Right Angle

We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

Mr. Tuberville goes to Washington

So let’s see… 1. The Supreme Court legally overturns Roe v. Wade. 2. The Biden Administration, in violation of the Hyde Amendment, issues orders that any member of the military who want san abortion will get time off and travel expenses paid. 3. Mr. Tuberville Goes to Washington.

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63 replies on “We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us”

The military is not woke. Milley is, but the military isn’t. At the operational level, our warfighters are are just that.

The issue isn’t with promotions, though that IS a significant issue for a myriad of reasons (including acting appointees having their authority limited by rank), but the vacancy of billets. For instance, the acting CNO is also serving in her previous role as VCNO. For the record, VCNO isn’t like Vice President. That billet handles a HELL of a lot of matters for manpower, training, and acquisition.

You may support Tuberville, but stop treating the military like a football just because you (and I) don’t like what the CinC is doing. We want civilian control of the military – well, there’s a civilian controlling the military.

As for executive orders… are you suggesting that we make it illegal for the President to give orders to the executive branch? Shall we change the constitution to say “Article II, Section 1, 1: The executive Power shall be vested in a unelected bureaucrats.”

GOD BLESS Sen. Tuberville! Flag officers have always had some Leftward leanings, but Steve perfectly characterized the Obama-nation’s perversion of flag officers as a “purge” in the Stolinesque sense of the term. Many (or most) of these flag officers are political bootlickers, and Deepstate sewer rat traitors. Afghanistan proved this.

Please help me out here. I made a quick scan of my copy of the Constitution and did not find any clause requiring 100% Senate confirmation/ approval for the appointment of all senior military officers.
Article I Section 8 does say “The Congress shall have Power … To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; …”

That suggests the Congress has made a rule in the past that mass appointment of senior military personnel shall be achieved via 100% approval and that even a single senator can halt the approval process. I infer this was done to help avoid delays, and that each nomination could be considered by the Senate and not blocked. I found this at one site: “… Democratic leaders would have to hold roll call votes on every single one of them [the 200+ nominations] to get around the hold. It’s a decades-long tradition for the Senate to group military promotions together and approve them by voice vote, avoiding lengthy roll calls.” [emphasis added]
Elsewhere I saw the claim it would take about 90 days via normal business to approve each nomination individually and bypass the hold. But this has been going on for 7 months: “Tuberville’s action, now in its seventh month, …” Doesn’t seem as if the Senate has been doing anything else of any real value (except maybe appropriates committee work not too publicly followed?) So this involves custom and past practice, but not a constitutional limitation??
Can’t the Senate “just change their rules” to disallow a single senator holding up mass nominations? If they did, would such a change “legally” apply ex post facto, to Tuberville’s current hold? At least one enquiring mind wants to know.

It’s not there. It’s just slower to confirm them without unanimous consent.

But you’re right, the fact that this is still going is by Democrats’ choice just as much as Tuberville’s.

I fondly remember Walt Kelly’s “Pogo”. “I have met the enemy and he is us” is only one of his highly quotable thoughts. Another appropriate quote for this segment would be from his character Churchy LeFemme, who said; “I’ve heard all about what’s going on, and I’ve thrown up my hands…and my feet…and my head.”
Another character, Howland Owl, noted “politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.”
Just remember what another, Beauregard Buglebey, summed up; “Don’t take life too serious son, It ain’t nohow permanent.”

“politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.”
This is the best definition of politics I have ever read! Thanks.

Navy 20 years Retired, Vietnam era. We had “Required Reading” that are standing orders, in addition to “Regulations” that are the big books signed by Flag Officers…like the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). We were trained on what constitutes a LEGAL ORDER, and at least some of the rules of the Geneva Convention. IF you are going to not execute an ORDER, you must be very, very good, or very, very right, and it is best to be both. After the William Calley and My Lai Massacre debacle in Vietnam, we were told directly that we could not just gun down civilians (including our own) just because an Officer declares them to be ‘gorilla’ fighters. The really confusing part is trying to explain how our government can legally suspend Posse Comitatus and loose our military upon our own people (Right Wing Extremist Nationalists Racist Homophobic Christian Fundamentalists).

Whenever I hear mention of ‘Posse Comitatus’, I think of the James Garner film “Tank”.
There was a character, a small-town Southern Sheriff, who mis-heard the phrase as an insult, and eventually started calling people ‘”pussy Communists”.
A fun movie, and a great refutation of resident Biden’s assertion that “You can’t own a tank, you can’t own a cannon!”
Yes, “sir”. We can. We do, and we will. Molon Labe.

I remember that movie and “pussy communists” too. Watched it with my Dad many years ago. Fun movie.

However, when I hear “Posse Comitatus” I think of Gordon Kahl. I’m probably a bit weird in that, I’m sure normal people don’t know who Gordon Kahl was or what he did for me to remember his name.

That being as it may, I’m always on guard for Kahl’s type when I’m dealing with people who claim to be Conservatives. There’s nothing Conservative about radical right wing murderers. Murder is murder no matter what excuse someone says justifies it. Those people Gordon Kahl was responsible for killing had loved ones, families and friends too. They were real people with real lives that were really taken from them unjustly and without due process.

Gordon Kahl belonged to an organization that called itself “Posse Comitatus”. I’ll never get Kahl out of my mind when I hear that phrase. Knowing that little bit of history is a constant reminder to me that being on the Right doesn’t automatically make someone right.

IDK if you are aware or not, but most of these videos aren’t reaching the 720p res you do them in on your Rumble channel.
(before “they” ask again) Why don’t I send a message via backroom? Because here, the only risk I take is when I have to turn off my VPN for a moment to send the comment. To send it to the backroom, I ALSO have to enable the tracking scripts your website loads. I only report severe issues there.
Anyway, it affects me more than most, but it does affect others. They just don’t know why. That’s the story of my life. Some freaky brain disorder. But it has great advantages as the late great Marty Feldman took advantage of back in the 90’s. (Paragon Recording Marty, not the comedian)
I’ve tried to utilize it to help you guys, but to no avail. Which is why I will be taking my leave next month. I still like what you do, I just can’t keep having to go out of my way in order to watch your shows, and pay for it. God bless, and Stay Bold!

You flatter yourself with yet another childish assumption. Your puerile egocentricity is pathetic.

I don’t care if you go away or not, you’re not that important to me. If you don’t go away and you continue being a crybaby demanding that other people make adjustments to accommodate your wants and claimed special needs — Then I’m going to keep pointing out that is what you’re doing.

