BW Member Blog

Unleash the Comedians…

Here is a very brief clip from those glorious days before the CCP virus gave the collectivists an excuse to control, monitor and micromanage society. It’s of an Irish comic called Mary Bourke at Comedy Unleashed in London. I do hope this club gets going again, but it’s a small venue and I can’t see how they’ll be able to until restrictions are lifted more or less fully.  

Comedy Unleashed has been described as a right-wing comedy club, but it’s not that, it’s simply a comedy club that refuses to censor. Many of the acts are not right-wing at all, they just appreciate the opportunity to perform without having to adhere to increasingly draconian rules applied in most clubs and in the MSM. That said, some are very sound indeed.

This makes them a very important and unusual club, a ray of bright and hopeful light in an increasingly dark and repressive world. They have a lot of videos on YouTube, of course, most have F and C bombs aplenty and extremely adult content. This clips is free of expletives, but beware of Mary’s soft and gentle delivery, there are sharp edges just below the surface. Enjoy.

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