Right Angle

Viva la Vandalism!

…Because if one thing is certain, the Progressives who put it there are immune to concepts like ‘truth’ and ‘reason.’

Bill, Steve and Scott — three law and order, straight shooters — find themselves in various levels of agreement with repeated acts of outright vandalism. At a school in Oregon, administrators had installed a tampon dispenser in the boys bathroom. So they ripped it off the wall, and it looks like this cycle is repeating. Should we tolerate this, ignore it, or celebrate it? Because if one thing is certain, the Progressives who put it there are immune to concepts like ‘truth’ and ‘reason.’

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23 replies on “Viva la Vandalism!”

If violence is speech, at least according to our wiser better Leftist friends, then these high school students are just speaking out and should be encouraged.

Not sure Scott’s idea of charging the girls more would fly though. Might create a little bit of hypocrisy though when the girls start complaining and someone asks why they are complaining using the word ‘girls’ and not ‘people who menstrate’ like they should.

When I received my orders to report to Fort Benning to attend Infantry Officer Candidate School (OCS), I was given a list of required items to take with me including a box of Kotex. This item drove my mother crazy. She purchased a box for me and I packed it away with instructions to write her as soon as I learned their purpose.
I wish there was some way I could post a second response so that you could fret over this the way my mother did.
In OCS we were required to spit shine everything including the floors of the rooms and halls in our barracks. Every piece of furniture was fitted with a wood block to which we stapled a Kotex on the bottom so that they could be moved without scraping (ruining) our spit shine.

In my elementary and high school years, I had really bad nosebleeds. That condition didn’t stop until a few medical procedures to cauterize the inside of my nose to “thicken up and toughen up” the skin surrounding those blood vessels. Until those procedures, I’d often be in the school bathroom grabbing toilet paper to make my own mini nostril tampons to pack the nose out and put pressure on the bleeder. Worked like a charm from kindergarten to sophomore in HS.
Would have been so much easier back then if we had those machines in the boys bathroom so I wouldn’t have to “roll my own”. Takes two hands to roll TP into an OB. Meanwhile, blood’s flowing out the nose all over the place. Wretched bloody mess all over. Bathroom stall would look like a crime scene….

Yup, I said “boys” bathroom

Sorry if anyone got a little urpy over mention of blood all over. While I got used to it, others would get pretty nauseous.

Oh and why the D.I.Y. medical attention? Because someone taught school nurses to Pinch the nose, tilt the head back, and let all the blood flow into the patient’s (me!) stomach! Vomit inducing.

Putting nookie-napkin and tampon dispensers aren’t needed in most schools unless they are in areas with high shooting rates, and students are properly trained in their use in trauma applications.

And where are the dispensers for free condoms in both the boys and girls bathrooms??? Have to be prepared for any possibility or eventuality.
Free cell phones? Free items of clothing? Advertising for the local abortion mill???
Where does it stop?
Oh, but they will charge for the text books!!!

If those feminine hygiene products are free for the taking, then just taking them is neither violence nor vandalism. I propose these students should be generating creative ways to decorate the campus with these government subsidized products. Be bold. Make a public, in your face statement that transcends the confines of the bathroom.

That too but …

If I were one of those male students I’d consider putting a tampon dispenser in the boys room the same as saying that anyone who uses that facility is a pussy. So I’d be one of the guys ripping them down. Just sayin’.

Why not both of your solutions? As Steve likes to say, Embrace the healing power of “And”

Sounds good to me. Tear the dispensers down AND strew the tampons/pads all over campus. Sadly the guy that has to pick them all up is probably on our side. Being a janitor and all. Then again, he works for the school district so he might be a Lefty. In which case he deserves every one he has to pick up.

I used to frequent a tavern in a small town that had a condom vending machine in the men’s restroom. Some wit with a sharpie had scrawled in big letters on the front of the machine …

“Don’t buy this gum. It tastes terrible!”

I don’t remember any bar in town in the 70s that didn’t have at least one condom vending machine and usually a cologne one next to it. Oh, ya we called them rubbers because we couldn’t remember how to spell condum!

This is right up there with a story another parent told me over the weekend. At a local middle school, in an effort to fight bigotry, the school’s educracy (who don’t have kids themeselves) had an assemby where they gave the kids a list of inapproriate racial and ethnic slurs along with their definitions. They honestly thought that this would somehow educate and deter bad behavior. Guess what happened instead.
They might as well have installed a tampon dispensary in the boys’ room

Unfortunately, given the indoctrination and its success, there are probably just a couple of vandals who think that they are funny perpetrating this act. I’m sure, given the political climate in Oregon, most boys there are “clutching their pearls” in response to this “horror”.
Or maybe a neighboring college has boys that need the tampons more than they do and came over and stole them. Given its Oregon. Home State of the Beavers. Go Dawgs! Sick em! Woof, woof!

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