What you’re doing is nothing but attempted manipulation that has failed so you’re going to leave to ‘punish’ those who do not bow to your nonsense. Big deal, cry some more. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Considering past behavior I’m pretty sure that your “malady” is simply a pretext for getting what you think you want. The videos are available at 720p on YouTube but you refuse to view them there so this is nothing more than a matter of your own personal choice.

If you can’t watch video at 480i then you couldn’t have ever watched SD Television. Which was the only thing available until a few years ago. That doesn’t matter because if you’re not watching this video on a really large screen (which I am) then the resolution isn’t important anyway. If you’re watching this on a phone, tablet, pad or a computer monitor of less than 32 inches you’re not seeing the full resolution anyway. Even if the device is capable of 4k display there is virtually no difference between standard and high definition resolution except on larger screens.

Funny, I’d think a technical genius like you would know that. Which means your whining is pure BS.

Go ahead and snivel some more lil’ fella. Oh, hey, I know … Post another one of your dumb childish cartoons. That’ll really show me. Not.

To expand on your comments, I don’t understand why he’s complaining in the first place, either.
The show is three talking heads, of individuals that we are all familiar with. There are no intricate graphics or detailed imagery. Why does he need to see it in 720?
99% of the time, I let it play in the b/g while I have other windows open to do my work. The important part is what they are saying, not what is on the screen.
Hey, Brian! There’s no ‘there’ there! Lighten up, Francis.

Yeah, these things are obvious to everyone except apparently Brian. When you point them out to Brian he gets angry, posts some childish cartoon and makes even more dumb, irrelevant excuses for his attempted manipulations. Excuses that everyone can see are nothing but excuses except again apparently Brian.

Which means that what Brian is complaining about is not what his actual problem is. His actual problem is that he wants everyone to use Rumble instead of YouTube. He tried to get that to happen and when that didn’t work all-of-a-sudden he has a “malady” that has nothing to do with hearing what is being said. Because that’s just a manipulative pretext. When that doesn’t work either — He threatens to leave. As if that would be a loss to anyone worth putting up with his crap over.

And as you say … This works just fine on Rumble too.

As I’ve said before, Rumble pays almost nothing so there’s no gain in making the effort to upload a much larger HD file there. Brian can complain all he wants, he can stamp his lil’ feetsies and bang his head on the floor ’til his brains ooze out. His whining is being ignored

I have no idea what this “back room” thing he blats about is. There’s the “Contact Us” button but that’s not a digital room. It’s just an email link like any other “Contact Us” email link. There’s also the Stratosphere Lounge but that’s the Stratosphere Lounge not the “back room”.

Like you, I almost always let these play while I do something else. I don’t watch them I listen to them. There’s no real need to see the three of them unless you either …

A. Absolutely MUST see what cool coffee cup Steve is drinking out of this time or …
B. You’re gay and have a “thing” for one of the guys.
C. You’re deaf as a post and can only read lips.

In the case of “A” you probably will live if you can’t see Steve’s coffee cup clearly and in “B” you’re asking for a heartbreak because all three are married straight guys.

“C” is irrelevant because hearing impairment isn’t a “brain malady”. If he needs to read lips because he’s deaf he’s never indicated that to be the case. Just say “I’m deaf and I need to read lips” don’t make up some silly “malady”.

Then go to YouTube and read lips if that’s what it takes.

Nothing Brian says is any good reason to post high(er) resolution video to Rumble except for that’s what Brian wants. Clearly he’s willing to manipulate people to get what he wants. Which is typical for people like Brian and should never be catered to no matter what. Childish behavior should never be encouraged with success.

If the lack of HD video is reason for him to leave then he’s not here for the right reason anyway. In that case he’s completely missing the whole point.

In any case, like Dave and me you’re now on his shitlist too. Welcome aboard.

It matters when you have sensory integration disorder, along with a myriad of other neurotoxin induced brain disorders…
You’ve surely heard of ADHD, or perhaps Bipolar II. Well, imagine having a severely mutated form of that, coupled with the SID and old age (poor vision).
You still couldn’t understand it…so I just have to accept that people that haven’t walked a mile in another’s shoes, isn’t likely to be very understanding of it. ACTS of course, has a dark soul, and doesn’t care about anything beyond his little scope of reality.
Any video more than 5 minutes long, I have to focus on the person speaking, in order to remain focused on what is being said…AND to retain the information being relayed. When I have both solid audio and visual stimuli, I can retain almost 100% of the information…which is above average. So there are perks. Like losing a sense, but gaining others. At my age now, I get headaches trying to focus on blurry, lower res images. That’s actually quite new, and has me a bit concerned.
Anyway, that’s it in a nutshell.

Sgt. Phil “the big toe” Hulka. World Class reference. Thanks for the laugh. If there ever was a movie which could NOT be made today, it would be “Stripes”.
“that’s a fact, Jack!”

Wow! That was a brilliant recall of a movie I have not seen in years. I’m always amazed at how some folks can remember such pop culture details from years past.

David, I’ve been able to do this all my life. I find a fun blessing……my wife, however, finds it a curse.
Jingles from 60’s and 70’s television ads are particularly distracting for me. “If you think it’s butter, but it’s not, it’s Chiffon”, or “You’ve got your own cigarette now, baby, you’ve come a long long way”. Movie references are quite easy for me, and far more enjoyable (for me, for the wife, it’s still an annoying curse!)

I have the same problem, if it can be called a problem, with my little sister. Differentiated senses of humor.

I love “Silly Songs with Larry” from Veggietales and other light hearted ditties. But I put really disgusting lyrics to them. Then sing them with gusto to her dog. Like to the tune of “Oh Christmas Tree” when we’re putting up Christmas decorations …

Oh hideous mutt, oh hideous mutt,
Your face looks ‘zactly like your butt.
You’ve very small, you’re not real big,
You smell remarkably like a pig.

Etc. The dog’s not really hideous, she’s very cute and obscenely friendly. I’m not picking on the dog, I’m picking on my sister. The dog loves me. My sister loves me too but often she doesn’t like me a lot.

She gets all bent out of shape when I call her dog a “barking pork roast” too. Can’t figure out why. It’s like she’s got issues with bark-pork or something. I’m pretty sure her cat gets my sense of humor though.

You don’t even want to hear what I did to “It’s a Small World” at Disneyland. I don’t think I could post it in here. Not that the language is all that bad but the words are dark. Very dark. It starts out …

It’s a world of pain and a world of fear,
And they’ll hurt you bad if you come in here.

