…and not only along the southern border, by illegals from Central and South America. In this case, the tip of the spear is firmly lodged in Congress, near the very top of our government, and it was born in Somalia.
Michael Walsh writes in American Greatness today about the problem of avowed enemies gaining a political foothold in the United States, in particular one Ilhan Omar. Born in Mogadishu, she was elected to represent Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, but doesn’t show any sign of assimilating to American principles:
Conservatives are accustomed to leftists hiding their true motives and feelings as they attempt to claw their way to political control over all of us, but Omar is different in that she makes no attempt to disguise her true feelings, either about America or the Jews. Anti-Western to her core, she rewards the generosity of the Americans toward the Somali Muslim community by spitting in our faces.
This trend is as dangerous, if not more so, than families moving northward and settling in to one community or another while they gain experience with American values. Omar intends to overturn those values, and isn’t quiet about it.
And we are letting her get away with it.
UPDATE: David Duke Calls Ilhan Omar the most important member of Congress.