on that spirit to future generations.
That “spirit” needs to be passed from generation to generation, backed up both by schools and society. Sadly, neither is taking place causing the loss lost two generations through poisoned anti-American blather…which now includes grade schools…in textbooks especially history and n literature. Even parents who are doing their best to pass on this spirit are undermined either by society as a whole, one-sided media or college. Far too many colleges have an anti-establishment/socialist agendas which are coloring every aspect of their studies.
It’s madness that one can say “anti-establishment” and “socialist” as if they were synonyms, but that’s the inverted future of mental contortions we live in!
If you had the chance to live in the world of of Star Citizen as a member of the Aurora Republic, would you? Yes, you can take Natasha and your friends.
We are too nice, it seems. Contra the Left’s claims, we as a culture are kind, patient, and tolerant to a fault, as evidenced by the fact that we pay them to complain about us and brainwash our kids. How can we keep this rightly prized kindness of spirit from becoming our undoing?
As digital technology advances, are you concerned that the ability to cheaply fabricate photo-realistic video will destroy the credibility of videos as evidence in court? I can see us returning to a time when you can’t trust anything you or someone you trust didn’t see with their own eyes. The digital capture technology you want to use for the aurora project could nullify the truth-spreading power of video.
Would you consider posting some Star Citizen gameplay for those of us who can’t play it? All your talk of the amazing experiences you have playing with the Republic makes me wish you would record a few hours of raw gameplay with your crew (voice chat included) and release it. I would sure enjoy it. Also, Stefan Molyneux released a video of himself playing Minecraft, so you wouldn’t be the first conservative/gamer.
Nolan, there is an Aurora Republic YouTube channel.
Ooh, perfect–I’ve been wondering the same thing.
It seems like they only post instructional videos, though, and not normal gameplay.
Nolan, please click the Twitch link that I posted just below. That link is actual game play.
And a Twitch channel with recorded gameplay. Enjoy!
If Hitler ran for president under another name and face, do you think there is a chance the American left (bit of an oxymoron there) would elect him, or would they all write-in Stalin instead?
They’d write in Mao. He’s still a cis-het male, but at least he’s not white.
Do you think a nation or system of government fundamentally better than America can/will ever come along? In other words, is America the best we can do? I know American ideas are not implemented perfectly, and that could be improved, but that isn’t my point. Do you think people long before America believed a fundamentally better civilization than all they had seen could come about?
I’ve been stockpiling questions waiting for this moment, so here goes.
Is there any way to pin this until tomorrow? It’s about to fall off the first page. People will miss it.
I see endless articles on artificial intelligence and how it will be making decisions and recommendations. Will/should this artificial intelligence also possess artificial ethics? Who gets to decide what the artificial ethics might be?
I think the more pertinent question is “Can artificial intelligence posses an artificial ethics that will be beneficial to both living humans AND themselves?” Especially given the abysmal record of human ethics over the centuries. I think if the artificial intelligence uses data about how we humans have treated each other to develop an ethic, both we and they are toast.
What technologies necessary for off-Earth survival have been most neglected or underestimated in our efforts so far? If freedom’s future lies on new frontiers (America in Space), what do we most need to be working on now, technically and otherwise, to make migration into those frontiers possible?
(I greatly appreciate this experiment, by the way, as a longtime fan not on Facebook who’s been yearning to post TSL questions. — Thank you, powers that be!)
I am not a regular Stratolounger, but I am interested in this question as well, particularly in view of this video (Decolonizing Mars with “The Right Stuff”)…
Oh Gawd. The SJW lunatics can pound sand. They’re worried because they see exactly what’s coming in response to their ever-escalating insanity and demands to be taken with earnest seriousness: Sane people with initiative are going to leave the irrelevant, unhinged, batshit crazy social critic complainer culture behind. Get your own off-Earth colony, Critical Space Studies moonbats. Mine’s going to be about living as you damn well please. May contain triggering elements of individualism, risk tolerance, love of adventure, and/or other symptoms of “toxic masculinity”. Ask your doctor if leaving the humdrum cradle of your imaginary “safe space” is right for you.
Thank you. I hate Facebook.
Hopefully this will inject some new blood into the questions. I adore my Stratoloungers, but it would be nice to hear questions from different voices.
P.S. I deleted my question because I had many questions answered throughout the years. I want to make space for others to shine, as well.
How does a person know if they’re really thinking or just rationalizing to fit a preconceived ideology?
They check their premises and assumptions against reality. Then stay reality focused rather than emotion, whim, and fantasy focused.