It really goes down hill from there.

Then there’s the near homonyms I come up with too. Like yesterday when we were talking about the latest Indiana Jones movie and I called it “Dried Banana Jones and the Dildo of Desolation”. And she punched me. Really hard.

Come to think of it, probably a good thing I don’t have a wife anymore. She’d likely kill me.

Stealing is the sincerest form of flattery…just ask Joe Biden. I’m stealing barking pork roast.

Both Larry and I want to know who took our hair brushes!
Those bloody peaches must be at it again. They probably took guidance from FJB.

It was probably Barbara Manatee, she’s always pulling hairbrush heists. She’s a despicable dastardly dugong if ever there was one. She probably hid it in the Sock Drawer or may even have sold it to The Yodeling Veterinarian.

When one of my grandsons was little he sounded EXACTLY like Junior Asparagus. It was great.

You do care!…who would take the time to write such a loving parting speech? lol
Oh, when your resolution is 1600×900 it makes a difference, especially as I age. But since you cannot fathom a brain disorder which cross-wires your sensory input…it doesn’t exist in your little mind.
I get it…it took a lot of years for my own brother to grasp it. He’s always discounted anything he cannot explain. But he does finally. All I can say is, I’d hate to be so blind as you. God help you.
On a side note, I actually was able to watch today’s show in 720p on Rumble before it was posted publically. But it’s back in 480p. So it does look like a Rumble issue…but that issue may be that Bill doesn’t understand it still. IDK, with the lack of information, I’m left to assume…much like you.
How about that, I did gain some understanding. lol

So for the benefit of everyone else I’ll translate that from BS to BS –Brian Speak …


Hey, Einstein? Yeah, if this is a Rumble issue you’re sniveling about then there’s no reason for you to post your BS in here. There’s also no reason either way why you can’t just listen to the audio like the rest of us do.

Those simple facts prove your crying is nonsense.

You’re right about one thing, when and if you ever leave I’ll miss pointing out what a whining crybaby you are. But not very much.

“You do care!…who would take the time to write such a loving parting speech?”

… is exactly what a childish egocentric baby-man would say. Here’s a news flash for you Skippy …

Everything isn’t about you.

Oh, brilliant … the “I know you are but what am I?” retort from 3rd grade. Typical. Cry some more. LO effing L.

There are some who enjoy poking The Hornet’s Nest, and then there are others like myself who enjoy watching the resulting insanity. I know. I probably seem like I sadistic bastard for saying so. However, I’m laughing out loud right now. It’s threads like these that give reason to why Bill doesn’t read the comment threads.

Not quite, just more pop-psychology from the peanut gallery. I do admit, I have enjoyed trolling him, so-to-speak. Unintentionally, until this thread.

“Now, if you like poking at him…. Well, to each his own, and enjoy!”

You nailed it. I’m somewhat ‘busy’ most of the time but a lot of that time is spent waiting for something. Waiting to see if a problem I’ve fixed is going to take. Waiting for an update or a reboot to complete. Waiting for a software installation to finish. Waiting for paint to dry. Waiting for laundry or the dishwasher to finish. Waiting for the dew to dry on the lawn so I can mow. Etc. I’m never bored, I always have something to do but often the task I’m working on involves waiting. So …

I could spend all that time playing computer solitaire (which I do a lot anyway and have some amazing Free Cell solitaire scores) or watching online videos (which I also do a lot for information gathering purposes, I highly recommend Peter Zeihan’s global analysis videos) or some other time filler.

But what I enjoy most is poking idiots. It’s a hobby and a bad habit of mine. Like pulling wings off flies except that even a fly has grounds for compassion so it’s best just to kill them quickly. Flies can’t help being flies, they’re made that way. So I don’t pull their wings off, I just smash ’em or shoot them with my Bug-A-Salt.

Idiots on the other hand are almost always self made so they deserve negative attention more than flies do. Unlike flies where once you pull their wings off the amusement is over, idiots are entertainment that just keeps on giving. Because idiots don’t know they’re idiots they just keep on being idiots and continue providing the fun of poking them.

In this regard, B.M. is particularly entertaining. Believe it or not, it’s hard to find a good idiot. You’d think they’d be common and while there is certainly no shortage of stupid people in the world — Most are not nearly as stupid as the few idiots I find online that allow me to keep coming to that well of personal amusement. It takes a particular kind of special idiot to continue giving me the opportunity to pull their wings off.

Please note before you judge me as being harsh or sadistic … I never, ever start these little fights. I once pointed out an obvious error is B.M.’s thinking, I disagreed with him. This was our first encounter with each other and rather than discuss the subject like an adult he accused me of “not knowing Jesus”, began railing at me in anger and posting his childish meme cartoons as if that made his idiotic points for him. When I find someone like that it’s like discovering buried treasure. I rejoice and give thanks for fresh meat.

The proof that what I say about not starting fights is in the fact that there are people with whom I’ve had disagreements in the past. That when we discuss our differing viewpoints like adults we both come to find we have more in agreement with each other than not. These people demonstrate their intelligence and reasonableness which makes them worthy of respect. I always respect those worthy of it, even if we’re enemies. If this were not so I’d have died at the hands of worthy enemies long ago.

Even if we don’t agree on everything I’ve found that when I see the traits denoting someone worthy of respect it’s necessary for me to reevaluate my opinion of them. In this situation the proof that they’re worthy of respect is that they’re willing to agree to disagree and reasonably mend fences. None of us have the same background and experiences so we’re different and that’s not only OK, it’s helpful because there’s a lot to learn from people who have had different experiences. So we don’t have a condition like I have with B.M.

Dave Pimentel and Paul Drallos are two such people. After the process of determining whether they’re worthy of respect or just targets completes they move from the potential target column to worthy intellects that can grasp and discuss the issues. I might not have liked them at first but I’ve changed my mind about them due to the fact that they are smart people I can deal with as peers. I don’t have to agree with them, or anyone for that matter. Agreement isn’t the driving factor, that they’ve demonstrated themselves not to be idiots is the determiner.

That’s not at all difficult for a reasonable, intelligent, mature adult to do. It comes naturally to such people.

Then there are the people who I have never “crossed swords with” because it’s obvious from the start that they’re thoughtful, insightful non-idiots. You, Ron SAE, Road Rider, and Phil LaMay are a few examples of the sort. There are many others, the majority in fact. I’m not leaving anyone out I’m just providing examples. Most of the people here are thoughtful adults or they wouldn’t be here in the first place.

