The essential component to the Marxist strategy known as Critical Theory is the idea that while all manufactured grievance groups must attack the conservative middle, they must NEVER attack EACH OTHER. But now the Civil War between the LGB vs. TQ+ deepens significantly. Turns out that gay people don’t like being designated as ‘cis’ either. The difference between pushback from that community and the straight one is that they have high victimhood status. This is why the Progressive ‘philosophy’ is ultimately doomed: THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE TOP VICTIM and the competition for that coveted title grows ever more fierce.
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34 replies on “What About the ‘Cis Lesbians?’”
LOL The wolves have turned on each other! Fantastic! LOL However, I missed the part where a rift between the sickos and perverts translates into a blunted attack on decency. The Sunnis and Shia hate each other just fine, but that hasn’t seemed to have inhiited their Satanic war against the rest of the planet much. Likewise, just because our domestic sewer rats have gone further than our domestic mohammedans are willing to go, there’s zero evidence that their collective attitude toward our former “Christian” institutions. It’s more like a lactose intolerant person giving up chocolate ice cream but not vanilla.
I thought that when the Left promoted abortion up until delivery that it would all unravel. I didn’t. So any hope that this takes the idiocy down pales by comparison.
The insanity has reached the point where lesbian bars are getting harassed for not admitting “Trans women”. While I feel a little bit of sympathy for the LGBQWERTY crowd under assault by the tranny tyranny I’d ask why they weren’t speaking up when businesses were getting harassed, their owners’ children getting death threats, pushing this crap in schools, etc. Better late than never, but you reap what you sow. I’m looking forward to the first time they try to kidnap a Muslim child for mutilation
Scott’s unabashed laugher is the best part. We need to be laughing at this silliness.
Having a good bit of organic chemistry training in my past…….cis and trans isomers have a COMPLETELY different meaning. When the substituent groups are oriented in the same direction, the diastereomer is referred to as cis, whereas, when the substituents are oriented in opposing directions, the diastereomer is referred to as trans.
MUCH more clear to me!!!! LOL!
Saunders, I consider myself to be of reasonable intelligence. I was, at one time, an actual Rocket Scientist. I am saddened to say that I did not understand your post. Not your fault. you just used words which have no reference in my world. It is magnificent.
On a lighter note – I also played tenor sax, so hails Vexctron to you!
Relax I got it. Then again my background is Chemical Engineering. If you were to go deep into.things aerospace, I may or my not be able to really get what you are saying. Cis in this case means on the same side of a certain chemical bond, trans means opposite.
But…but…that’s weird Harry…I’m getting from the news that cis is the same AND trans is the same. Chemical bond interactions and human bond interactions seem to be at odds.
Kidding.., but not. And thanks for the explanation of Cis and Trans – chemically speaking.
I’m a Baritone sax player. Who knew we’d all be here?
Played Baritone as a Freshman but by Sophomore year my buddy Bucky wanted to switch so he took the Bari part and I switched to Tenor. I really wanted to be Clarence Clemons, or Richie Cannata, but didn’t want to work that hard. Rosalita and Scene’s from an Italian Restaurant are still two of my favorite songs. Jungleland was up there as well.
Two observations:
1) Isn’t it true that, like the Marines, once a Rocket Scientist, always a Rocket Scientist? (Just no longer actively shooting stars?)
B) Have any of you sax-y beasts seen the videos of Leo P of the New York street busker group Lucky Chops? He’s very good and fun on a baritone sax!
Haven’t heard of Lucky Chops, thanks for the reference. I will check them out.
Search for ‘Leo P’ also. He’s made a splash with some wicked solo work!
Having a Chemical Engineering background, I immediately think of cis and trans in chemical terms. Secondarily in geographical. As in cisand trans alpine Gaul. (And transatlantic flights. Note nobody says cisatlantic.)
Well, I think those who promote the T’s in the alphabet soup mix would rather only have a universe comprised of the T’s, which means we’d all live in a transverse that is orthogonal to reality.
Oooooo…. Use of orthogonal in a sentence. Third option in chemical bonds in a Chemical like xylene. You have cis, orthogonal and trans versions.
I’m impressed.
Love all you guys!!! LOL!! Lets go play some jazz!!
Man, the only instrument I played well was the trumpet. Don’t even have one know, and not on my list to go back to. (Good instrument for jazz though)
Now learning to play bagpipes is on my bucket list.
Not sure how that would work in jazz.
Maybe someday we could find out.😉
It’s pronounced “guy-no” like gynecologist…
The mental gymnastics that these immoral freaks employ are Olympian in nature, and the depths of their depravity have yet to be fully-explored. This is not the light at the end of the tunnel as Bill suggests; rather, Hell imagines a much worse fate for humanity, and too many humans are happy to oblige its agenda.
