BW Member Blog

Where does NASA keep the Moon Rocks?

Destin of SmarterEveryDay visits the lab where all the moon rocks brought back by the Apollo missions are stored. Fascinating to see the euipment and attention to detail in this facility.

Bonus fact: Destin is an unashamed American patriot and has had SJW mob campaigns against him in the past, but he has prevailed and his channel still thrives. He’s one of the treasures of youtube. 

2 replies on “Where does NASA keep the Moon Rocks?”

Visited the Johnson Space Center once way back in the 90s. No planned tour or anything, my roommate and I had the day off and decided to go. It was kinda surreal. We drove onto the facility and just wandered around. The place was surprisingly empty and accessible. Got to wander into mission control. Some labs. The really sad visitors center. And on a pedestal, under plexi, was a moon rock.

Kinda neat.

Great video! Destin is another stand up guy who deserves everyone’s support. I know his YT is thriving but that can all change over night if someone decides they don’t like him. You nailed it by calling him “one of the treasures of You Tube”

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