I’ve said before that I’m not an internet tough-guy or a keyboard warrior, that what I do online is precisely the same thing I would do in a non-digital, face-to-face situation.

I almost said ‘real world’ but that’s not accurate. This IS the real world and you are all real people. So am I. If you don’t treat with me as a real person, it’s on. It’s sooooo on …

The process I described above is how I work through determining if someone can be my friend, or not. It doesn’t matter if it’s online or face-to-face, same same. That doesn’t make them automatically a friend, I have very few friends and I’m very picky about applying the designation “friend” to people.

Like Bill Whittle has said “A real friend is someone you can call at 3 AM when your car breaks down between L.A. and Vegas and ask them to help.”

If you want to have real friends like that you have to be a real friend like that too. I’ve gotten more 3 AM calls than I’ve made. My real friends know they can count on me. I don’t consider anyone a real friend unless they can clear that bar themselves too.

Back to B.M. … He can’t be my friend, he doesn’t meet the criteria. He’s childish, petty, petulant, angry, uninsightful, argumentative and banal. He presents only one positive aspect for me, that’s the entertainment value in showing how childish, petty, petulant, angry, uninsightful, argumentative and banal he is.

He won’t discuss anything. He hasn’t even answered the observation that Dave and others have made regarding the fact that you don’t need to SEE these videos in ANY resolution because the video isn’t about the optical but rather the audio component. I’m almost always busy doing something else and rarely watch the visual component of these posts. I generally listen to them in the shower through an audio only device because showers are boring but necessary.

B.M. just ignores that obvious fact regarding video vs. audio and goes on making excuses in a silly attempt to implement whatever childish agenda drives him. Even though this obvious fact has been pointed out to him multiple times. It’s a ‘killer argument’, giving the lie to his silly excuses. He wants the power to have things his own way and he’s a dedicated amateur at manipulation*. So he ignores the inconvenient. This proves beyond any doubt that B.M.’s real problem isn’t with video resolution and he knows he can’t stand on his real issue without being torn apart.

Which means he has no place among thoughtful, insightful people because he’s a cull. So I treat him like a cull. Which is something I enjoy greatly.

(*This is but a single example. I could write another dozen or two paragraphs but you’re a smart guy so I’ll spare you the detailed analysis. You either get my point or you don’t.)

“And scarily normally agree with it.”

Lol, damn me with faint praise. 😉

I’m a lot more aggressive and combative than normal people. Military shrinks (if you do certain types of work you have to deal with them as a matter of SOP) have told me that some of this I was just born with, some is due to PTSD and some is because I’m just an asshole. All the while telling me that I’m exactly the type of asshole most suited to the type of work I did. Go figure.

I don’t put much stock in docs and even less in head docs.

You’re normal. Or at least a lot more normal than me. Normal people do not run around the planet sewing misery and mayhem for the enemies of America. Not being normal, I got a kick out that kind of stuff. I’m OK with not being normal. Even a tiny bit proud of it in a perverse sort of fashion.

Thumbs up, Harry.

Or you could view it as it is…you’re projecting. BTW, it’s not just this one issue…it’s all the other issues combined that leaves me with the last option of dropping my membership.
Like Scott telling me, that the only reason they don’t do Backstage on Rumble, is because they don’t have a private channel. But accidentally twice, they realized that’s never been the case. All they have to do is post the “unpublished” link to it here on the website. Also, more recently…where’s Zo’s episodes? Has he stopped doing them? I became a member because he came to the show.
Do you want me to list more reasons, other than affordability? I will…because they are CLEARLY the reason the boys aren’t as popular as they used to be. Besides the shadowbanning excuse. All the others bounced back.
But hey…I’m actually glad I could entertain you…that’s what I am primarily, an entertainer…lol. All kidding aside, you can dish it out, but can’t take it. You are guilty of the same thing you’re accusing me of. You just can’t see it. Look up Johari Window…you could use a session.

“…you’re projecting. BTW …”

You accuse Harry of “pop-psychology” and here you are doing the very same thing. It’s hilarious how much you demonstrate your own hypocrisy and don’t even realize you’re doing that. You’ll say anything you think is “cute”. When that’s pointed out to you, you just ignore it and move on to the next imbecility. You exhibit your own childishness unawares.

” … that leaves me with the last option of dropping my membership.”

You keep promising to do that yet strangely you never seem to get around to it. If you’re leaving then why even bother making your silly comments? You’re not ‘telling anyone off’ you’re demonstrating your own imbecility. You don’t like it here, you don’t like the answers you get from the owners, you don’t like the way the enterprise does things, you don’t accept the reasons anyone gives for why you can’t have your own way and you never ever have a mature discussion with anyone here.

There’s nothing for you here and at some level you have to know that. Leave and be done with it. No one cares, you’re a PITA to everyone. You’ve called everyone here including our hosts some version of liar or otherwise morally insufficient to meet your absurd “standards”.

Maybe you haven’t noticed but no one is begging you to stay.

You don’t even see our hosts jumping to your defense because surprise, surprise! You have insulted them too.

Drop it and go, there’s no reason for you to hang around just because you’ve got some time left before your membership expires. What are you trying to accomplish by doing that, get more things you don’t like just because there’s a little time left before you let your membership expires? Are the things you don’t like so astoundingly valuable to you that you’ll stay over what? A couple dollars?

That would be as lame as everything else you do.

The most reasonable conclusion is that you enjoy the negative attention. Just like a little kid who mommy and daddy don’t pay enough attention to. So for you, negative attention is better than no attention at all. Which is what you deserve. Which also happens to make Harry’s assessment correct.

This also makes it a hoot for me to tell you these things. You think you’re “winning” and you aren’t even bright enough to realize this isn’t a competition. You don’t even provide an argument, you just say the equivalent of “Oh yeah? Well you’re a poopy-pants too!” but phrased in a way you think is clever. It’s not. It’s sad and pathetic.

You beclown yourself thereby, all I do is point out your own clownery. That makes you angry so rather than address anything point-by-point you make limp excuses, stamp your little feetsies, hold your breath, bang your head on the floor and post childish cartoons.

Begone. Don’t say “goodbye” because that will just be an excuse for more of your childish peevery. Don’t go away mad, just go away. Don’t let the hatch impact your posterior as you make your egress. Or else STF up about leaving. If you keep doing that it’s just more BS coming out of a BM. Everyone but you can see that.