… and yet I am strangely encouraged when these idiots trip over their own ideology. This might be a trend I find hope in, or it might be the same phenomena as someone who goes to stock car races just to see the spectacular wrecks.
Well … there is that, and the spectacle goes well with buttered popcorn.
I suspect this is less like a train tunnel and more like a ponzi pyramid. It will keep going until it can’t.
The grievances that empower certain groups will run out as this is a zero sum game. There has to be a winner, which means there is a first loser. Since you don’t win or lose via merit, when you do lose it is because the -archy has put you down. First the men, then the white, then the straights, but as the “a conservative is a liberal mugged by reality” suggests, these people will be woken up when their own ox is gored. They might not join our side, but the infighting will weaken the political power the group has until it is more in line with the other political groups.
Then the marxists will find new divisions to sow and we’ll be back at square one.
Wow! That sounds as cynical (nihilistic?) as I often do. careful. That’s a dark road.
“That is who they are” comes to mind. The marxists do not care about the means, as the ends justify any in their minds. All they have is the will to power and if one path is blocked they will just find another.
I don’t think that’s particularly nihilistic as realistic as I do not predict success. Cynical maybe, or just an understanding of the enemy, that time marches forward, and the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
As Christians, we’ve done a terrible job at keeping morality a staple in this world. We turned our collective heads, largely because we didn’t want to offend anyone. Look where that’s led us to…
Yes, yes and YES!
Sorry, Brian, but as Christins we’ve done our best to keep Christ in our lives and spread His word. Teaching and speaking with kindness in our hearts is what we are encouraged to do. Conversion by force puts is in the same sinking boat as fundamental islamists – convert or die, and when you convert you are nothing but a slave to us who are originalists, a fourth class citizen I can do anything I want with/to.
It is today, and has always been since the time of Christ, for good people to suffer, to carry the weight. In the end God will judge us all. He will judge us on how we lived OUR lives, not how we lived other people’s lives. He does want us to spread knowledge of Him and His Word, but he also made those who go directly against Him. That is why He gave us free choice – so we can make our own beds.
Of course, and our best will never be good enough. And I never said forced conversion, nor would I.
Fact of the matter, the ENTIRE matter…we, as watchmen, messengers, teachers, servants, etc…are the reason sin is ramped today. The Bible even told us there’d be days like this…end of.
Too many keep their Faith a secret. Not doing as God instructs us to do…to go out and make disciples. To give reasons for our Faith…to be apologists.
But Mankind is broken and the cause of all our own tribulations. Hence, we dropped the ball…as God knew we would. That’s what I’m sayin’.
I’m always a bit off-put by people who include me in their “we” did so and so (blah, blah, blah).
I didn’t abandon morality, turn my head or any of those other things Brian is mentioning. I’m not a part of the collective “we” Brian includes himself in. So I don’t appreciate such broad brush strokes.
I’m not saying I’m totally innocent and never did anything wrong, everyone has sinned and all fall short of the Glory of God. I’m saying Brian has no right to include me, or you, in his accusations.
This “we” stuff is just empty Christian virtue signalling. As if by saying “we” did such and such that person is trying to make himself seem more virtuous. It has the opposite effect because in using “we” he has included, not excluded, himself in the crowd of evil doers.
Using “we” is a form of vain pride. He’s condemning you, and me, and everyone else all in one big lump. You and I didn’t try hard enough, according to Brian.
This is very Pharisaic and exactly the sort of thing that repels people from accepting The Word.
So far, the left is choosing to double down on this gender-denial fantasy instead of backing off. The quiet indoctrination of school children and subtle messaging was working until parents began to realize what was happening. They went too far. Now, Moms get it. Dads get it. Leave the kids alone.
This tiny minority squeals about victimhood, but are really just pathetic bullies. Now that normal folks are pushing back, the bullies are turning on each other. Let’s sit back and enjoy watching this implosion.
Personally, I do not care what people’s sexual practices are as long as they are not abusing Farm animals.
… or children, or women, or men, or domestic animals, or wild animals, …. My apologies for those last two, but the categories are endless.
Matt Walsh’s latest show begins talking about this. Worth watching.
Amy Schneider, who won tons of money on Jeopardy last year…
First of all, it took me less than five minutes to realize he is a guy.
Then sometime later I read, or heard somewhere that he was living with his girl friend. Wonderful, I thought. Now we have fake lesbians. How much further down the road of depravity can we travel?
Bill, I think wrong about two things.
First, It’s not complicated or confusing. It’s simple. It’s satanic, and they are bat guano crazy. Period.
Second, don’t expect Satan to lead the way out of hell. The best we can hope for is for the so called normal folks to wake up. I’m not holding my breath, because frankly, it should have happened a long time ago.
The only way out of this for people to turn to God. And by God I mean the God of the old, and new testaments; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We need a revival.