As usual, you just have to get in the last word. Still projecting, I see too. Going back to, not reading your rambling diatribes.

What’s creepy is your childish memes. If you say something at me, I’m gonna respond to it if I feel like doing so. Your “last word” ad hominem means nothing. Just like your threats to leave this site for good also mean nothing.

If you don’t want me to respond to you, don’t direct a comment to me. It’s a very simple concept. Even a dullard like you should be able to grasp that much.

If you do say something to me, then you whining about me “having the last word” is just more of your crybaby nonsense. You think you’re being cute and you’re not.

There, three short paragraphs shouldn’t tax even your truncated attention span.

So, Brian, perhaps I can help enlighten you about this problem. It seems to be a documented issue (feature?) with the Rumble video encoders. A simple internet search (it took me all of 1 minute to find and another 30 seconds to parse) turned up this Reddit thread that is two years old, and it was reconfirmed a month ago:
Good luck getting Bill and the team to correct a technical problem that is completely outside of their scope of control. Please also remember that BWdotC is likely not paying Rumble for a storage account, because they do the original streaming on YouTube. It would make ZERO sense to pay for both services. It’s the age-old scenario … you get what you pay for, and the free Rumble apparently provides 480p. Suck it up, Buttercup!
The irony of all of this is very thick.
Oh, before you make some ridiculous claim that Bill should pony up the money for the higher bit quality, consider it is probably outside his already-strained budget.

Yeah, I read all that, and more. But that doesn’t explain why many have been in 720p, but others aren’t. What I surmised is, that it has more to do with both, total file size, and length. One of the suggestions was to ensure you use Rumble’s codecs, but IDK if that solved anything yet.

Ultimately, what I have gleaned from the interwebs is that the Rumble service is inconsistent in its implementation, difficult to use, poorly documented, and many other negative things related to software development and deployment. This is NOT the problem of BW and Co., so your complaints cannot be resolved herein. You are barking at the wrong trees.

It seems to me that you didn’t “read all that, and more,” because if you had, you’d stop complaining to Bill and Co. about things that are beyond their control. Specifically, the server load at Rumble seems to be one of the main drivers for the 720p conversion delays. As ACTS has stated repeatedly, Rumble’s business model is not one that supports a huge infrastructure like the one at YouTube, which has the huge financial backbone of Google. Like it or not, that is the reality of the thing, and as end users there is nothing we can do about it.

I read that Reddit thread you linked to and learned some things. I learned things I didn’t know because I rarely use Rumble so those things are just not important to me.

I rarely use Rumble because it’s a profoundly inferior platform. Rumble has financial issues due to its business model. Which is not at all the same business model that YouTube uses. I’m not saying Rumble should adopt the same business model as YouTube. I’m saying Rumble’s business model is not conducive to maximizing revenue. Which it is not and I’m pretty sure the folks who operate Rumble already know that.

As long as Rumble keeps using their current business model they’re going to keep having the issues that vex Brian so much.

For all we know, Rumble cuts back on video quality, and thus expensive bandwidth, because this month’s ledger needs to look healthier. As you pointed out, the audio quality is still there and in the case of content posted by this site that’s what’s important. The quality of the video component is pretty much irrelevant to the message because the message is carried by the audio.

Brian doesn’t care about all that. If he did he could have done the same as you and looked up the cause(s) of the problem. Like you said, it took a single minute to find it plus reading time. For someone who claims to have been “hacking since you had to use a telephone handset modem to get to the internet” that inability to find information seems pretty suspicious to me.

Which of course means he’s not nearly so adept at using information infrastructure as he claims an old pro like himself to be. That was just hogwash.

Had he done what you did, or if he was willing to accept the fruits of your efforts, none of this nonsense would be an issue in the first place. This gives the lie to his claims of trying to be “helpful”. “Helpful” is not the operative word. “Willful” is the word that applies.

After you actually tried to be helpful and reasonable like a grown man — What you can expect is for Brian to dismiss what you say and come up with more excuses and hogwash. Which oh look, surprise surprise, that’s exactly what he did.

Because he doesn’t care about this stuff enough to even look up why it works the way it does.

Problems with Rumble are a trade off. You don’t have the censorship but you also don’t get the quality. This is baked in and something you tacitly accept if you insist on only Rumble.

According to that thread you linked to, Rumble will up the video quality after an arbitrary period of time. This appears to be due to the video conversion process and server load for those conversions. They’re not being mean, they’re not denying Brian his 720p video, they just don’t have the horsepower to do it any differently.

This means that the more people who upload video content to Rumble the worse that lag will get. It won’t improve as Rumble gets more content, just the opposite. See what I said about business models for the reason that’s so.

Which explains why some of the older content from this site displays at a higher resolution. The conversion process has completed for those videos.

Which also clearly means that Rumble is not just like YouTube only it’s uncensored.

Rumble is to video content streaming what a Volkswagen beetle is to a Corvette Stingray. There are reasons someone might choose to drive a Volkswagen and not a Corvette. Those reasons might even be good ones, though it’s hard to see someone making that choice when the financial considerations are equal. Be that as it may, those reasons are their owner’s problem and not something they can expect the Chevrolet dealer to solve for them.

Brian isn’t going to be happy until the Chevy dealer gives him a Corvette for his $10-a-month subscription.

I know you’re trying to be helpful but Brian doesn’t want help. He wants things his own way and if that’s not practical or possible he wants to dump blame and hate on anyone who tells him …

Sorry Brian, you can’t have what you want. Suck up and bust.

For someone who claims to have been “hacking since you had to use a telephone handset modem to get to the internet” that inability to find information seems pretty suspicious to me.

I picked up on that one as well. It still makes me laugh.

“Willful” is the word that applies.

I agree 100%.

They’re not being mean, they’re not denying Brian his 720p video, they just don’t have the horsepower to do it any differently.

I saw that, and drew the same conclusion.

And so by doing your 1 minute research and both you and I reading the results — B.M.’s whole gamut of contentions are completely nullified. His hogwash is exposed for the childish nonsense it truly is.

The difference is that you and I learned some things and Brian, claiming to have read the same material, did not. Same material, different outcome. Why?

Because as I’ve pointed out previously people like B.M. have a developmental issue. At the point where they stripped their gears on substances they cease to mature. Their developmental process leading to maturity and an adult worldview are arrested and suspended for the entire time they abuse substances. Those processes that they would otherwise have worked through pass them by and for most are lost forever. As they age they do not mature, they grow manipulative, mean and crafty. Like a child with adult mental capacity but without the maturity to apply it correctly.

I used to feel sorry for that kind of person and try to help them. People have helped me get over things and move on in a positive manner so I saw this as a way of adding to that whole. To that end I volunteered for organizations that try to help those so afflicted.

There’s a lot of instruction and training that goes with that. None of which is “pop-psychology”. It’s applied knowledge of what at least stands a chance of improving their lives. I would go on to discover that the chance of improvement is very small.

It took years of study both personal and formal to understand what’s going on with those people. It’s a hard thing to understand why they do what they do because we’re seeing things through the lens of mature human beings. Their frame of reference is completely different.

B.M. thinks if he’s just clever enough, insulting enough, petulant enough and manipulates people in just the right way he’ll get whatever it is he thinks he wants. Anything we say to try to help him get past that will be rejected. Because it doesn’t get him what he thinks he wants to him it’s something to be attacked viciously. To people like him denying them their unrealistic desires is the ultimate personal assault on them. His immature worldview is incredibly fixated on himself so anything that goes against that is an attack on himself.

Getting someone like that to admit the truth is nearly impossible. Because if they could do that they’d be mature human beings and that’s not what they are.

We’ve all seen this behavior if we’ve raised children. You find your kid standing by the cookie jar, crumbs on his clothes, his fingers and face smeared with chocolate chips. You ask “Did you eat those cookies?” and he says with firm conviction “No”. The kid actually and incredibly expects you to believe him despite the evidence that he’s not telling the truth. Which of course you do not but you also take into account you’re dealing with a child. So you administer whatever discipline is appropriate and the child learns that you’re not going to be manipulated.

People like B.M. are doing exactly that same thing without the learning process. They stopped learning at “No, I didn’t eat the cookies.” The only tangible difference is that as they aged they got a lot better at this sort of thing which intentionally makes it harder to detect. When you know what to look for detection is fairly simple and obvious.

People like B.M. generally cannot be helped. They don’t want help, they want egocentric gratification. They’re not interested in communication they’re interested in manipulation. Communication just interferes with their goals and in their view is not only useless, it’s an offense against them. Like a child thinks.

So over time I’ve taken the position that their negative traits are self inflicted, willfully detrimental to their view of reality. If I’m going to be treated as an attacker anyway, I might as well actually attack them.

This brings out the worst in them but it also demonstrates to everyone else what’s actually going on. Not what that sort claims is going on, that’s just part of their faulty attitudes and attempts at manipulation.

Or to put that more simply …

If someone insists on being a little shit I’m going to treat them like a little shit. That’s what they asked for and that’s what they’re going to get from me. That sort of person does incalculable damage to the people around them and does not benefit from adult understanding, compassion and compromise. They just use those things to manipulate the unwary. Over time they get good at that manipulation, practice makes perfect.

No matter what he looks like on the outside or what image he tries to project to others, on the inside B.M. is nothing more than a petulant, mean-spirited little boy raging against a world that won’t give him the legitimacy and regard that he craves.

I knew this the moment he attacked me with Jesus. Which he saw as the most likely attack to be successful for all the reasons I’ve gone to pains to explain above. When that didn’t work he was just further enraged and that’s what you can expect from this sort of person.

He may (or may not, you can never be certain with this type of person) have stopped using substances but the deep personality flaws that made him susceptible to addiction in the first place are still there unaddressed and unresolved. He’s an addict that doesn’t use substances but an addict nonetheless. His addictive behavior has simply switched focus.

He has to impact the world outside his mind to justify to himself that he’s fixed his problem and overcome the thing he knows damned well is despicable in himself. This takes a lot of different forms but when you see unreasoning, irrational behavior that is not subject to sound, mature viewpoints you can be sure that this is what’s happening.

In B.M.’s case this takes the form of an obsession with YouTube and Rumble that cannot be resolved by facts and reason. He will simply reject the facts because facts are not his issue.

This is displacement behavior. If he can get his way he feels he’s proven that he’s “right”. If he’s right about this then that transfers to other areas of his addiction. He’s doing this to prove to himself that he’s overcome his addiction and to feed the need in his addicted personality to mask his addiction. His real problem isn’t the evil of YouTube or the virtue of Rumble, it’s him.

He’s externalized his own internal problem and that’s what makes this displacement behavior. Like the kid-and-cookie-jar scenario, if he admits he stole cookies he’ll have to stop doing that. Like that situation the kid isn’t bothered by his theft of cookies, he’s bothered that you caught him dead to rights. The kid learns that his viewpoint is detrimental, B.M. never learned that.

That’s why no matter what facts you present he will reject them. He can’t accept that he’s doing this. If he does the house of cards that he’s built falls down.

He can be helped but that would most likely involve being in some sort of treatment or therapy for the rest of his life. This is why alcoholics stay in AA long after their last drink. They need that help to address the issues that made them alcoholics in the first place. They never think of themselves as former alcoholics or recovered alcoholics, they see themselves as recovering alcoholics. The process of recovery has no end point where the goal of recovery is accomplished. It’s an ongoing issue, a cross that must be taken up and borne every single day.

This is not an easy thing to do. It takes an epiphany.

Because alcoholism or substance addiction isn’t the root problem, it’s only a symptom of the root problem. The root problem is in the addict’s mind, not a bottle, a syringe or a plastic baggie. Abandoning the symptom doesn’t resolve the issue.

The first step in resolving any problem is recognizing that you have a problem. This is so obvious as to be canonical.

B.M. has done this to himself and he continues to do this to himself. Because it doesn’t have to be this way, I have no sympathy for him. It’s futile to deal with this type as you would any mature, reasoning adult. They’ll just use that sort of thing to feed the addict and continue manipulation of other people.

The only way they will ever respond to others in a mature, normal manner is if enough people are not taken in by their manipulations so that they see what they’re doing. Otherwise they’ll take the easy route and continue lying to themselves. There’s an epiphany process involved but it’s not something that can be forced. If there’s a real person in there that wants to get out it will eventually happen. That’s not going to happen until the addict suppressing that real person is totally defeated.

Treating someone like this as though they were a mature, reasoning, reasonable person is harmful to them. Like giving a child a stick of dynamite to play with sort of harmful. Becoming an adult is hard work. Until B.M. puts in that hard work he will remain a petulant, petty, nasty, spiteful, mean-spirited little boy. It’s the easiest thing for him to do.

Nice job, gents and a truly excellent close.
A question for those who served.
Is it not expected for an officer, when given an order that is known to be, or even suspected to be, illegal to respond with something like “Sir, that is an order to do something illegal and I will not obey it!”?
Yes, that takes spine, but isn’t that what we expect from Officers, especially Senior ones?

I can’t speak from an insider/veteran point of view, but I recall being told by someone who knew directly: when someone is court-martialed for disobeying an order, and his defense is the fact that the order is blatantly unlawful, the lawfulness of the order is not allowed to come in as evidence or be up for debate. that happened to a soldier decades ago who refused to wear the UN uniform/armband, saying “I am not a UN soldier”.

The questions remain:

  1. What is the frequency of such occurrences?
  2. What were the specific circumstances that allowed the JAG, or other authority, to reject such defense?

If the order was in fact lawful and not just claimed to be unlawful as a defense then it would not have been addressed in a Court Martial. You don’t get to pull legal tricks or make spurious defenses in military law. If the presiding officers of the Court Martial deemed the order to be lawful then that’s the end of it and there is no further reason to discuss it.

FWIW when you serve in the military you obey the orders of those in your chain of command. If your unit happens to be sent somewhere as a U.N. Peacekeeper Force you are placed under the authority of that Force. That Force is now in your Chain of Command. You are not serving the United States, you’ve been ‘loaned’ to the United Nations and are then subject to the laws of both the U.S. military and the United Nations military (laughingly called a “police force”).

So I seriously doubt that being ordered to accoutrement yourself accordingly would be an unlawful order. I’m not a JAG defense lawyer so there’s always a chance I’m wrong.

One thing I know I’m not wrong about is — Wrongly refusing to obey an order on the grounds that the order is unlawful is a very, very dangerous thing to do. You’d damn well better be right and certain of proving you’re right if you do that. Because otherwise it can be Mutiny. Mutiny is an extremely serious charge.

As an aside, the U.S. rarely engages in or provides personnel to U.N. Peacekeeper Forces. All that accomplishes is to put Americans where the bad guys can get at them much more easily. Which means otherwise avoidable problems for the Peacekeeper Force. One side very likely has either a real or imagined beef with the U.S. Which means they’ll attack Americans when they might not have attacked some other nation’s military.

Peacekeeper Forces are usually from either neutral or otherwise disinterested countries. There is virtually no conflict around the globe that the U.S. could seriously be said to be disinterested in. So Americans very, very seldom serve in U.N. Peacekeeper Forces.

Too, the U.S. and the U.N. often find themselves in disagreement about almost anything. The U.S. does not want to put our military people between a rock and a hard spot when that happens. The U.S. doesn’t need the diplomatic and International Law headaches that can be the result either.

The odds of an American military person finding himself wearing a blue helmet and armband riding around in a blazing white target with a big blue U.N. emblem on the side of it — A nearly perfect aiming point for an RPG or something nastier — Are pretty small.

We do supply technical assistance and “advisors” to U.N. Peacekeeper and other operations but that’s not the same thing as being a U.N. Peacekeeper trooper. Most of time that sort of thing is either covert or very low profile so that the bad guys don’t know Americans are involved. Or if they do know they have no idea where the Americans are or how to pick them out from the non-Americans. Often this sort of thing is done in mufti or wearing something other than an American uniform.

Just going by my own experience I find it doubtful that the issue of wearing a blue helmet or not comes up very often.

You are not required to obey an order you know to be illegal. You get UCMJ instruction in boot camp (or Basic Officer Training if you’re an officer not an enlisted man) and they make all this very clear. If you obey an unlawful order you can be charged and prosecuted for doing that.

For instance, an officer says “Go in that hut and kill all the women and children. I don’t care if they’re armed or not, just kill them. Yes, that is a direct order.”

That’s an unlawful order and if you obey it, having been given that order will not be a defense at your Court Martial. The Nazis tried that at Nuremberg, “We were just following orders” didn’t keep them from being hanged.

That point and using the Nazis as an example was hammered hard in UCMJ classes before anyone left boot camp.

Depending on the order and its illegality, you may also face prosecution for war crimes.

The thing is, you’d better make damn sure you KNOW an order to be unlawful before you refuse to obey it. If you disobey a lawful order that has pretty serious consequences too.

The illegality of an order is a defense in Courts Martial. If you believe beyond a reasonable doubt that an order was unlawful and can demonstrate that the order was unlawful in court, that’s grounds to have the charges for disobeying a direct order set aside or outright dismissed. You absolutely may use the defense that the order was unlawful. In fact, that is probably the only way you get away with disobeying a direct order from a superior in your chain of command.

If this were not so, then there would be no point in making an order unlawful in the first place. Then you would be required to go in that hut and kill the women and children and only the officer that gave the order would be responsible to the law. He’s ALSO responsible to the law but that doesn’t let you off of any hooks.

As for what Susan said about the UN uniform, I don’t know if that was a lawful order or not. It’s not a problem I ever had to deal with. Much of the time when I was in that sort of situation I wasn’t wearing a Marine Corps uniform anyway. I put on whatever clothes I was told to put on. Sometimes including civvies so no uniform at all. I’m not going to explain that any further.

Thanks for the response.
For both you and Steve Young – Biden clearly overstepped his authority – shouldn’t it stop at Milley? And if it didn’t, can’t both be removed by congressional oversight?
Three EQUAL branches, right?

Milley has even less excuse than a lesser officer for not refusing to obey an unlawful order. Mark Milley is the Joint Chief of Staff and has a legal team that could review and determine the legality of an order. I’m fairly certain that legal staff reviews every order he’s given by the POTUS.

So we’re not in the realm of legality and Rule of Law here. Big surprise, huh?

Milley is choosing what orders he will and will not obey. Give him an unlawful order he doesn’t want to obey and see how fast he comes up with a legal argument not to. Give him an unlawful order he agrees with and watch how fast he carries that order out.

As JCS Mark Milley is arguably the second most powerful man in the world. Subject only to lawful orders from the POTUS. He is THE most powerful unelected man in the world because he commands all of the most powerful military in the world. There is no greater force in the history of mankind.

This is all pretty scary to me. It should be pretty scary to everyone.

Yes, it is something like that, but it can take a ‘publicized’ failure of command to send a message to the troops that you can get away with it. It can be career suicide for the people involved because on one hand the person in command can be shown to be incompetent and unworthy of command, but the person issuing the (illegal) order may just be mistaken about a situation, or is just passing on an order that they assume is legal. Those refusing to obey an order may not have all the information their superior is privy to, and in the heat of battle failure to execute a command may cause the loss of a battle. In ALL cases insubordination, mutiny, disobedience of a direct (and lawful) order, and insurrection are in violation of the UCMJ (like Article 91). The military is LOATHE to admit when an Officer of the United States judgement is so mistaken that refusal to follow their orders is legally upheld, and when that happens the word gets out in the form of a warning to all Officer’s that they MUST be on firm ground LEGALLY, even it their order may be stupid operationally. There are numerous reports of Navy ship or squadron commanding officers being ‘relieved’ (fired) of their commands due to “lack of confidence” in their ability.

That’s a good, accurate assessment. Operational competence relies on discipline. Discipline is following orders. It would be chaos for people to just assume an order isn’t lawful based on their own limited grasp of legality. Even worse being if people got the idea that they could refuse any order they didn’t like and then challenge it at (whatever legal process from Captain’s Mast to a full-on court martial).

U.S. military officers are as a rule well trained and intelligent people though they have flaws and personality issues just like everyone else. (Yeah, I’ve known a few shitheads too but they are the exception. I was enlisted, my best friend is a retired officer. Almost all my friends are one or the other.) If an officer or senior noncom issues an order the safest course is to obey first, question later. If you have any doubt as to the legality of the order there’s an overwhelming likelihood that it is legal. So you’d best obey.

It’s a sort of a Catch 22 situation. If the order was issued it’s legal, if it wasn’t legal it wouldn’t have been issued. Unlawful orders are extremely rare.

Generally speaking if you’re going to refuse an order because you think it’s unlawful you’d best be absolutely certain you’re in the right about that. But …

All of that mostly applies to “iffy” cases, not clear cut obvious violations of the civil code and UCMJ.

The example I gave above where the order is to enter an area and purposely kill all the unarmed civilians is an example on the end of the spectrum where the illegality is obvious and undeniable.

Conversely, a pilot cannot refuse to release his ordinance because he thinks some civilians may become casualties along with enemy combatants. His orders are to reduce a location because there are known or suspected enemy actuals that must be neutralized. If there are unarmed civilians there they are just SOL.

These two scenarios are not the same thing at all though if the order is carried out there will be civilians killed either way.

I don’t know the particulars in the situation Susan cited. She didn’t give enough information to make a call on the legality of an order to wear a U.N. uniform and I’m not familiar with that kind of thing. As a matter of pure speculation that was a lawful order and being a lawful order the issue of legality was not allowed as a defense at court martial. Military courts do not follow the same rules as civilian courts. Nor should they.

That said, the CO of the unit has the authority to designate the uniform of the day. If he says the uniform of the day is pink leotards and a tutu and supplies or makes available that clothing you’d best fall out in pink leotards and a tutu.

That’s an extreme example that’s not likely to happen. Something that does happen is the order to fall out for PT in PT gear. Which is shorts, A T-shirt and running shoes. That’s not a “military uniform of the United States of America”. I’ve never known of anyone being busted for failure to fall out for PT in PT gear but then I’ve never known anyone dumb enough not to do that either.

In the instance where someone is ordered to report in a blue U.N. helmet and armband the governing authority is the United Nations not the United States of America. Refusing to wear the designated uniform is not optional and ordering troops to wear it is a lawful order. Often U.N. units are under the command of a foreign officer. Refusing to wear the ordered uniform is no more legal than refusing to obey that officer. If the authority in your chain of command tells you to do something you’d best do it and it doesn’t matter if the uniform or the officer in charge is American or not. What matters is Chain of Command.

All of this falls in the realm of the Commander in Chief of the U.S. armed forces. Which is the President of the United States of America and he can issue any orders he likes within the bounds of the civil code and UCMJ.

If you refuse an order like that then the legality of the order is not in question and will not be allowed as a defense in your court martial. Which is what I suspect applies to the instance Susan referred to. The question at court martial is “Were you issued a lawful order and did you refuse to obey it?” not “Was the order you were issued lawful or not?” The question of the legality of the order will have been settled before you ever walk into the courtroom and will thus not be open to a challenge by the accused.

I don’t know about the other services but in the Navy and the Marine Corps you still have the right to “Request Mast”. It’s very unlikely doing so will be at all helpful to your case and your Request Mast will probably be denied if you are convicted at a court martial under the UCMJ.

You can also appeal the court’s findings within 5 days but that appeal does not go to a judge. It goes to the next higher in your chain of command. That person is bound by law to review the particulars in your case but is almost always going to side with the court martial. Military courts are subject to military law but military law is not like civilian law. There is no reasonable chance that any loopholes or legal tricks will change anything.

The Left fringe has found myriad ways to use our own system against us. They ignore our laws and traditions whenever it suits them and use those same laws and traditions against us whenever they stand to gain by doing so.

I’m so happy that this Senator Tuberville (which BTW translates to “potato town” for some odd reason) has found a way to fight back against that sort of thing — For now. Don’t be surprised when the Democrats in Congress realize they are being thwarted and pass some sort of legislation to nullify this veto of flag officers.

Yes, yes, yes, this requirement for unanimous consent in the Senate is in the Constitution. All that means under the present system is that the Democrats will find a way to nullify it and then try to use Constitutional Law to nullify the Republicans when they fight back. The Democrats ignore the Constitution seemingly at will when doing so benefits them.

The Constitution only means something when you hold sufficient power to enforce it. If it’s not enforced it’s a fine ‘ancient’ document that is only deserving of lip service. At the end of the day the U.S. Constitution is Law with a capital “L”. The Democrats have turned Law into a weapon to wield for their own political gains.

The only reason the Democrats are able to do this is that they have convinced at least two generations that they can vote for anything they want, lawful or not. This problem goes far deeper than the Democrats in Congress. It’s a matter of education, they have “educated” the American voting public that they can have anything they think they want if they simply vote for the right Democrats.

The only reason the Democrats are able to do this is that they have convinced at least two generations that they can vote for anything they want, lawful or not. 
they have also stopped teaching what is actually in the constitution.

Back in my day we had a semester of World History, a semester of U.S. History and a semester of U.S. Government in high school. You couldn’t graduate unless you got a passing grade in those subjects because you needed at least a passing acquaintance on those topics. I’m not married to a teacher like you are but I’d be willing to bet that none of those things are taught in any depth today.

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